
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Feb 12, 2014
    It’s a testament to how much Callahan has evolved that an album under his name can exist with his vocals largely absent. The productions have become as much of the imagery as his songwriting.
  2. 80
    At its best, on “Ride My Dub”, “Expanding Dub” and “Call It Dub”, the results offer snatched glimpses of the eternal in the fleeting moment. Even better than its parent album.
  3. Jan 21, 2014
    Though hardly essential for anyone but hardcore fans, it's a solid stab at the subgenre.
  4. Jan 23, 2014
    At its best, Have Fun With God works well as an experiment and as a listening puzzle to work through.
  5. Feb 7, 2014
    Even if Have Fun With God occasionally meanders or strips its source material back a little too far, its value lies in the way it extends the course of Dream River (which itself sounds like a continuation of Callahan's 2011 magnum opus, Apocalypse)
  6. Uncut
    Feb 3, 2014
    [The] mostly instrumental pieces point up the rich musical subtleties and contemplative mellowness of the originals. [Mar 2014, p.72]
  7. Jan 21, 2014
    It makes me want to evaporate the self and distill it just as Callahan distilled Dream River’s eight songs into these new amoeba-fluid, shape-shifting dub versions.
  8. 65
    The end result is an album sure to be a curiosity for fans but likely to be lost on everyone else.

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