
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. May 9, 2016
    At its wildest moments, this synthesized Gensho sounds like the universe throwing up in its own mouth.
  2. Magnet
    Apr 15, 2016
    Gensho makes obvious how much each act enhances the other. [No. 130, p.53]
  3. Mar 25, 2016
    Merzbow’s creations add a new dimension to Boris’ material, so the whole thing sounds apocalyptic and huge.
  4. The Wire
    Mar 22, 2016
    These collaborations have been performed live over the past few years and for all its pristine yet textured presentation Gensho succeeds in capturing the dynamics of those live actions. [Apr 2016, p.46]
  5. Mar 18, 2016
    If you hear the record in the manner suggested to you, Merzbow’s music, unsentimental to the core, sluices through the elegant silences in and among the Boris tracks. There is an aggressive tension here, which often feels awkward or wrong. But then it can remind you of the aggressive tension you may have heard and liked in Boris or Merzbow in the first place.
  6. Mar 18, 2016
    Creatively, Gensho is so rich and expansive, fans of both acts should find it indispensable.
  7. Apr 28, 2016
    Rough going at 75 minutes, but it's as pure an expression of Merzbow's vision as the first half is of Boris'.
  8. Mar 18, 2016
    This is music made exclusively for musicians who want you to know how subversive they are. Prior knowledge of avant-garde music and culture is required.
  9. Mar 21, 2016
    By the fourth or fifth trip through Gensho, the idea begins to slip into pure gimmickry, as though this were a notion that sounded fun for old friends to try but isn't so fun to hear.
  10. Mar 18, 2016
    Gensho doesn’t allow for much variation, character development, key changes, note changes, or even much respite at all from the nonstop noise.

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