• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Mar 27, 2020
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Universal acclaim- based on 4390 Ratings

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  1. Mar 29, 2020
    pop perfection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Mar 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Perfettamente nostalgico... Attualmente l'album migliore di questo tragico 2020 Expand
  3. Mar 29, 2020
    Can’t call it perfect because there are tracks that are pretty boring to me but when this album hits and (it does this really often) then it hits hard she somehow really creates this mixture of old and new and it sounds great.
  4. Mar 29, 2020
    Dua Lipa’s Future Nostalgia is a revival of 80’s Synth Pop. This whole album is so cohesive and really mends well together. Using different songs from the 80’s as samples and taking inspiration from other artists such as Madonna and Gwen Stefani. She really embodies the sound that fits her best and gives us what we’ve been looking for in the pop industry!! Some of the stand out tracks areDua Lipa’s Future Nostalgia is a revival of 80’s Synth Pop. This whole album is so cohesive and really mends well together. Using different songs from the 80’s as samples and taking inspiration from other artists such as Madonna and Gwen Stefani. She really embodies the sound that fits her best and gives us what we’ve been looking for in the pop industry!! Some of the stand out tracks are Levitating, Love again, Hallucinate, and Good in Bed. Definitely worth a listen as there is not a single skip on this album!!! Expand
  5. Mar 29, 2020
    Amazing Album!!
    Fresh, dance-friendly and so upbeat!
    Truly made our quarantine!
    Keep up the good work Dua !!
  6. Mar 29, 2020
    Best pop album by a female artist since Ariana's thank you next, no cap!!!!
  7. Mar 29, 2020
    Really generic. Nothing inventive or refreshing. Music heard dozens of times before from other dance pop and house artists.
  8. Mar 29, 2020
    Pop perfection. That's it. Miss Dua outdid herself. This is album is pop perfection from the beginning to the end. This masterpiece will stand out as one of the best pop albums of this decade.
  9. Mar 29, 2020
    O álbum não tem músicas fortes como os singles lançados. É mais um álbum neutro como os das demais cantorias pop da atualidade
  10. Mar 29, 2020
    Es un discazo!
    Fresco, divertido, bien trabajado. Bien por Dua!
    Desde un principio demostró que no es la estrella pop promedio. Y con este trabajo solo vuelve a demostrar el gran futuro que tiene por delante.
  11. Mar 29, 2020
    Simply incredible. It shows how real POP really does! That's why I love this woman, literally. The beats, the vocals, the sets, the best without a doubt. Amazing, Amazing! And Dua Lipa does everything!
  12. Mar 29, 2020
    This game was so fun, I'm so happy about this game and here's why. this FPS is unlike any other, tossing you into arena after arena, throwing enemies in your face so you have to think faster than sonic on crack, out of ammo? chainsaw, low health? Rip out their spine. The enemies completely different from each other, forcing you to swap weapons between demons, showing your lightening fastThis game was so fun, I'm so happy about this game and here's why. this FPS is unlike any other, tossing you into arena after arena, throwing enemies in your face so you have to think faster than sonic on crack, out of ammo? chainsaw, low health? Rip out their spine. The enemies completely different from each other, forcing you to swap weapons between demons, showing your lightening fast trigger finger. this game is also bursting at the seams with little secrets, if you take a wrong turn, that's ok because you found a special song to play from inside your base, if you finish the main story line, you can go back into missions to find all the specials songs to ring the halls of your base, or flip over every rock and table searching for little pop figure looking characters to decorate your shelves. Or find cheat codes that are not only direct references to the classic dooms, but also make reruns so much easier. did you know that there are also cheeky references and easter eggs scattered around your own base? this game also keeps it's streak of not a single micro transaction, it's all play to earn and that's a great feeling. this game is everything I could ever ask for, I'd swing, climb, shoot, rip and tear just to play another 5 minutes of this if that's what it took. Expand
  13. Mar 29, 2020
    Dua has found her sound and I’m obsessed! Pretty Please is my favourite at the moment, closely followed by Levitating - all of the songs capture the essence of the bold album title and I have nothing but respect for an artist who has consistently delivered bop after bop!
  14. Mar 29, 2020
    Bem... de fato, é um álbum bem interessante de se ouvir. ele possui uma influência disco bem notável em muitas de suas músicas, sem abusar muito, mas lhe deixando com um gostinho de quero mais com violinos fantásticos flertando com um eletro-pop envolvente - poderia ter explorado mais em alguns momentos -, criando uma atmosfera e identidade sonora esplêndida para o álbum. não chega ser oBem... de fato, é um álbum bem interessante de se ouvir. ele possui uma influência disco bem notável em muitas de suas músicas, sem abusar muito, mas lhe deixando com um gostinho de quero mais com violinos fantásticos flertando com um eletro-pop envolvente - poderia ter explorado mais em alguns momentos -, criando uma atmosfera e identidade sonora esplêndida para o álbum. não chega ser o melhor disco de todos os tempos, mas possui músicas mt boas pra se dançar na pista sem lhe fazer parar por um minuto se quer. A bonita fez o dever de casa.

