• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Feb 3, 2015
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 39 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 39
  2. Negative: 15 out of 39
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  1. Feb 24, 2015
    I think Full Speed is better than Kid Ink's last album but not because of his own skill or growth. Rather, the production is more consistent, and the featured artists overall perform better. This album makes me think Kid Ink is never going to try to be something more as a musical artist.. and, honestly, he'd be a fool to take that risk because his un-creative, catchy songs continue to makeI think Full Speed is better than Kid Ink's last album but not because of his own skill or growth. Rather, the production is more consistent, and the featured artists overall perform better. This album makes me think Kid Ink is never going to try to be something more as a musical artist.. and, honestly, he'd be a fool to take that risk because his un-creative, catchy songs continue to make him rich. ~ 5.7/10 ~ with deluxe tracks: 5.9/10
    Best track: "Diamonds & Gold" ~ a surprisingly-sonically-good song that also features a good performance from an artist I had never heard of previously, Verse Simmonds

Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Mar 5, 2015
    Ultimately Full Speed feels like an album struggling to recreate “Body Language”‘s success over and over, sing-rapping his way through a variety of pretty familiar scenes exemplifying just how hard it is to be a talent in major need of a vision.
  2. Feb 24, 2015
    With worthy singles "Body Language," "Hotel," and "Be Real" added to the mix, there's much more fire than fodder here, enough to satisfy returning fans along with party people of all flavors.
  3. Feb 17, 2015
    The problem with Full Speed is that Kid Ink is often lost within his own album, as the listener anticipates the next song that's defined by its guest feature.