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Half Mirror Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: The debut full-length release for Matthew O'Connell was completed in his North Carolina home.
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  • Record Label: Western Vinyl Records
  • Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Electronic, Alternative Singer/Songwriter, Indie Folk
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. 80
    Each track is married in evoking a similar sense of a vast misty landscape and hazy melancholic mornings, though the albums finale does this particularly well.
  2. Aug 16, 2021
    Where Chorusing excels, however, is on experimental-leaning tracks best represented here by "Watching the Beams" and "Billowing," which affect with a distorted mix of organic and inorganic textures alongside more of the album's melancholic folk song.
  3. Uncut
    Aug 16, 2021
    A spare and seductively lonesome pooling of bluesy folk and electronics that eschews "folktronica" and nods to Martyn, Hollis, Crosby and Jason Molina. [Sep 2021, p.25]
  4. Aug 16, 2021
    The momentum picks up a notch on “Whitewaterside,” in which O’Connell recounts standing in cold water, watching the ripples and admiring the quiet stillness of night. The stage is immediately set for a stark, reflective listening experience, with nature as a focus, rendered with zen-like clarity.
  5. Aug 16, 2021
    It’s a modest debut, and that’s the highest praise as O’Connell could ask for with an album this timid.