
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Alternative Press
    Coheed's fourth album simply doesn't deliver on the suspense that's been loaded into it. [Nov 2007, p.155]
  2. 70
    Coheed have found their sweet spot.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    C&C infuse their expansive music with enough grit and melody that you don't give a hoot what, say, 'The Hound (Of Blood And Rank)' is about. [26 Oct 2007, p.67]
  4. Coheed and Cambria are almost too smart and ambitious for their own good--not enough, however, to cancel out the instrumental highs and car-radio-chorus charge of the best songs on their fourth album.
  5. the album is simple ear candy for those who haven't studied the band's previous releases, and sweet resolution for those who can spot the references to older songs (specifically 'Blood Red Summer') and former riffs ('The Crowing').
  6. No World For Tomorrow is Coheed doing what they do best; writing an excellent album, where the songs combine for a bigger effect together than they do individually.
  7. Tomorrow isn't a shoddy version of what Coheed has always done, but at this point, it could have been far more inspired.
  8. Coheed have picked up more prog nuances so it fits that this, the last in the sequence, is their most ambitious yet, best embodied in the eight-minute 'The End Complete.'
  9. Q Magazine
    The New Yorkers' fourth album is grounded in frontman Claudio Sanchez's personal life, making it accessible and hugely appealing. [Nov 2007, p.137]
  10. Spin
    No World For Tomorrow should ensure that 21-year-old dudes in women's jeans will gooble up reissues of "2112" for years to come. [Nov 2007, p.116]
  11. Overall, the songs are weaker than before--too many feel cheesy, bland, half-baked.
  12. The disc sticks reliably to the formula that found them their rotation on radio, trading fluid and flashy runs from guitarist Travis Stever with Claudio Sanchez’s contagious storyteller swoon.
  13. Coheed and Cambria's first three outings were smart, adventurous affairs that didn't eschew accessibility and No World for Tomorrow proves no exception.
  14. The aggression is still there, now tempered with lighter numbers like Feathers, but the whole thing still reeks of comic nerd sci-fi awesomeness.
  15. Mojo
    There's even hit-single potential--'Feathers' is unabashed radio-rock--that could make this weird bunch into the biggest cult band in the world. [Dec 2007, p.109]
  16. Based on the music alone, No World For Tomorrow, like all their work, is a phenomenal accomplishment and remarkable introduction of Progressive Rock into the mainstream cannon.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 125 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 86 out of 125
  2. Negative: 33 out of 125
  1. Nov 17, 2011
    It proves how much a band can evolve when you are on your 4th album and it sounds nothing like your previous works. While the new sound doesIt proves how much a band can evolve when you are on your 4th album and it sounds nothing like your previous works. While the new sound does benifit the band in some ways, There are simply not enough good tracks to make this album good Full Review »
  2. Apr 11, 2011
    Absolutely amazing. Claudio's vocals are just incredible, and Mic and Travis do great on bass and guitar. Taylor Hawkins does great as aAbsolutely amazing. Claudio's vocals are just incredible, and Mic and Travis do great on bass and guitar. Taylor Hawkins does great as a fill-in for Chris Pennie. Songs mix radio rock like Feathers with hardcore like The Hound. A fine album, and the second best they've made in my opinion. Full Review »
  3. Oct 5, 2018
    The first half of the album I really enjoyed, The second half not so much. It's still a solid album and definitely one of their better onesThe first half of the album I really enjoyed, The second half not so much. It's still a solid album and definitely one of their better ones but after the first Burning Star album, There was a lot to live up to and they still delivered but not as high as the original. Full Review »