    nota: 76/
  15. Mar 29, 2020
    This album is AMAZING!!!! We don’t need to compare with any other singer. She literally came to show what we need, the whole world needs to be happy even if it will be about listening a music, in good and bad times. Thanks Dua!
  16. Mar 29, 2020
    This album is in no way fresh or different. Almost the entire album including artwork and promotional photos etc. can easily be tracked back to Madonna and her mega hit album Confessions on A Dance Floor. Lipa even attempts to recreate Madonna’s 1994 pictorial ad campaign for Versace. All in all the entire album sounds reductive at best.
  17. Mar 29, 2020
    AMAZING Dua lipa makes a monumental stance that she is not to be messed with
  18. Mar 29, 2020
    Future Nostalgia triumphs in female empowerment with sophistication and retro glamour.

    It is a liberating record, unbeknownst to what the world’s status would be in its release date, the record gives courage and joy, may be it played in a club, stadium, or a person’s social isolation due to community quarantine. It’s been a long time since a chart-topping artist can produce a
    Future Nostalgia triumphs in female empowerment with sophistication and retro glamour.

    It is a liberating record, unbeknownst to what the world’s status would be in its release date, the record gives courage and joy, may be it played in a club, stadium, or a person’s social isolation due to community quarantine.

    It’s been a long time since a chart-topping artist can produce a full-length record that’s coherent yet keeps your interest track-by-track. Future Nostalgia is an undeniable infectious, confident, feminist record, and from the way Dua Lipa has paved her career to be, hope’s up that there is no turning back.
  19. Mar 29, 2020
    Un disco grandioso, con buenos ritmos, el cual se disfruta de principio a fin
  20. Mar 29, 2020
    Cuando Día Lipa título este álbum "Future Nostalgia" tenía toda la razón dándonos sonidos de los 70's // 80's y 90's. Cada track es perfectamente un hit, el disco no decae en ningún momento. La verdad que estoy muy orgulloso de lo que ha conseguido esta mujer. Ha logrado revivir el mercado del pop y consigo a vuelto esos sonidos que tanto echábamos de menos. Sin lugar a duda el mejor discoCuando Día Lipa título este álbum "Future Nostalgia" tenía toda la razón dándonos sonidos de los 70's // 80's y 90's. Cada track es perfectamente un hit, el disco no decae en ningún momento. La verdad que estoy muy orgulloso de lo que ha conseguido esta mujer. Ha logrado revivir el mercado del pop y consigo a vuelto esos sonidos que tanto echábamos de menos. Sin lugar a duda el mejor disco del 2020, ya le veo ganando el Grammy. Expand
  21. Mar 29, 2020
    It is just beautifully done. All the songs are nice and fresh. I do not want to skip any of the tracks because they made a perfect harmony.
  22. Mar 29, 2020
    Un álbum implecable, que trae los sonidos ochenteros y los transforma en sonidos modernos.

