
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. A stunning shot of muscular, melodic rock.
  2. Spin
    A set of punchy roots pop whose backbeat thumps as hard as her still-wounded heart. [Jul 2006, p.86]
  3. In an era of bloated and overproduced albums, Moorer has delivered a small wonder with Getting Somewhere, and it ranks with her best music to date.
  4. Entertainment Weekly
    Moorer's understated voice doesn't always rise to the arrangements. [16 Jun 2006, p.77]
  5. For all of the music's surface catchiness, the writing is some of Moorer's deepest to date.
  6. While The Duel was notable for its forays into blues-rock, Getting Somewhere features several songs crafted in the mold of classic pop, the kind made by the Byrds, Tom Petty, and the Pretenders--heavy on melody and hooks.
  7. Uncut
    Her keenest yet. [Jul 2006, p.108]
  8. Paste Magazine
    Moorer's most muscularly produced and pointedly written release. [Aug 2006, p.87]
  9. Getting Somewhere is the first of her albums that not even her vocals can save.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. IliaC
    Jun 26, 2006
    I became a fan of Allison's with " Miss Fortune". To me, this is her best work since that great record. My favorite track on the CD I became a fan of Allison's with " Miss Fortune". To me, this is her best work since that great record. My favorite track on the CD would have to be "Where You Are" - simply fantastic! Keep up the great writing Allison - you just keep getting better. Full Review »
  2. mikes.
    Jun 26, 2006
    great country/pop rock album, pleasant listen, steve earle's has become a great producer and the the songwriting is great.
  3. annem
    Jun 25, 2006
    Allison in a new direction.A fresh sound.