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  1. AzureP
    May 26, 2006
    i love this album sooooo much.
  2. AndrewS
    May 30, 2006
    "Funeral" is to a work of vibrant art as most pop albums are a study in one "color" or two.
  3. Jack
    Jul 12, 2006
    Album of the year
  4. ZacF
    Jul 18, 2006
  5. Danilio
    Jul 9, 2006
    A classic album, I rarely give 10/10 but I was extremley tempted with this. With repeated listens you discover more layers and therefore gets better with every listem. This album will last and last, hopefully someone will listen to this album in 15-20 years time and get the same emotional effect I did.
  6. Capu
    Sep 13, 2006
    beautiful, chilling, haunting, but amazing... album of the year... and so much more.... and tunnels is one of the greatest pieces of music ever written...
  7. KazO.
    Oct 19, 2007
    Wud have given it 100 out of ten if possible, genuis!!
  8. StevenC
    Jan 21, 2007
    One of the best albums of all-time
  9. DavidF.
    Dec 5, 2007
    The only negative thing I could say about this album is that all my favorite songs on it sound fairly similar. Probably one of my 20 favorite albums. I was on the fence about whether it was a "9" or "10." It's not Zen Arcade, I can't rate that record.
  10. mickc
    Feb 23, 2007
    one of the most beautiful works i've bought
  11. MattK
    Feb 5, 2007
    Simply an amazing debut album!
  12. ChrisJ
    Mar 9, 2007
    I must have listened to Funeral 100 times when I first bought it, shortly after it came out. The Arcade Fire's new album, while good, mostly just made me want to go back and listen to the first one, which I did. I am even more amazed now by the originality and musicality of these songs. There's so much energy--rhythmic, harmonic, vocal, and lyrical. Neighborhood #2 and Wake Up I must have listened to Funeral 100 times when I first bought it, shortly after it came out. The Arcade Fire's new album, while good, mostly just made me want to go back and listen to the first one, which I did. I am even more amazed now by the originality and musicality of these songs. There's so much energy--rhythmic, harmonic, vocal, and lyrical. Neighborhood #2 and Wake Up have to be two of the best songs of the decade. Expand
  13. PabloG.
    Jul 10, 2007
    The music is OK, but from the first second to the last second I though "Oh my God... this is what Bon Jovi would sound like if he was an indie rock artist." Over-produced would an understatement. Also it doesn't help that I dislike the singer's voice. But I understand why people like this. Power Out is an alright song.
  14. jayk
    Jul 20, 2007
    Immense work,Neon bible does not compare in any way shape or form..
  15. ThibaultC
    Dec 15, 2008
    Maybe the true mile stone of 00's indie pop, a instant shadow/light deeply original masterpiece. Melancoly and mourning merges with intense orchestral joie de vivre, all the drama of being human in a disc.
  16. Steve
    Feb 17, 2008
    Definitely one of my favorite albums of all time. I had never really heard music until I listened to this album.
  17. EvanG.
    Feb 19, 2008
    Not only does every song on Funeral give your heart a massage for every emotion (When you're pissed off, listen to "Neighborhood # 3 (Power Out) and scream along as Win Bulter belts out rhyme about human kind and the end of civilization over rapid jazz chords and dancing glackenspeil, and when you're feeling relentlessly happy, try any of "Wake Up", three of the best sounding Not only does every song on Funeral give your heart a massage for every emotion (When you're pissed off, listen to "Neighborhood # 3 (Power Out) and scream along as Win Bulter belts out rhyme about human kind and the end of civilization over rapid jazz chords and dancing glackenspeil, and when you're feeling relentlessly happy, try any of "Wake Up", three of the best sounding chords ever put together for five whole minutes, "Haiti", a Bjork-meets-Springsteen romp, or "Rebelion (Lies)"), But on top of all that, the band's mastery of their instruments, their contagious energy, and their brilliant songcraft. Could this be the greatest album ever made? Yes. Yes it could. Expand
  18. HC
    Feb 20, 2008
    I won't pretend it doesn't take a certain amount of intelligence and commitment to appreciate it, but boy does it pay off.
  19. MarkS
    Apr 26, 2008
    Hugely original, beautiful, with just the right amount of edginess. Gets stronger with repeated listens.
  20. DR
    Apr 26, 2008
    This album never gets old.
  21. CormacR
    May 16, 2008
    Album of the decade.
  22. chrisw
    Jul 10, 2008
    Funeral is easily the best album of the last 10 years.
  23. TiagoA.
    Oct 4, 2009
    This album is incredible, one of those best album of this decade.
  24. MikeH
    Jul 18, 2009
    The best album of the 00's by far. And stacks up with one of the best of all time. Singer win needs to get a better voice though.
  25. frankiep
    Nov 17, 2004
    finesse, captivating, unsettling, rewarding, settling, wonderful.
  26. hernanc
    Nov 18, 2004
    Es un CD , sencillamente SUBLIME , gracias Mario por habermelo hecho conocer ...
  27. TjasaM
    Nov 18, 2004
    Best album of the year, hands down! Strikingly beautiful, emotional and electrifying. I haven't been impressed so much by a new band for a long time. You just have to love them :)
  28. JimmyD
    Nov 3, 2004
    Best album of the year, no question. Extremely inspirational and emotional. Total success. No other 2004 album can match up.
  29. MaxK
    Nov 8, 2004
    Anyone that says this album is less than brilliant must be trying not to like it based on the hype. Best album of the year.
  30. StoP
    Oct 21, 2004
    The Arcade Fire have an eclectic sound that is familiar yet fresh. Funeral is exactly what it's supposed to be, 10 tracks of pure entertainment! Hit after hit after hit.

Universal acclaim - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. If I were to have just heard the first half of the disc, I probably would have proclaimed it the best of the year as well.
  2. So long as we're unable or unwilling to fully recognize the healing aspect of embracing honest emotion in popular music, we will always approach the sincerity of an album like Funeral from a clinical distance. Still, that it's so easy to embrace this album's operatic proclamation of love and redemption speaks to the scope of The Arcade Fire's vision.
  3. Marred by indie-rock clichés and occasional over-effort, it remains frustrating.