    Salvadora del pop, así es
    Mierga desea
  23. Mar 29, 2020
    Es un buen álbum, ya que involucra sonidos pop, electro y antiguos, como sonidos de los 80’s lo que lo hace un gran álbum, además de su producción y sus letras
  24. Mar 29, 2020
    Excelente álbum, todas las canciones son un hit. Se puede sentir la nostalgia, pero al modo de Dua. Es fresco, vibrante y entretenido de escuchar
  25. Mar 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. What dua did on this album was ahead of its time. an artistic work without any defect. Expand
  26. Mar 29, 2020
    This is Dua’s Blackout era, her Confessions on a Dance Floor. There’s barely any skips and that’s by being critical.
  27. Mar 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. OMG this is undoubtedly the best album of the 20 'he never stops listening, it is so good that it makes me too happy
    There is no song that does not make me feel like dancing
  28. Mar 29, 2020
    Every song is just pop perfection - every track brings something different while still keeping up with the cohesive theme of future nostalgia. You just can't seem to get tired of any of the songs and is easily one of the best, if not the best, pop albums released in recent years.
  29. Mar 29, 2020
    is an album with sounds that remind us of the 80'sOn the other hand, Dua Lipa is a promise of pop for this decade.
  30. Mar 29, 2020
    This album is one of the best of 2020, and I think it, can win the Grammy, all the songs are incredible, Dua Lipa rocked!
  31. Mar 29, 2020
    “Depois de apresentar um álbum de estreia bom, mas um tanto repetitivo e por vezes sem graça, Dua Lipa mostra uma grande evolução trazendo um disco bem produzido, com composições inteligentes e uma vibe pop-disco bem feita que há anos não se via na indústria musical”

    Surgindo em 2017 junto com uma leva de artistas pop em ascensão, a jovem britânica de ascendência albanesa Dua Lipa
    “Depois de apresentar um álbum de estreia bom, mas um tanto repetitivo e por vezes sem graça, Dua Lipa mostra uma grande evolução trazendo um disco bem produzido, com composições inteligentes e uma vibe pop-disco bem feita que há anos não se via na indústria musical”

    Surgindo em 2017 junto com uma leva de artistas pop em ascensão, a jovem britânica de ascendência albanesa Dua Lipa começou lentamente a atrair a atenção do público europeu com seu álbum self-titled, sendo catapultada mundialmente através da canção “New Rules”, seu maior hit até então e que alcançou o top 10 da Billboard Hot 100. Com um pop chiclete e que valorizava a sua distinta voz, Dua Lipa trilhou um caminho sem grandes obstáculos com as músicas “One Kiss”, “Electricity” e “IDGAF” alcançado um bom desempenho comercial e mais tarde ela abocanhando 2 vitórias no Grammy Awards 2019. Parecia ser só uma questão de tempo até a sua consolidação no cenário pop... Acho que podemos dizer que com o “Future Nostalgia” ela conseguiu.

    Com claras influências do pop disco dos anos 70 e 80, somados ao synthpop e electropop, o álbum traz as pistas de discoteca novamente para a época atual nos fazendo dançar e nos elevando às alturas com os 37 minutos do disco, com um destaque especial para as faixas “Don’t Start Now”, “Physical” e “Love Again” que são os pontos altos do álbum. Soma-se isso a uma forte identidade visual e uma produção que, mesmo retomando a trabalhos de artistas como Madonna e Kylie Minogue, consegue soar original e autêntica.

    O álbum se mantém coeso e coerente com sua proposta por quase toda a sua duração, algumas faixas são mais fortes que outras e ele acaba escorregando nas 2 faixas finais “Good In Bed” e “Boys Will Be Boys”, que soam descoladas do projeto e um tanto clichês, tanto nos refrões quanto em suas temáticas que não são desenvolvidas o suficiente para justificarem suas inserções no disco.

