• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Jan 20, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
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  1. Jan 26, 2017
    Leaving aside their Chicago/Detroit-house inspired beats and diving into gloomier topics and luscious sounds, the power of Stelmanis’ lyrics is what makes this new release stronger than its predecessor.
  2. Jan 30, 2017
    Austra may have traded some of Feel It Break's compelling rawness for a more polished approach on Olympia, but Future Politics' rare balance of poise and intensity makes it their most accomplished and emotionally satisfying album yet.
  3. Jan 23, 2017
    Her lyrics can be oblique and occasionally ungainly. But her voice--soaring, delicate--brings vulnerability and heat to this vision of a post-human world.
  4. Jan 20, 2017
    In short, the Canadian four-piece’s third LP is a terrific fusion of indie, new-wave and house that demands attention.
  5. 80
    Like cold, clean water, Austra’s Future Politics washes clear the mental muck, leaving you feeling alive again.
  6. Jan 18, 2017
    Future Politics is political, danceable, dark, shimmering and hopeful. Not a combination easily achievable, but Austra have never been a normal band. Utopia might be fiction, but Future Politics is real, beautiful, necessary.
  7. Jan 18, 2017
    Although it's an intertextual and oftentimes challenging listen, Future Politics is also a compelling call to action to collectively conceive of the future and its manifold possibilities.
  8. Jan 18, 2017
    Future Politics is another impressive step in the evolution of Austra: while the band’s second album was a move towards shiny, commercial pop, the follow up sees a more sparse, fragile collection of songs.
  9. Q Magazine
    Jan 4, 2017
    It's the anti-hygge of records: cold, hard, and anything but comfortable. [Feb 2017, p.111]
  10. Jan 20, 2017
    Austra’s optimistic and propulsive record is a welcome accompaniment.
  11. Jan 23, 2017
    It’s music to be escaped into, whether on dance floors or alone somewhere, filled with a little less despair.
  12. Magnet
    Feb 14, 2017
    This latest offering carries an overwhelming feeling of desperation. [No. 139, p.53]
  13. 70
    The result is another record that provides ample room for the elaborate unfurling of Stelmanis’ talents as a vocalist, her altitudinous range the billowing banner of a call to arms.
  14. Jan 12, 2017
    On a purely musical level, the album is not necessarily the band’s best or most consistent work, with Feel It Break looking like it may always be the fan favorite. Thematically, though, Austra is fulfilling their vision of themselves more than ever and solidifying their identity as a band, making Future Politics an edifying and intriguing listen all the same.
  15. Jan 4, 2017
    It's actually within the more minimal tone fabrics that her songs become more hypnotic, ebbing and flowing above its vaporous trails. [Jan-March 2017, p.64]
  16. Feb 10, 2017
    What the lyrics lack (and they certainly aren’t bad by any stretch--simply not particularly strong), the vocals mask.
  17. Jan 19, 2017
    Future Politics succeeds in conjuring the current feeling of exhaustion and the modern malaise--but is more like the confused anticipation of the present every day rather than the post-apocalyptic future.
  18. Jan 19, 2017
    Following the trend set on previous effort ‘Olympia’, the beats continue to become crunchier, direct and undoubtedly more contemporary--but unfortunately less interesting also.
  19. Jan 11, 2017
    On Future Politics we find Austra revolving on the spot, caught in a flattering beam of light but still hovering on the brink of taking those first, brave steps towards a radical utopia.
  20. Jan 6, 2017
    The overall feel is accomplished and often catchy, but it’s not as intriguingly esoteric as some material in this vein.
  21. Mojo
    Jan 4, 2017
    Future Politics' galvanised vision takes myriad forms. [Feb 2017, p.95]
  22. Uncut
    Jan 4, 2017
    Powerful and intriguing stuff, but the emotional spark never quite catches. [Feb 2017, p.21]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 26 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. May 3, 2020
    Future Politics is Austra as great as ever - it's a bold and progressive work with more “spacious” arrangements this time around. The qualityFuture Politics is Austra as great as ever - it's a bold and progressive work with more “spacious” arrangements this time around. The quality is consistent from start to finish, no fillers to be found here. Definitely a grower, but all the more rewarding with repeated listens. Full Review »
  2. Feb 3, 2017
    Songs such as Utopia, I Love You More Than You Love Yourself and Gaia are highlights. However, the rest of the album feels distorted and theSongs such as Utopia, I Love You More Than You Love Yourself and Gaia are highlights. However, the rest of the album feels distorted and the instrumentals are quite repetitive in every song, but it does not mean it's not a good work. Full Review »
  3. Jan 27, 2017
    Future Politics is more minimal and somehow "colder" in the use of instrumentation compared to Austra's previous albums but Katie Stelmanis'Future Politics is more minimal and somehow "colder" in the use of instrumentation compared to Austra's previous albums but Katie Stelmanis' voice sounds better than ever and "Utopia" is a standout track, both catchy and experimental at the same time. I think the album needs more than one listening to be fully appreciated. Full Review »