• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Mar 9, 2018
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 70 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 60 out of 70
  2. Negative: 6 out of 70
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  1. Mar 9, 2018
    Great record. The production has been stellar and it souds miles better than Redeemer of Souls. Every song feels unique, there are some great riffs that encapsulate theme of the particular song. Epic solos, spot on drums, bass and of course vocals from Rob Halford (who mostly stays in his middle, natural range for this album).

    Don't expect explosivness of the Painkiller or high pitched
    Great record. The production has been stellar and it souds miles better than Redeemer of Souls. Every song feels unique, there are some great riffs that encapsulate theme of the particular song. Epic solos, spot on drums, bass and of course vocals from Rob Halford (who mostly stays in his middle, natural range for this album).

    Don't expect explosivness of the Painkiller or high pitched and artistic feel of Sad Wings of Destiny, this album as a whole sounds completely different than anything before and yet is the essence of Judas Priest, which is not a bad thing and I love it!

    Ten out of ten from a long time fan. m/
  2. Mar 11, 2018
    FIrepower is fantastic album. Great chorus, guitars, drums and Rob Halford MAKES ME crying. The Metal God is a great vocal. Vida eterna a Judas Priest.
  3. Mar 11, 2018
    One of the best albums they have produced, Rob is pushing 67 and can still hit it. But you gotta remember these guys are 70 years old and can still produce great music. That is something that is not even seen these days. If you like Judas Priest you will enjoy the album. I think its quite good.
  4. Mar 14, 2018
    Really did love this album, and if you like Judas Priest's early 80's work I think you will too. I found some of its deeper cuts to be the album's best (Listen especially for 'Necromancer'). Surprisingly I found myself not enjoying 'Lightning Strike' (arguably its largest single). Perhaps it was ruined by hype for me, but it feels comparatively weaker than some of the heavier-hittingReally did love this album, and if you like Judas Priest's early 80's work I think you will too. I found some of its deeper cuts to be the album's best (Listen especially for 'Necromancer'). Surprisingly I found myself not enjoying 'Lightning Strike' (arguably its largest single). Perhaps it was ruined by hype for me, but it feels comparatively weaker than some of the heavier-hitting pieces on the album (Check 'Evil Never Dies'). Technically, the whole album is wonderfully made. Halford's vocals can still hit the screeches which made him famous, but his (clearly weathered) voice is now allowing him to bring some very nice textures into his lower range. Tipton and Faulkner work very well together, and while I don't think they quite reach the (absolutely magical) chemistry that Tipton had with Downing, they still crank out fresh riffs and some surprisingly blistering solos. Travis is still a wizard on the drums, Hill is still anchoring everything well on bass, and the album is mixed well. A classic Priest sound that is sure to please both the original fans and newer metalheads. Expand
  5. Mar 23, 2018
    A very good return to form for Priest. After the lackluster last couple of albums, they went back to their roots with this album. This sounds much closer to something like Sin After Sin than anything more recent they have done. Painkiller or Ram It Down this is not, which is funny since this is their first album with producer Tom Allom since Ram It Down. Halford shows he's still go thatA very good return to form for Priest. After the lackluster last couple of albums, they went back to their roots with this album. This sounds much closer to something like Sin After Sin than anything more recent they have done. Painkiller or Ram It Down this is not, which is funny since this is their first album with producer Tom Allom since Ram It Down. Halford shows he's still go that amazing range, even at his older age. While there are very few of the guttural screams he's been known for in the past, his voice still has that amazing quality it has had in all his other albums. All in all, I'm very impressed with how this album turned out. I was kinda worried about how it would turn out after the past decade but this has been a great return to form for Priest. I'm very impressed with how it turned out and can't wait to see what they do going forward. Expand
  6. May 3, 2018
    While it may not be the most original metal album ever made, it is still an amazing album that has me listening to it over and over after over a month and i still smile at some of the great guitar work in this masterfully produced album by Priest.
  7. Nov 23, 2019
    Awesome comeback album after five year and best since Painkiller(1991) which is my favorite album probably of all time. Judas Priest is as strong as ever even after decades.Great production and vocals.Awesome guitar riffs too.
  8. Mar 1, 2020
    I think this album is a masterpiece. Well executed, well written, great productions and amazing mix. A great reborn from Judas Priest. They choose the right producer, instead of what Ozzy done with his new and horrible album. Very emotional and cool tracks, amazing vocals, touchful. Just a little bit repetitiveness on the attitude in the entire album, but every song is so amazing.
  9. Apr 1, 2018
    This album is fcking masterpiece in 2018. I Have 2LP Vinyl collection, this record sounds like hell on LP** best metal LP in my collection* Absolutely i recommend. JP rockzzzz. Production, sounds, songwriting much better than redeemer of souls, and G solos, DRUMMING, great riffs. STRONG RECORD
  10. Nov 16, 2020
    This is the second best Priest album. This is the best album since Painkiller. Every song is a masterpiece. Necromancer is my absolute favourite.
  11. Dec 15, 2019
    An pretty great metal album. Not as attention grabbing or intense as I like, but pretty great.
  12. Oct 25, 2019
    Strong riffs. Good writing. Something not heard from Judas Priest in some time.
  13. Jul 23, 2022
    Fast **** songs man, just classic Priest. I wish I could write that great songs now, not when I'm 70.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Apr 9, 2018
    Though it is far too early to start talking about this as one of their finest records, I have no doubt that 'Firepower' could slip through a wormhole in time to stand in the mighty presence of 'British Steel' and 'Screaming For Vengeance' and feel no shame.
  2. Kerrang!
    Mar 14, 2018
    It's as sharp as can be, as powerful as an atom bomb, and exactly the sort of thrilling metal adventure you want from them. [17 Mar 2018, p.53]
  3. Q Magazine
    Mar 13, 2018
    The shine wears off before the final, 14th, song. But it's fun until then. [May 2018, p.111]