    No fim das contas o “Future Nostalgia” é uma agradável surpresa entre os lançamentos da atualidade, Dua Lipa apresentou um grande amadurecimento artístico e embora seja um projeto com algumas falhas ele se mantém um nível acima de grande parte dos álbuns lançados nesse ano, com inteligência e perspicácia se sagrando como um dos melhores álbuns pop dos últimos anos e que será lembrado ainda por muito tempo.
  32. Mar 29, 2020
    On one hand, I must say that It is a really upbeat and catchy album, so from this point of view it isn't that dissimilar from her debut album. On the other hand I find it to be far more mature and refined, making it almost a little masterpiece. As a matter of fact, I would have preferred more tracks and a little bit of variety, other than that it's a solid record.
  33. Mar 29, 2020
    Honestly, only the cover and some of the titles of the tracks bear some '80s nostalgia. The rest - the songwriting and production - all sounds very modern (and very bland at that, as expected).
    Also, '80s nostalgia would be past nostalgia; in the '00s that was new and fun; in the '10s it was tolerable; now it's long overdue.
  34. Mar 29, 2020
    Wow, I didn't expect it could be better than Dua Lipa. I was wrong. The best album of the year yet.
  35. Mar 29, 2020
    Sisters.. We must stan our amazing queen. If it won't get a Grammy and won't be picked EVERYWHERE as the album of the year I will sue everyone on this planet.
  36. Mar 27, 2020
    Future Nostalgia is by far the best Dua Lipa record i had ever heard! I was not captivated by her previous one but this new record blew my mind, from the title track up to 'boys will be boys is pretty cohesive and fun to listen to plus the lyrics and proudction in every record is very solid.
  37. Mar 29, 2020
    overhyped. basic retro pop, nothing that makes me want to listen a second time
  38. Mar 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Super bueno tía bla bla bla la puta ostia que chido esta bien padre al chile a menos de que seas sordo escuchalo, joder que buenas rolas, la esterica es arte pero no mas arte que la poderosisima Melanie Martínez con Cry Baby y su último álbum K-12, arte que muchos no saben apreciar pero que sin embrago aborda temas difíciles de manera increíble Expand
  39. Mar 29, 2020
    wasn’t really feeling this at all. i tried and tried incessantly, from the twitter stans to hearing it everywhere but i could not get into it.and that’s really upsetting, but what can you do
  40. Mar 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is the best pop album I've heard so far this fast few years, dua lipa outdone herself in this album! Expand
  41. Mar 29, 2020
    Honestly this is the best pop album that came out since 2014. The flow of the album is perfect. The songs take you back to the disco years and early 2000's. JUST A-MA-ZING.
  42. Mar 27, 2020
    Just a perfect album, I have no words. Bravo Dua Lipa ! Future Nostalgia will save the pop music !
  43. Mar 28, 2020
    This album is perfect, it make me feel sooo good, I really enjoy it so much
  44. Mar 28, 2020
    Best album of the year. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
  45. Mar 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is full of rich, confident and sexy elements not only lyrically but also instrumentally. As for production, it’s an old sound which we heard before, at the same time it works for this new decade. This is surely, without any doubts, one of the best pop albums of 2020! Expand
  46. Mar 28, 2020
    Repetitivas a más no poder, 2 canciones rescatables. Fatal este álbum. Esperaba más.
  47. Mar 28, 2020
    there's no single bad song in this album, bop after bop after bop and everything is places perfectly

