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  1. Nov 20, 2020
    the versatility just isn’t there. don’t rock me to sleep, one of the very few versatile tracks just so happens to be awful
  2. Nov 21, 2020
    Only one good song the rest are trash. Don’t recommend listening. Very rushed filler album
  3. Nov 22, 2020
    this is so bad I don't recommend everything is about sex especially the title track with that moaning!! people can't listen to that song with their family.
  4. Nov 20, 2020
    Repetitive cr*p, just like her friend Card*o.
    Nicki Minaj queen of rap Purrrrr.
  5. Nov 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Asco de álbum, traicionaste a Nicki al colaborar con la Payolera, pasaras la IOP Expand
  6. Nov 22, 2020
    If you enjoy predictable topics and degenerative lyrics then you'll probably like this. Money, sex and clothes on repeat. The people who own these music labels want artist like this to continue to dumb down society which is odd to me.
  7. Nov 20, 2020
    No aporta nada nuevo al género, la misma basura vulgar, mediocre y repetitiva.
  8. Nov 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love Megan but this was absolutely horrible and messy so disappointment one of the worst albums I’ve ever heard Expand
  9. Nov 20, 2020
    it wasn’t a good album. almost every song sounded the same and it was extremely annoying. this women needs to either find a way to make new music that acctually sounds good and isn’t just a suga pt2 or quit
  10. Nov 20, 2020
    Lo mismo de siempre, el mismo flow, las mismas letras y el mismo sonido, no queda duda que ninguna rapera que se aparezca podra ser mejor que NIcki Minaj, buen intento megan pero miss maraj sigue en la cima
  11. Nov 20, 2020
    i thought fever was her debut album, it was really good but apparently it was a mixtape. this album was alright!!
  12. Nov 20, 2020
    Is she trying to have her invasion of privacy moment? she should at least be more versatile when it comes to express her feelings, I was expecting a song like be careful and received that trash singing. The only good song it savage and the one with Sza. Fever was better.
  13. Nov 20, 2020
    Sorry, but with the amount of high quality writers, production, budget... this aint it. I was a fan but im starting to think her mother helped her with her early work like Tina Snow and Fever. She did no press, project feels rushed, forced fed. Maybe shes just trying to get projects out to finish her contract. Hopefully she will progress in the future. But this does nothing for me in termsSorry, but with the amount of high quality writers, production, budget... this aint it. I was a fan but im starting to think her mother helped her with her early work like Tina Snow and Fever. She did no press, project feels rushed, forced fed. Maybe shes just trying to get projects out to finish her contract. Hopefully she will progress in the future. But this does nothing for me in terms of women/sex empowerment or even good listening in a time of civil unrest and pandemic lol Expand
  14. Nov 20, 2020
    I really am disappointed in this album. There was no anticipation built and it was rushed. She didn’t push it like she and her team should have. She didn’t promote it like she should’ve. Nor her label. The budget seemed very low. Everything, including her photos, and songs were all repetitive. No diversity once so ever. No shock value.
  15. Nov 20, 2020
    Wow the most uncreative, repetitive, empty and talentless album I’ve heard so far for this year. She really took her time to regurgitate this hot garbage at our face with all these reviews and critics all over her nuts not giving a damn about the actual music but screaming “She’s innocent, album’s fire” Wow journalism really has fell off smh
  16. Nov 20, 2020
    A very Mehh album that sounds like wap, it has very good verses but they are repetitive Money, **** there is no creativity, and the rhythms do not fit into the verses , I expected more
  17. Nov 20, 2020
    Horrible cardi es la reina del rap megan a copycat estas intentando temer un invasion of privacy
  18. Nov 20, 2020
    It was rush and unnecessary she need to learn how to switch flows and rap about something else other than ran through
  19. Nov 20, 2020
    It was ok, but I expected more because it's her debut album. The songs sound the same. Her Eps and mixtapes were better
  20. Nov 20, 2020
    Cardi B's Invasion Of Art is way better than this trash full of **** Megan Thee Horse can't have better Score than rap goddess Belcalis Almanzar.
