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Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 14 Ratings

  • Summary: The latest solo release for the Los Angles-based rock artist features no guitars, instead instruments such as the bouzouki, drums (played by Charles Moothart and Segall), koto, harmonizer, mandolin, recorder, and saxophone were used.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 19
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 19
  3. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Jul 31, 2019
    First Taste is scatterbrained and self-indulgent, no doubt. But that’s also what makes it such heady fun. Segall once again makes the various ideas and sounds floating about in his head something worth listening to.
  2. Mojo
    Jul 30, 2019
    Some of the lyrics that should sound like cliche feel more legit as we hear Segall wade earnestly into the aches and joys of existence. [Sep 2019, p.90]
  3. Q Magazine
    Jul 30, 2019
    First Taste is a record exploding with ideas and interesting twists. [Sep 2019, p.109]
  4. Aug 2, 2019
    With his charisma and creativity at the core of these songs, and an incredible group of collaborators around him, Ty Segall has created an album that will appeal to both long-term listeners and first timers – just like pretty much every one of the other studio albums in his increasingly legendary discography
  5. 80
    Ultimately, First Taste exemplifies Ty Segall’s shape-shifting qualities. Here is a man who delights in trying on many a mask, restless and impulsive.
  6. Aug 8, 2019
    Remarkably, the substitution of instruments seems not to have affected Segall’s overall aesthetic much. If you didn’t know, you might not recognize exactly what’s different about First Taste, except that it feels a bit more overstuffed and baroque. Yet whether it’s due to the change in instrumentation or not, there are some diversions from the usual.
  7. Aug 12, 2019
    If Creedence Clearwater Revival had experimented with random instruments and slightly creepy voices, maybe they could have made First Taste. Segall's fifth studio LP in four years begins with a sigh of joy and a drum solo. From there, it expands far. Try not to salivate.

See all 19 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 1
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 1
  3. Negative: 1 out of 1
  1. Apr 17, 2021
    I bought "The Manipulator" thanks to Mojo magazine. A bloody great record! The next one was OK. But I was so disappointed with "First taste"!I bought "The Manipulator" thanks to Mojo magazine. A bloody great record! The next one was OK. But I was so disappointed with "First taste"! Apart from a few tunes ("lone cowboy", "The arms") the rest of the album is absolute drivel! Yes, it's ok to change, to break rock's boundaries and offer something new but the music has to be listenable! John Lennon said "avant-garde is French for **** So true! Expand