    it just feels.. so right
  48. Mar 28, 2020
    This album is magnificent. I read once that an artist’s second album is expected to be bigger and superior than the first. Well this one is DEFINITELY superior than her debut album “Dua Lipa”. If her debut album is very good, Future Nostalgia is excellent. It is very well constructed and well thought out. It’s cohesive, the lyrics are very good and I’m in love with the production and theThis album is magnificent. I read once that an artist’s second album is expected to be bigger and superior than the first. Well this one is DEFINITELY superior than her debut album “Dua Lipa”. If her debut album is very good, Future Nostalgia is excellent. It is very well constructed and well thought out. It’s cohesive, the lyrics are very good and I’m in love with the production and the instrumentals overall. Just perfect Expand
  49. Mar 28, 2020
    confessions era generic as hell. ridiculous how people can think this is “one of the best albums ever” or even a “pop bible”
  50. Mar 28, 2020
    Dua Lipa is giving 80's music with great songs.
    I love to see and artist who are not afraid to test new music esthetics, like a revival of old rhythms. Awesome work!
  51. Mar 28, 2020
    Dua Lipa trouxe com esse álbum, um conceito muito bem aplicado em todas as faixas. No álbum como um todo pude perceber que ela quis trazer influência das décadas de 70/80/90 e 2000, e conseguiu, e diga-se por passagem, com maestria, mas toda essa influência não impactou em nada, as músicas, trouxe originalidade a todas as 11 faixas, ela fez um álbum para se lembrar para um FuturoDua Lipa trouxe com esse álbum, um conceito muito bem aplicado em todas as faixas. No álbum como um todo pude perceber que ela quis trazer influência das décadas de 70/80/90 e 2000, e conseguiu, e diga-se por passagem, com maestria, mas toda essa influência não impactou em nada, as músicas, trouxe originalidade a todas as 11 faixas, ela fez um álbum para se lembrar para um Futuro Nostálgico. Expand
  52. Mar 28, 2020
    Las canciones son buenas, al igual que hacerse la víctima llorando en su live. A todos les filtran el álbum, al menos supo lucrar con eso
  53. Mar 28, 2020
    Too much hype, same sounds throughout the album. Kinda sad that we're celebrating lukewarm pieces of work the way this album is celebrated
  54. Mar 28, 2020
    The height of pop, and a fantastic way to start the new decade. Impeccable!!
  55. Mar 28, 2020
    This album is such pop perfection something many have tried but failed to do.
  56. Mar 28, 2020
    A whole changing in quarantine world mood! Prepara a estate que o Grammy vem!
  57. Mar 28, 2020
    Normal Pop album. Good party music but not particularly innovative or deep. There's a distinct lack of the filler or garbage that one might find on other pop albums, which I guess is why it's getting reviewed so well. I, however, found the album a little disappointing since the high meta/user score led me to believe it would be more interesting. It's just fine.
  58. Mar 28, 2020
    It's not as good as everybody says, honestly I felt like I was going to listen the album of the century but I end up really disappointed.
    Every song sounds kinda the same (except boys will be boys). But stills a good album not perfect but just good
  59. Mar 28, 2020
    Amazing album! Dua worked really hard on it and all songs are absolutely impeccable!
  60. Mar 28, 2020
    This album will be on repeat for my whole life! Very cohesive, nostalgic and fun. One of the best albums I have ever listened to! ABSOLUTELY NO SKIPS!
  61. Mar 28, 2020
    I love this album. It’s incredible. Dua Lipa is actually the queen of pop music.
  62. Mar 28, 2020
    Uno de los mejores albumes pop que he escuchado los ultimos años. Es sincero, sólido y cohesivo. Una magnificencia nostálgica
  63. Mar 28, 2020
    The Album of the 2020, a masterpiece full of bangerz with a good production an vocals.
  64. Mar 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Excellent. Every track is a potential single with pretty please and good in bed as the only
    Moments when the album loses a little
    But energy
  65. Mar 28, 2020
    Miss zuzu, you have the album of the mthfckn year. What did you do? That, and in your sophomore album wow, I decided to stan foreva
  66. Mar 28, 2020
    Fun, feminist album with disco/pop vibes. A must listen for this new decade. BREAK MY HEART IS A SUPER BOP
  67. Mar 28, 2020
    As it was expected, this album has brought back 80s sounds that sound like modern. Amazing lyrics with great messages as feminism, independence and self-love. Amazing
  68. Mar 27, 2020
    One of the best albums released in the past year. Every song is single material, and the very song excited you in a different way. A definite listen, I usually never rate anything but this album was so good that I had to give it what it's due.
  69. Mar 28, 2020
    Este album debe definirse ahora como un nuevo claso del pop, es simplemente espectacular.
  70. Mar 27, 2020
    She left Confessions on a Dance Floor crying into it’s knees! Dua Lipa served a great cohesive dance pop album, bringing back sounds of the past and fitting it in the current sound landscape in a seamless way. Dua Lipa did THAT!
  71. Mar 28, 2020
    Every track sounds the same, honestly hoped for more diversity. Not very good and would not age well.
  72. Mar 28, 2020
    My mother has always told me that fashion always comes back and I think music does too. I'm sure this album will define pop music ♥
