
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Mojo
    Apr 2, 2018
    Can't deny his range (hip-hop, disco, acoustic picking) or songwriting, but voice and lyrics lack depth. [May 2018, p.98]
  2. Apr 2, 2018
    This festival-friendly record attempts to turn Tom Misch (whether intended or not) from a producer and guitar-player into a pop star. It hasn’t quite paid off.
  3. Apr 12, 2018
    For the most part, regrettably, Geography only showcases a producer out of his depth behind the mic.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 22
  2. Negative: 2 out of 22
  1. Dec 14, 2018
    Brilliant album, the music is groovy and warm. You will keep this album on repeat :)
  2. May 11, 2018
    Being a fan of Tom Misch's previous work, I was delighted to find out about Geography back in early February and was instantly aboard the hypeBeing a fan of Tom Misch's previous work, I was delighted to find out about Geography back in early February and was instantly aboard the hype train from that point on.

    The opening song is strong, something that shows what is more to come, displaying his true chillout vibes of snare drums and guitar riffs that flow throughout the song.
    South of the River is the first song that truly shows Misch's ability to step outside of his artistical barrier and produce a song that shows what he is really made of. His voice is also a great addition as it works in unison and flows perfectly.
    Movie was the debut single of the album, which, an extremely relaxing song, feels like it has more to offer. Nonetheless, Misch's catchy instruments and voice will surely get you hooked on the song when you first listen to it.
    Tick Tock, Disco Yes, You're on my Mind and We've come so far are beautifully constructed songs that shouldn't be missed when listening. Misch really shines using either instruments to convey a feeling or his voice.
    Leaving the best till last, and a surprise at that one was Waterbaby.
    When I first heard this song, I instantly got a chill up my spine. Sampled from The Crusaders' My lady, or famously known for being sampled in Trickski's Beginnings, which was featured on Grand Theft Auto V, Waterbaby was on constant replay for me. Loyle Carner's verse's don't seem out of place next to Tom Misch, which is pleasant because it makes for good listening when Misch has his own instruments sampled among the song.

    Overall. this is a fantastic album to throw on a record player or after a stressful day. Misch has really excelled with this album, and hopefully, with his next one album, it'll either match or being 10x better, which I know Tom Misch has the ability to do.
    Full Review »
  3. Apr 11, 2018
    I have been listening to his music since his beginings, the same situation as with John Mayer. And I know he is a lot inspired by him. And ofI have been listening to his music since his beginings, the same situation as with John Mayer. And I know he is a lot inspired by him. And of course by J Dilla. This is what these two men have done to him. Beautiful music, very mature for his age. The guitar playing? Awesome, developing his own technique and what is more important - sound. His sound is just incredibly smooth. My only negative remark is the violin. The "riffs" are too repetative.HIghlights: Before Paris (the guitar part is very exciting), Lost in Paris (just Mischy), South of the River (already classic), Movie (finally the emotions going more to the front), Isn't she lovely (the technique song - very demanding), Disco Yes (what do you want more to dance), Water Baby (Loyle just rules), You're on my mind (Claptonish), We've come so far (a promise for a new album). Full Review »