• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Oct 6, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. All 14 tracks come together to make the most consistent collection from Barlow in a long time, or even ever. It might lack the schizophrenic whims of the best Sebadoh records, and he may go for consistency here over any clear-cut standouts, but there’s something to be said for a record that glides along this well.
  2. Under The Radar
    Barlow's content in his own skin now, and he captures this stability with grace and poignancy throughout Goodnight Unknown. [Fall 2009, p.56]
  3. Q Magazine
    This eclectic follow-up finds him embracing the diversity that made Sebadoh so exciting in the '90s.[ Nov 2009, p.101]
  4. Mojo
    There's a kernal of quality to Goodnight Unknown that renders Barlow's obsessive self-absorption palatable. [Nov 2009, p.102]
  5. Uncut
    But though folky numbers like "I'm Thinking" are obviously heartfelt, there's sadly little on Goodnight Unknown that matches the glory of Barlow's best work. [Nov 2009, p.81]

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