
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Ash have returned to the clean, uncomplicated sound of their mid-'90s debut. [2 Aug 2002, p.74]
  2. It strikes a balance between the buzzy pop of their first album and the heavier thud of their second.
  3. Blender
    A further step forward. [Jun/Jul 2002, p.102]
  4. Alternative Press
    Free All Angels is punchy guitar pop in extremis, sliding so breathlessly from anthemic chorus to soaring hook that it's hard to believe any band could actually want to have this much fun and sound this important. [Aug 2002, p.69]
  5. A modern-rock radio record for folks with a few more brain cells to rub together than the Andrew WK set.
  6. At times, John Barry conducting the Buzzcocks; at others, EMF covering Petula Clark.
  7. For the first time since their full-length debut album 1977, Ash have achieved synergy between their sweet-as-milkshake pop and the full-on heavy metal and punk that inspired Hamilton and Wheeler to pick up guitars in the first place.
  8. It's a damn good pop album, with a little muscle behind its melodies to boot.
  9. Free All Angels is awfully consistent in its ardent desire to make your ears ring.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 10
  3. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. Sep 14, 2017
    Spawning a massive 6 singles this is one of the catchiest collection of punk pop songs that you will come across from the 00's. It realltSpawning a massive 6 singles this is one of the catchiest collection of punk pop songs that you will come across from the 00's. It reallt could almost be considered a singles collection and the sheer number of classic hits here make up for the few weak tracks present. "Burn Baby Burn", "Walking Barefoot", "Sometimes" and "Shining Light" still sound fresh and vibrant 15+ years on. Despite my love for "Free All Angels", I'd argue that it is perhaps 2 tracks too long (for me "Someday" and "Submission" are b-side quality just given serious production) but close to being the perfect summer pop record with an edge. Even Brian Wilson would have been proud of this one. Full Review »
  2. tim
    Jan 30, 2007
    their best album yet
  3. matta
    Jul 19, 2005
    Catchy and engaging. Plus, gotta love the dvd that comes with it. The video for Candy just makes that classic even better.