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Universal acclaim- based on 1057 Ratings

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  1. GeoffB
    Feb 17, 2006
    The album that drew me in to indie music. The only album that plays in myhead threwout the day like a soundtrack of my life. It is and will forever be my favorite album.
  2. AlanR
    Mar 28, 2006
    Such a fresh sound, yet hints of the Taliking Heads in their glory!
  3. JimH
    May 13, 2006
    Rich. More proof of Canada's amazing talent pool.
  4. AlvinT
    Jul 3, 2006
    Best Album of 2004. No question. (2005 was Picaresque). I would kill my best friend just for a solid release date on their follow-up to Funeral.
  5. JeffJ
    Jul 6, 2006
    It's so emotional and brilliant. Funeral is one of the best albums I have ever heard.
  6. joshd
    Sep 5, 2006
    Amazing album.
  7. TimT.
    Oct 13, 2007
    Simply filled with amazingly addictive, albeit unorthodox, hooks. Only a few tracks fall a little short, but even the songs that aren't incredible still have little somethings that make them fun. A great album in general, even if Win's voice is a little banshee-ish at times.
  8. PeteN
    Jan 2, 2007
    Got this album a fair while back, still regular listening, and still as beautiful as ever.
  9. MarkD
    Feb 6, 2007
    The first album/band since Radioheads OK Computer to really make me sit up and say "wow". Ther's a sublety and originality that the over hyped likes of The Artic Monkeys and awful Kaiser Chiefs can only dream of; Just listen to "In the back Seat" with its dips and climaxes and complex arrangement. Not every song is great and it may take you a few listens but no other band around at The first album/band since Radioheads OK Computer to really make me sit up and say "wow". Ther's a sublety and originality that the over hyped likes of The Artic Monkeys and awful Kaiser Chiefs can only dream of; Just listen to "In the back Seat" with its dips and climaxes and complex arrangement. Not every song is great and it may take you a few listens but no other band around at the moment combines great melody with artestry and raw emotion like "The Fire". Expand
  10. SeanV
    Mar 10, 2007
    luv it, luv them
  11. MichaelC
    Mar 15, 2007
    Deeper and more complex than anything released yet this decade, rivals OK Computer in some ways.
  12. VincentH
    Mar 20, 2007
    A masterpiece...pure and simple. I would definitely argue that Arcade Fire are the most powerful and brilliant indie pop band since Neutral Milk Hotel. The lyrics, the melodies, the varied and precise instrumentation, the messiness, the honesty, the emotion...Arcade Fire makes the kind of music that can make you weep if you let it, and you should.
  13. Joest
    Jun 3, 2007
    Imaginative, emphatic, catchy and inspiring. And a debut? The best album of the year, hands down.
  14. NabihaH.
    Jul 9, 2007
    Simply beautiful. This is one of the few albums where every song is worth listening to multiple times. Incredible...this is easily one of my favorite albums.
  15. KarenO.
    Aug 10, 2007
    Pure Class!! Will never go out of date a classic!
  16. Oligami
    Sep 1, 2007
    It has that kind of music you've been waiting all your life to hear.
  17. RahulD
    Oct 7, 2008
    Sensational. Amazing. Phenomenal. No words can simply describe this album. Rebellion (Lies) will sum up the entire record for you, but expect a lot more sounds. This is truly original and fresh.
  18. Onlineatron
    Oct 8, 2008
    An amazing brilliant album that has you wanting to jump for joy, dance, sing and cry all at the same time!! Highlights included; Almost every track You need this album in your life.
  19. AidanK.
    Feb 29, 2008
    This is just fantastic all the way through, more original than just about everyone.
  20. JamesM.
    Apr 4, 2008
    One of the best albums of our generation.
  21. GarryK
    Sep 3, 2008
    This album surpised me. I'm an avid elbow fan and was searching through the web for bands who "sounded like them." After long hours of searching, I came across arcade fire. One word - mesmerising!
  22. DavidY
    Jun 29, 2009
    Simply the best Indie rock album of the decade, if not ever! Every song beautifully orchestrated, and the album provokes every emotion humanly possible!
  23. noamamam
    Nov 10, 2004
    sincere poignant and resonating
  24. SimonM
    Oct 11, 2004
    Absolutely packed with some of the most uplifting, beautiful, life-affirming music I've heard. Not only is every track an asbolute gem but the album is greater than the sum its parts which, I think, is the sign of a truly great album. I have given it a 10 but I don't do this lightly, this is (unfortunately) as close to a perfect album as I'm ever likely to hear.
  25. EloiP
    Nov 12, 2004
    I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say this album, and this band, is reminiscent of the best of E.L.O. Good stuff...
  26. fadaadada
    Nov 20, 2004
    it was amazing
  27. KyleB
    Nov 22, 2004
    Oh. My. God. Best. Band. Ever.
  28. AndrewL
    Oct 17, 2004
    I was an instant fan. I think this is the very best of the Canadian music I have heard so far this year....Maybe the best I've heard from a band this year, period, regardless of nationality. I'm just counting the days until this band explodes onto the national scene. They certainly deserve to be there, if they play their cards right. It's only been 24 hours since I heard I was an instant fan. I think this is the very best of the Canadian music I have heard so far this year....Maybe the best I've heard from a band this year, period, regardless of nationality. I'm just counting the days until this band explodes onto the national scene. They certainly deserve to be there, if they play their cards right. It's only been 24 hours since I heard this band for the first time, and I can't stop talking about them. Expand
  29. JejeL
    Nov 8, 2004
    The best album of the year!
  30. Pol
    Oct 19, 2004
    it is important to understand that music should not be judged on the intention, but on the results. the arcade fire aim for all things massive in scope, lyrically and musically. having a band of ten plus members of course ensures that the music will be "big." unfortunately the band undercut themselves with completely played out "dance" beats and a certain lack of originality that tends to it is important to understand that music should not be judged on the intention, but on the results. the arcade fire aim for all things massive in scope, lyrically and musically. having a band of ten plus members of course ensures that the music will be "big." unfortunately the band undercut themselves with completely played out "dance" beats and a certain lack of originality that tends to make them sound like modest mouse with 15 members. some very good songs in the mix but not the miracle it has been hailed as. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. If I were to have just heard the first half of the disc, I probably would have proclaimed it the best of the year as well.
  2. So long as we're unable or unwilling to fully recognize the healing aspect of embracing honest emotion in popular music, we will always approach the sincerity of an album like Funeral from a clinical distance. Still, that it's so easy to embrace this album's operatic proclamation of love and redemption speaks to the scope of The Arcade Fire's vision.
  3. Marred by indie-rock clichés and occasional over-effort, it remains frustrating.