• Record Label: Barsuk
  • Release Date: Apr 21, 2017
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 27
  2. Negative: 2 out of 27
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  1. Aug 7, 2018
    Upon first hearing Guppy, I was appalled. The ultra-high-pitched vocals, weird lyrics, and screaming rock music sounded annoying and very off-putting at first. Now, it's grown on me a little, but I still don't really like it. The lyrics are problematic for their randomness and sheer ridiculousness on a few songs. "Black Hole" - "toe in the corn-hole, bleeding out in a snow cone" - and "DQ"Upon first hearing Guppy, I was appalled. The ultra-high-pitched vocals, weird lyrics, and screaming rock music sounded annoying and very off-putting at first. Now, it's grown on me a little, but I still don't really like it. The lyrics are problematic for their randomness and sheer ridiculousness on a few songs. "Black Hole" - "toe in the corn-hole, bleeding out in a snow cone" - and "DQ" - "I peed the trampoline" - turn me off with their strange, random, off-putting lyrics.

    I don't love the lead singer's surprising, original voice, but I can't deny that it gives Guppy a bit of charm.

    As for the music; it works. It's head-banging, get-hyped rock music that sounds pretty good. The problem with the production on this album is that every song sounds nearly identical; it needs some musical diversity and variety.

    Guppy is a very overrated power-pop album. When all is said and done, it does sound good, but the offbeat, wacky lyrics and repetitive music deep me from calling it great or even all that good. It's serviceable; it works. It's not a masterpiece.
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Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. 70
    Guppy as a debut does have room for growth but it's a distinct statement that matches the highs that Hendricks hits and the ambitions of a band whose cult following surely expanded this year.
  2. Apr 28, 2017
    Guppy lures you in with fine-crafted honey, before blindsiding you with a sudden downpour of vinegar (or piss, take your pick). This is why they call it “power pop.”
  3. Apr 26, 2017
    Guppy is a special release. It has powers: the power to transport you back to some of your most formative experiences, but also the power to let you know that you’re nowhere near done having them yet.