
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Joan of Arc's work on a whole generally tends to be pretty loose, but sorting through the remnants and mood pieces on Flowers can make "Boo! Human" seem absolutely cohesive in comparison. Oh well. It's still totally listenable and likeable.
  2. 60
    Flowers, a collection of mystical-seeming noise collages, absurdist dirges, and Pavement soundalikes, is as listenable as it is difficult to pin down.
  3. Alternative Press
    He and his mercenaries swing cleverly from noodly instruments to introspective acoustic ditties, but never settle down long enough to let their concoction congeal. [Jul 2009, p.127]
  4. Uncut
    Flowers is occasionally emotional, but really, Kinsella is all about an off-the-cuff approach. [Jul 2009, p.90]
  5. There are actually some great moments in this jumbled incoherent mess. The problem is that Kinsella’s had ample time to convince me that his post-Cap’n Jazz stuff is somehow better, more-relevant, or even worthy of my time.
  6. While any change from that tired normality is appreciated, it’s disappointing that so much of this is mediocre, that so much of this imitative, that so much of this is overblown, and etc.
  7. Under The Radar
    The ephemeral instrumetal tracks are less bothersome this time out but don't keep the band's tenth effort from eventually toppling over. [Summer 2009, p.66]

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