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Generally favorable reviews- based on 388 Ratings

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  1. Nov 21, 2014
    It's their most mature album to date, which could suggest something more worth the while in their future. knocking that potentiality aside however, its still an album short of anything particularly new and perhaps, in addition to churning out albums literally one after the other, Four feels somewhat similar to their previous work in some aspects as it simply feels incomplete and overrated.
  2. Dec 5, 2014
    I've never been a fan of One Direction but this album is actually surprisingly tolerable. It's certainly an improvement from the previous songs I've heard from them. Although, I think the problem was that most of the songs had the same feel to them. Maybe some kind of variation would have refined their album greatly but other than that, not bad. I reckon the best ones are probably 'StealI've never been a fan of One Direction but this album is actually surprisingly tolerable. It's certainly an improvement from the previous songs I've heard from them. Although, I think the problem was that most of the songs had the same feel to them. Maybe some kind of variation would have refined their album greatly but other than that, not bad. I reckon the best ones are probably 'Steal My Girl', 'Girl Almighty' and 'Once In a Lifetime'. Hopefully they'll keep up this type of progress in their music. Expand
  3. Feb 4, 2015
    I didn't think the best album from the boys of One Direction. With this changed drastically from pop to folk and the like, was very sleepy and strange on their part. Midnight Memories is better and they can improve.
  4. Sep 11, 2015
    Four = Midnight Memories = Take Me Home = Up All Night.
    Four albums, the four albums are just the same, they singing about love girls and I feel very dessapointed with it. However, the production is brilliant.
  5. Oct 29, 2015
    "Four" has definitely showed that the group has matured since their debut album. Sure, the only subject is love, but this album isn't as bad as other boy band albums, and it certainly didn't give anyone AIDS, like most people act like it did. I'd call this album half-decent. And also, I don't blame Zayn for leaving. Listening to screaming teenage girls for 5 years can really tire you out.
  6. Nov 21, 2016
    It's their most mature album to date, which could suggest something more worth the while in their future. knocking that potentiality aside however, its still an album short of anything particularly new and perhaps, in addition to churning out albums literally one after the other, Four feels somewhat similar to their previous work in some aspects as it simply feels incomplete and overrated.
  7. Feb 16, 2017
    One Direction after 4 years in musical industry. This album seriously shows that they really matured over the years. We're still sticking with love theme here but there's more in this. This album sure isn't as bad as half of people act it is. Okay, it's not a masterpiece but it sure has a lot to show and it's vocally great.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. 42
    What’s unfortunate is that songs the group co-wrote are the weakest ones here. The exception is the aforementioned lead single, a Journey-inspired ballad that’s catchy regardless of how much my instincts demand instant dismissal. The other slower, anthemic numbers on the album are not nearly as inspired.
  2. 67
    [On album's first half] the melodies are sturdy and the lyrics catch. Later, the titles get sillier (''Stockholm Syndrome''), and the guitar-jam vibe turns as dull as every real-life guitar jam. But when Four ends, your ears are guilt-free.
  3. Nov 20, 2014
    Four [is] the most consisting-sounding Direction album yet.