• Record Label: SonyBMG
  • Release Date: Jan 6, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Praise indeed but then these hard-nosed softies are unique and this, make no mistake, is their "Definitely Maybe," the quintessential noise-pop set of the modern age.
  2. They're too good to be true and plain as the nose on your face.
  3. So believe it: this is the real thing, no-one’s crying wolf, not even Alan McGee.
  4. It's a gut punch of a debut, and one that makes you believe Glasvegas are one of those rare, rare bands who might just have that perfect record in them.
  5. Right now, I can’t think of a better album to listen to after having a shitty day. Glasvegas is a masterpiece of modern miscreant malaise.
  6. There are definitely failings and shortcomings on display here, but they're substantially outweighed by moments when Glasvegas hit their target with a force that makes you believe they might well survive the more outrageous claims being made on their behalf.
  7. Q Magazine
    There's much here to justify Alan McGee's awe. [Oct 2008, p.148]
  8. Mojo
    They confidently harness the emotion-sapping melodramas of the '60s girl group. [Oct 2008, p.108]
  9. From the grim and gritty depths of east Glasgow, Glasvegas tout a sure-to-be-huge mix of ragged emotion and vintage vibrations straight out of the Phil Spector playbook.
  10. This debut is mostly a collection of re-recorded singles so there aren’t any filler tracks. Excellent find, McGee.
  11. The album’s a bit of a fluke, no question, but it’s also an absolute gem.
  12. 80
    Glasgow quartet Glasvegas are a product of this world--frontman James Allen is even a former semipro footballer--and their remarkable debut gives voice to its fears, frustrations, and heartaches without succumbing to its cliches.
  13. Thanks to a certain screw-it attitude and massive, enveloping soundscapes, Glasvegas is a deeply engrossing and relentlessly catchy introduction to a group that's hyped enough in Britain to have already generated plenty of backlash.
  14. It's that mix of sad-sack circumstances and cautious optimism that makes the Scottish quartet's debut such a rich exercise in self-aware spleen-venting.
  15. Glasvegas maybe won't change lives but with its rich indie wall-of-sound nostalgia trip, it should get a few kids delving through their influences and forming space-rock bands.
  16. Under The Radar
    Marrying candidly introspective lyrics with an expansive, stadium-filling soundscape of shimmering guitars and crashing drums, Glasvegas must certainly rank as one of the debut albums of the year. [Year End 2008]
  17. Glasvegas create wall-of-distortion melodrama that draws on the Jesus and Mary Chain, Sixties girl groups and the Velvet Underground's rain-dance pulse. It makes for a compelling blend of grays--lit by singer James Allan's high, bright hurrahs.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 58 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 45 out of 58
  2. Negative: 8 out of 58
  1. KymP.
    Jan 7, 2009
    Musically, it's not too bad. It has some catchy, well fleshed out hooks and reasonable song progression. But, just as Jay K mentioned, Musically, it's not too bad. It has some catchy, well fleshed out hooks and reasonable song progression. But, just as Jay K mentioned, the lyrics are atrocious. Daddy's Gone is indeed, juvenile...but listening to the track 'Stabbed' is simply painful. Also, the multiple quoting of known rhymes or pop references "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..", "Liar liar pants on fire" "What's the story, morning glory" etc is sickening. Ugh. Full Review »
  2. Jan 11, 2012
    I think this record and this band are over rated big time. While it's not a bad record, and it does have some good stuff on it, I'm not sure II think this record and this band are over rated big time. While it's not a bad record, and it does have some good stuff on it, I'm not sure I agree with the acclaim it got. It get's a bit repetitive after a while and the vocals get old pretty quick. Geraldine is a good song and the standout track for me, the rest of it kind of blends in together. Full Review »
  3. JoeyD
    Apr 7, 2009
    Best U2 cover band I've heard in a while!