  73. Mar 28, 2020
    Dua Lipa nos hizo regresar a los 80' con esos ritmos de aquella década, el álbum en general tiene canciones muy buenas como "Physical" o "Love Again", y la vez canciones flojas como "Cool".
    En sí, es un muy buen 2do álbum para Dua, se nota la evolución de ella en la música.
  74. Mar 28, 2020
    A pop culture diamond piece. Is a breathtakingly fun, cohesive and ambitious attempt album to find a place in 2020
  75. Mar 28, 2020
    Every song is a pop shot, her voice commanding each verse is so beautiful, giving us the perfect mix for a beautiful night driving or in a club!
  76. Mar 28, 2020
    album of the year! Dua transformed into a beautiful nouveau-retro songstress with this sophomore album
  77. Mar 28, 2020
    Perfeito, impecável, tudo pra min, obrigado Dua Lipa, te amo, rainha, perfeita, lenda, trabalho maravilhoso, good in bed hino injustiçado
  78. Mar 28, 2020
    Yes yes and YES! she got the sauce! I was levitating the entire album as the ''Levitating'' songs says, THAT'S HOW YOU MAKE AN ALBUM, you make the listener feel the lyrics and the music.
    Dua Lipa give us maturity with Future Nostalgia and I loved it.
  79. Mar 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. extraordinary album from start to finish, Dua Lipa exceeded the expectations of her fans with an album as genious as this one, the best album of the year !! Expand
  80. Mar 28, 2020
    i think this is all the pop needed, really. some songs didn't hold me so much in the first session, but after listening for the second time, it was love at second view.
  81. Mar 28, 2020
    Im not a dua fan but there's literally no bad song on this album. I felt and grooved with EVERY SINGLE SONG. All of them are SO AMAZING. Ugh
  82. Mar 28, 2020
    It's good, but only half of songs are great, Dua has used lot of rythms form other artists
  83. Mar 28, 2020
    Not a Dua fan, but I really appreciate what she did with this album and how she reinvented herself, she deserves every ounce of success she has gotten as of now, and as well as in the future. She experimented, and it worked well. She's a phenomenal artist, and I'm glad to see her succeeding and growing. Good on her!
  84. Mar 28, 2020
    best album this year so far, dua outdid herself. The album doesn't have a disappointing track and it keeps you wanting to hear more 10/10
  85. Mar 28, 2020
    Maior álbum pop dos últimos tempos, Podendo ser um renascimento do pop para esta década
  86. Mar 27, 2020
    It's the return ir the pop music un this era. I really love all the songs of the album. Congratulations yo Dua.
  87. Mar 28, 2020
    Dua Lipa puts a lots of intricate detail into her songs, it’s never a generic pop song, but they’re easily classics. There’s never a bad song and her singing is great. She’s coming to dominate!
  88. Mar 28, 2020
    Perfeito ! Todas as músicas com uma identidade própria sem destoar da proposta do álbum.
  89. Mar 28, 2020
    Nowadays, I'm into this album. All the songs are good. I love this newtro discography.
  90. Mar 28, 2020
    Album of the year! with a sound so refreshing and nostalgic at the same time
  91. Mar 28, 2020
    Transcending pop back to its roots with this perfection of an album. Dua has outdone everyone
  92. Mar 28, 2020
    I knew she wouldn't have a sophomore slump but did I expect something great as this? Definitely not.
  93. Mar 28, 2020
    The perfect pop album. Cohesive, funky, lyrical, and fun! Everything a pop album needs especially in 2020. Every song is either a 9/10 or 10/10.
  94. Mar 28, 2020
    BOP AFTER BOP fndjdndnjfkdndjdxnnxnfnfjfndnxjxkxmcnfjfkxjcjcjcjcjcjfkcjxjcnfjjc
  95. Mar 28, 2020
    Álbum incrível, coeso sonoramente, viciante e, realmente , nostálgico! Don’t start now dona do álbum.
  96. Mar 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is amazing! It is in my opinion, the second best album released this year that I have heard, after Manic by Halsey. I do think it will eventually be my favorite, but right now it needs a bit more time!! So so so good!! A dance-pop-disco album with so many instant classic songs! Love it! Expand
  97. Mar 28, 2020
    There is not even one bad song in this. Dua really did it, she revived pop.
  98. Mar 28, 2020
    Best album ever heard
    Really enjoy the good feeling in the album
    Best song in album is “levitating”
  99. Mar 28, 2020
    This album is perfection! Every track is masterpiece! I love how she played with melodies. She mixed pop and disco in one big HIT!
  100. Mar 28, 2020
    A nice view to pop after a vanilla period of pop which provide this album interesting to people who likes new point of view of pop

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 19
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 19
  3. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. May 13, 2020
    Small quibbles notwithstanding, Future Nostalgia is the perfect antidote to quarantine-induced cabin fever.
  2. Apr 2, 2020
    With this flawless effort, she manages to achieve both. Future Nostalgia could have just as well been titled "Future Classic."
  3. Mar 30, 2020
    Make no mistake, her risks are still very within the context of a 4/4 pop structure, but she still finds such color and joy in her surroundings it's hard not to get swept up in her energy. Such risk-staking, however, can still lead to a few moments that could've used a bit more polish.