  21. Nov 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. .The album sounds like Wap on repeat, really this is not a great album, although the only thing that saves it is Savage but from there on out the album is the worst rap album making it clear that it will be one more fad. Expand
  22. Nov 20, 2020
    Another mediocre hip hop/rap album about nudity and money! Eehhh what can I say.... a bad album
  23. Nov 20, 2020
    Hot Garbage. Nothing new at all. Same old tired flow and lyrics. She should have tried to change it up a little bit
  24. Nov 20, 2020
    Still no versatility or creativity. Alter Egos are forced here, trying to fit in with what Nicki Minaj and Lil'Kim did SUCCESSFULLY on their albums, with Nicki having more success with alter egos respectively. She claims alter egos are here but... they all sound like Meg. None are distinguishable from another. Alter-Egos aren't about the lyrical content-they are about the changes from oneStill no versatility or creativity. Alter Egos are forced here, trying to fit in with what Nicki Minaj and Lil'Kim did SUCCESSFULLY on their albums, with Nicki having more success with alter egos respectively. She claims alter egos are here but... they all sound like Meg. None are distinguishable from another. Alter-Egos aren't about the lyrical content-they are about the changes from one persona to another. If they all sound the same, there isn't any purpose in creating one is there?? Very repetitive and annoying at most. I think she bloated herself by adding "Suga" as a persona. Tina Snow was well enough. Expand
  25. Nov 21, 2020
    Very underwhelming compared to her previous albu- i mean mixtapes. everything felt the same, no growth or her changing topics of conversation.
  26. Apr 21, 2021
    This album is literally so bad, there are few good tracks on it, i only like don’t stop, girls in the hood and savage remix... really expected more!
  27. Dec 13, 2020
    MehGan shows her talent... Which means that the album is pretty trash!... Every song is boring!
  28. Nov 23, 2020
    this album was very poorly put together for all the resources she has access to it. Is no one going to talk about how poorly the mastering was on most of the tracks??? Lord have mercy. I don’t think Megan has enough honest people in her circle.
    She will never be a crossover artist. You can’t mainly talk about s*x on almost every single song and expect to be a crossover artist. You can’t
    this album was very poorly put together for all the resources she has access to it. Is no one going to talk about how poorly the mastering was on most of the tracks??? Lord have mercy. I don’t think Megan has enough honest people in her circle.
    She will never be a crossover artist. You can’t mainly talk about s*x on almost every single song and expect to be a crossover artist. You can’t have a curse word in every line and expect to be a crossover artist. And most of all, if you don’t have the ability to consistently make catchy hooks, change up your cadence, switch flows and tone, etc all your songs are going to sound the same and you WONT cross over.
    Megan is a lost cause and peaked as an artist with Tina Snow
  29. Nov 21, 2020
    tô ouvindo ainda, depois volto akii e mudo minas escolha mas parabéns Megan
  30. Mar 16, 2021
    This album isn't worth the listen. Everything is bad produced, unoriginal and te lyrics talk only about, well, you know...
    This album was made just for the hype. It isn't good and even the featurings don't carry the album.
    Not worth the hype, the wait and the listen.
  31. Nov 29, 2020
    This album lacks depth. Beats are generic, bars are subpar. She's gone through so much only to have nothing to talk about besides sex, violence, and pure stupidity. It's crazy how high this review is compared to other rappers who have made REAL albums that will be talked about in decades on.
  32. Nov 20, 2020
    an amazing debut album that definitely lived up to the hype. I enjoyed every song
  33. Nov 20, 2020
    Good álbum, but hay mejores álbumes y nos pude haber dado más, ella es buena en ésto, de verdad es una excelente rapera y me encanta ver qué poco a poco va creciendo
  34. Nov 21, 2020
    it's a terrible album! very mediocre! doesn't bring nothing to the table! every songs sounds the same and the most of the features are trash!
  35. Nov 21, 2020
    She brought nothing new to the table with this album. It just sounds like the rest of her music. She talks about the same subjects and I would like to see more from her considering her potential. Overall, this album is not worth the listen.
