
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Winehouse's record has the feeling of being allowed to grow on its own--without being meddled with and fussed over.
  2. Frank is an honest, refreshingly personal record which, though very occasionally strays into easy jazz, has Gucci bags of personality.
  3. Here, her vocals--less developed and wobblier than now, yet still astounding--and tell-it-like-it-is lyrics ('Fuck Me Pumps') take center stage.
  4. Entertainment Weekly
    Her first album--a UK smash in '03, now being issued here-- bristles with fiercer intelligence, though it lacks the classic soul-warmth of the Mark Ronson-produced Black. [16 Nov 2007, p.79]
  5. Frank is a superb debut album that announces Amy Winehouse as a major young talent. With hardly any weak tracks on here, it's frightening to think what she could produce in the years to come.
  6. What Frank winds up reinforcing is the fact that Winehouse’s success (unlike name-your-current-American-female-vocalist) is based on pure talent rather than good producers or gimmicks.
  7. Frank inevitably feels like a warm-up for Black, but as rough drafts go, this one's a keeper.
  8. There are contradictions--but it's hard not to hear the honesty and soul that resonates throughout this album.
  9. Frank was hailed as a star-making debut when it was issued in Britain four years ago. Heard today, its glossy admixture of breezy funk, dub and jazz-inflected soul makes a somewhat less dazzling impression.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 129 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 9 out of 129
  1. Dec 9, 2019
    if it was possible i would've rated 10000
    this album is a mix of everything i love about music
  2. Nov 6, 2013
    I love this album. Probably it's just me, but this is better than Back to Black, I can't believe that this was a commercial failure. It soundsI love this album. Probably it's just me, but this is better than Back to Black, I can't believe that this was a commercial failure. It sounds very underrated and very original. "Stronger than me" & "F*ck Me Pumps" are the best songs. Buy it now. Full Review »
  3. Nov 14, 2011
    the pitchfork review of frank is probably the biggest piece of **** i've ever seen in my life. how the hell can you compare her "frank" tothe pitchfork review of frank is probably the biggest piece of **** i've ever seen in my life. how the hell can you compare her "frank" to "back to black" seeing as there is a **** 4 year difference?? obviously kinks are worked out of b2b that weren't available for frank, but to me, frank is a lot smoother and possess a pleasing lighter sound than b2b. Full Review »