• Record Label: XL
  • Release Date: Apr 6, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Mojo
    While the rest of Sigur Ros make babies, their singer creates too. [May 2010, p. 96]
  2. Several perfectly agreeable songs are unexpectedly hijacked by a cacophonous onslaught of instruments, with Finnish percussionist Samuli Kosminen setting the furious pace.
  3. It's not quite enough to hold Go together as a pop record though, giving other tracks such as the more outre Kolnidur a feeling that they don't quite belong here. But, speckled with occasional bits of loveliness, it's an eminently listenable set.
  4. The album's biggest flaw is that Jonsi's opted to sing in English. Sure, we can now understand his lyrics, but hearing about people riding bikes, making out and just gallivanting about derails the experience.
  5. While Go occasionally possesses the scope of IMAX (and Sigur Ros), it never develops the depth or grandeur.
  6. Q Magazine
    Turns out that melancholy is his band's key constiturnt, however for without it the result is a bit too sugary. [Apr 2010, p.112]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 51 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 45 out of 51
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 51
  3. Negative: 6 out of 51
  1. Oct 15, 2010
    This is one of my favorite albums of the year. Music arrangement and recordings sound amazing, so many layers. Great soundscapes painted inThis is one of my favorite albums of the year. Music arrangement and recordings sound amazing, so many layers. Great soundscapes painted in your mind by Jonsi. The low points for me were the extreme slow down in pass from the start of the album till the end. The album opens with such excitement and promises. It then slows down and never really recovers to that original energy felt in the first two tracks. Nearing the end of the album I became increasingly aware of the same vocal patterns in Jonsi's lyrics. Hold high notes on "Ooo" and "You" etc. and was just looking for something new.

    This is easily one of favorite albums of the year, but don't feel like giving it a ten because of some of the low points.
    Full Review »
  2. Sep 16, 2010
    This has quickly become one of my favorite albums of all time. My favorite tracks are "Go Do", "Tornado", "Sinking Friendships", "Kolnidur"This has quickly become one of my favorite albums of all time. My favorite tracks are "Go Do", "Tornado", "Sinking Friendships", "Kolnidur" and "Grow Till Tall" but there isn't one bad song on the entire album.

    Jonsi is a modern musical genius and everyone should give him a listen.
    Full Review »
  3. TimmyB
    Apr 15, 2010
    Simply put: everything Jonsi touches musically turns into gold. Dazzling and captivating, complex and serene, and unique. I started listening Simply put: everything Jonsi touches musically turns into gold. Dazzling and captivating, complex and serene, and unique. I started listening to Sigur Ros after reading the reviews on here for their album "Takk..."; subsequently, I love every album and now they are rivaling Radiohead for my favorite band. If you have an open mind musically and enjoy ambient elements in tunes, you should listen to this band and artist. It may take time to grow on you, but when it does, it's stellar. Their music (and Jonsi's with this solo effort) is so dynamic and takes you to "another place" when listening. Full Review »