
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Mojo
    Feb 22, 2016
    There's a dark, delicious humour and true heartbreak in the NY trio's frank yet delicate confessionals. [Apr 2016, p.96]
  2. Q Magazine
    Feb 19, 2016
    A decidedly loveable record. [Apr 2016, p.113]
  3. Feb 8, 2016
    They have the tunes to match--the Prettiots’ gentle indiepop is distinctly autumnal, mixing sunshine and frost, and it allows the humour to shine, but helps the lyrics hit that much harder.
  4. Mar 31, 2016
    The Prettiots will no doubt be described as cutesy indie-pop, but there’s a serious strain of nihilism, anxiety and realism within their songs, even the jokey ones.
  5. Uncut
    Feb 29, 2016
    Peachy-keen harmonies, pop smarts and salacious detail make a simple but effective combination. [Apr 2016, p.78]
  6. Feb 8, 2016
    The duo definitely hit the nail on the head when it comes to injecting their youth into the tracks.
  7. Mar 9, 2016
    A mixed bag, but when they’re good, they’re great.
  8. Feb 9, 2016
    Yet despite the lyrics providing more comical punchlines than your average Adam Sandler film, the lack of variation means Funs Cool comes up just short of being a great début.
  9. 60
    Though the self-consciousness and perky melodies start to wear thin, there’s depth here too. The best tracks strip away the hipster reference points to examine sadness and low self-esteem with wit and sincerity.
  10. Feb 8, 2016
    Songs like "18 Wheeler" and the relationship laundry list "Boys (That I Dated in High School)" are surprising winners on an album that feels like it probably should be written off.

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