  36. Nov 20, 2020
    hot girl meg is a good & unproblematic girl from Hudston who has had bad proclivity of mixing up with wrong crowd. let me start by saying men and women are entitled to embrace their sexuality freely and in whatever way they feel like. from a debut album of an artist who claims to be a writer of their music, who has been through alot & forefront of heating toppics before the kickstart ofhot girl meg is a good & unproblematic girl from Hudston who has had bad proclivity of mixing up with wrong crowd. let me start by saying men and women are entitled to embrace their sexuality freely and in whatever way they feel like. from a debut album of an artist who claims to be a writer of their music, who has been through alot & forefront of heating toppics before the kickstart of their career discography I'm expecting them to reflect on the journey of finding their true purpose, battling to get recognition in the music scene, the ability to fit in and her being pit against with other fellow rappers. megan thee stallion tragically lost her mom before the prominance of her career, had unfortunately split with her record label at the beg of year, allegedly got shot in the foot by tory lanez, lost a long time best friend and constantly got criticized for versatility. i am giving this album an aggregate rating of 3/10 bc i was expecting the theme of album to be a moment of clarity, setting the record straight and not rap about being a nonchallant bad **** we hear about all the time. Expand
  37. Jun 26, 2021
    horrível do começo ao fim parece uma música de muito minutos lixo sonoro pensa num negócio ruim
  38. Nov 27, 2020
    Same flow in every song
    Every song sound the same
    As bad as cardi b Sorry not sorry
  39. Nov 20, 2020
    Very Repetitive. No type of versatility what’s so ever, all she does is rap about her Vagina. Cardi’s debut album was better and I don’t even like Cardi :/
  40. Nov 20, 2020
    Megan thee stallion constantly inability to switch up her can dance and style of rapping has resulted to her album sounding horrible.this is her worst project to date
  41. Nov 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album is bad all of the song sounds the same and she needs to find a new flow and she can’t sing Expand
  42. Nov 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Hot Garbage. Nothing new. The same old flow and tired letters. She should have tried to change it a little Expand
  43. Nov 21, 2020
    it's the worst and most boring album I've listened to in my life. She doesn't got anything that makes a rapper. She doesn't have bars, punchlines nor the metaphors. Her flow doesn't change throughout the album which makes it boring. Her singing skills are horrible, she shouldn't do this again. That album is really basic and she's basic herself. If i have only two words to describe thisit's the worst and most boring album I've listened to in my life. She doesn't got anything that makes a rapper. She doesn't have bars, punchlines nor the metaphors. Her flow doesn't change throughout the album which makes it boring. Her singing skills are horrible, she shouldn't do this again. That album is really basic and she's basic herself. If i have only two words to describe this album, they will be "Absolutely Trash". Expand
  44. C03
    Nov 21, 2020
    Underwhelming, not her best project it didn’t give what it was supposed to gave
  45. Nov 21, 2020
    This doesn’t even feel like Megan’s “debut album”. She has had countless “debut releases” such as Fever and SUGA. I won’t be surprised that when this “album” flops she won’t call it an EP or mixtape like she usually does. The songs are all repetitive, nothing new nothing changed. The most boring release of 2020.
  46. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It’s the same old meg doing the same ish she does. I expected different omg Expand
  47. Nov 21, 2020
    It’s trash i expected better from her. But I like shots fired f u c k Tory
  48. Nov 21, 2020
    messy n boring. the beats are botched and her voice sounds annoying, most songs are quick burn out singles and it lacks creativity.
  49. Nov 21, 2020
    I just don't like it, I expected more from the album but I hope you keep making music I admire your work
  50. Nov 21, 2020
    Probably one of the worst rap albums released in the past couple years. Megan's lack of versatility in her flow, delivery and lyrical content has been a constant source of criticism of her work for years. In this album, she does try new things, but I think I finally understood why she never branched out into different sounds before — because she is not capable of doing so. Her singingProbably one of the worst rap albums released in the past couple years. Megan's lack of versatility in her flow, delivery and lyrical content has been a constant source of criticism of her work for years. In this album, she does try new things, but I think I finally understood why she never branched out into different sounds before — because she is not capable of doing so. Her singing voice is as atrocious as a singing voice can be, as she displays in Don't Rock Me To Sleep, which is up there with the worst songs I've ever heard. The production is boring, the lyrical content is repetitive and unremarkable, the delivery is subpar. Nothing about this record was good. Expand
  51. Nov 21, 2020
    I really thought she was gonna come up with smtn new and dnt but she didn't this album is TRASH she always sounds the same nothing new and i think she missed a big chance to prove errybody wrong
  52. Nov 22, 2020
    All of the tracks are very repetitive and lack lyrical prowess as well as depth.
