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Golden Pollen Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: This latest release for Scott Herren's Catalan- and tropicalia-themed Prefuse 73 side project is basically a Herren solo record, with the producer even singing on a number of tracks. Other vocalists include Mia Doi Todd and Jose Gonzalez.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Songs cascade along in loping forward motion, as prone to lushly orchestrated decomposition ("Apnea Obstructiva," "Te Amo...Por Que Me Odias") and succulent adagio ("Faltamos Palabras," "Olhas") as they are to the simple, charismatic sense of melody that propelled S&S.
  2. There's a delicateness to Golden Pollen, in the double- and triple-tracked vocals, the soft instrumentation.
  3. Herren has created an album that manages to be both uniquely experimental and deeply personal, insular yet wide-open—one that derives great strength from what it doesn’t try to do.
  4. The misstep here is that it all sounds too safe - rarely does he deviate from the sweet, melodious splendor of previous S&S discs.
  5. Alternative Press
    It's the type of record you rock before bedtime, and that by no means is an insult. [Jul 2007, p.184]
  6. Billboard
    At its best, "Golden Pollen" is graceful, intricately planned and divinely produced.... On occasion though, the set can be downright boring. [23 Jun 2007]
  7. Q Magazine
    It's very easy on the ear, but, as on the Jose Gonzalez collaboration Estrella De Dos Caras, it needs focus. [Sep 2007, p.99]

See all 11 Critic Reviews