  53. Nov 23, 2020
    Not a good album to me and her music sounds the same too me and no new Meg too me
  54. Nov 23, 2020
    The first song is pretty good and samples a well known Biggie song. After that the album falls short for me. I really expected more from Megan due to the mixtapes and more. I am happy she experimented with different sounds but I think that her rapping style (flow and lyricism) haven’t really changed much. She has some brief moments on the album where I enjoy her flow. For example,The first song is pretty good and samples a well known Biggie song. After that the album falls short for me. I really expected more from Megan due to the mixtapes and more. I am happy she experimented with different sounds but I think that her rapping style (flow and lyricism) haven’t really changed much. She has some brief moments on the album where I enjoy her flow. For example, “Body” has great verses but the chorus of the song is annoyingly repetitive. Personally, I feel like this is the weakest track on the album.

    I hope Meg continues to experiment more with her sound but I really would like to see her try different flow, voices, and rap styles. She seems to be “Meg the One Trick Pony” rather than the Stallion for me. I still feel like Meg hasn’t really found her sound either and this album is basically a way for her to throw some sounds out and see what fans like. Lastly, a pro of this album is the amount of tracks. The album has 17 tracks. My three personal favorites are “Shots Fired” “Movie” and “Freaky Girls.” I also feel like Hip Hop albums in general (for men and women) have a lower standard than pop albums. They tend to be less personal and more club dance (if that makes sense). I would love to see Megan get more personal like she did on “Shots Fired” for future music. Overall, not a terrible album but definitely on the low end. Probably will skip most of the songs.
  55. Nov 23, 2020
    Not loving the direction her creative work is heading. Sounds like all her other work and seems like and album full of filler songs. Only stand out track is Body; which is better suited for tiktok.
  56. Nov 24, 2020
    A very basic boring album in attempt to make catchy tik tok songs. Hopefully her next album is better as this was extremely disappointing.
  57. Nov 25, 2020
    A snooze of an album with no direction that attempts to be guided by a personality rather than a real artist. It'll win awards and be lauded in the press for political motivations. But, don't be fooled everyone - this is a horrible hip-hob album.
  58. Nov 26, 2020
  59. Nov 27, 2020
    the album is so horrible - there is one song which is average (Shots Fired) and even that is bad. she has no bars, her lyrics are all recycled and she doesn’t stray from her typical one flow. an all round disgusting album, there’s a reason it couldn’t crack 8k pure sales.
  60. Nov 27, 2020
    The weakest project Megan has released thus far. Some of the most mediocre lyrics and a poor attempt to create rap songs that will be attractive for top 40 radio.
  61. RK3
    Nov 30, 2020
    boring. everything sounds the same. I’m not a fan at all. this album has lots of cool features but the songs weren’t my favorite.
  62. Apr 25, 2021
    It’s unfortunate that she can’t use more than one flow. She uses one flow in almost every song. Also confused why it’s critically acclaimed. 85? Disappointing when The Pink Print by Nicki Minaj should be the highest rated. weird..
  63. Jun 25, 2021
    not good, lyrics are mid, bars weak, the song she tried singing on was a horrible autotune mess. this album was made for tik tok and has no good substance or music quality
  64. Jun 25, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I was hoping for something better for her debut, I don't know, she reinvents, it's just her raiding without sounds or something special Expand
  65. Jun 26, 2021
    It was kind of me. I don't get why the critics reviewed it so highly & the people who actually matter (the listeners) scored it otherwise. No versatility in her flows or lyrical content. She can do better.
  66. Aug 12, 2022
    This project is completely ironic. Megan raps about feminism, black women, female empowerment, etc. Then, she calls lots of women h**s, b*tches and other insults. Why? Just, why?

Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Dec 1, 2020
    The crisp production makes this feel like a well-thought-out and intentional release, rather than a rushed cash-grab. However, it’s this poise that makes Good News exactly that: good. When held up to past releases like Tina Snow and Fever, Megan’s larger-than-life personality over the Dirty South production she is most familiar with is not showcased to its full potential.
  2. Nov 30, 2020
    When Megan moves away from her standard lyrical fare, perpetuating her beef with Tory Lanez on opening track Shots Fired or penning the poppy tune Don’t Rock Me To Sleep, the results are some of the best moments on the album, and if these aspects of her style had been explored some more it could have made for a more diverse LP, but Good News is still chock-full of catchy hooks, stellar verses and feisty attitude.
  3. Nov 25, 2020
    “Good News” proves Megan’s prodigious talent, but it also suggests that, with a bit more digging, this gem could emit an even more prismatic shine.