• Record Label: Wind-Up
  • Release Date: Oct 23, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 98 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 70 out of 98
  2. Negative: 23 out of 98

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  1. H.
    Nov 13, 2007
    This is an awful album. It is time that Seether retired and called it a day.
  2. BradP.
    Nov 17, 2007
    There is no beauty to be found here.
  3. AbrahamL.
    Jan 10, 2009
    If General McClellan was a music album, this would be it.
  4. SteveW
    Jan 2, 2008
    I'm bored and disappointed in them. Nothing but a stupid attempt at catchy, poppy tunes from a band who I used to love for their emotional connection with any audience who would listen. Turns out you can't be a happy musician...
  5. DudeMan
    Jan 6, 2009
    Pile of rubbish. There's nothing that sets this album apart from other "pop-rock" albums, because that's all it is. The musicianship is poor and the lyrics are uninspired.Yet people will all think it means something, yeah it does, it means more money into the pockets of this rubbish band.
  6. GregT
    Jan 8, 2008
    Brandon M: you have terrible grammar. ever heard of a period? this just proves that only idiots like seether. also, the same people that work tirelessly to make crap like hannah montana listenable do the same thing to make seether sound decent. they are the worst band of all time, and you should tie your bondage pants to the back of a car if you like them.
  7. what?what?
    Dec 28, 2007
    This is a response to that "Hannah Montana" comment. Are you insinuating that only prepubescent pop girls wouldn't like this? Because FYI, the same overpaid intern-fucking executives that tell Hannah Montana what to do do the same thing to Seether while they turn the knobs to make this half-assed attempt at noise sound even remotely listenable. It's all produced by the same This is a response to that "Hannah Montana" comment. Are you insinuating that only prepubescent pop girls wouldn't like this? Because FYI, the same overpaid intern-fucking executives that tell Hannah Montana what to do do the same thing to Seether while they turn the knobs to make this half-assed attempt at noise sound even remotely listenable. It's all produced by the same people, on the same immense editing equipment. You don't know anything and this is the worst album of the year. Go tie your bondage pants to the back of a car. Expand
  8. Oct 4, 2013
    I find this to be a brutal, inflamatory, presumptuous album, with enough innuendo and venom to eat through solid steel. Threatening, venomous, and vicious lyrics leave little to the imagination. It feels less like a rebellious rock album, and is more akin to a musical callout. The poor person, or type of person, in seethers crosshairs should seriously consider moving to a safe house.I find this to be a brutal, inflamatory, presumptuous album, with enough innuendo and venom to eat through solid steel. Threatening, venomous, and vicious lyrics leave little to the imagination. It feels less like a rebellious rock album, and is more akin to a musical callout. The poor person, or type of person, in seethers crosshairs should seriously consider moving to a safe house. I am tempted to wonder about the mental health and stability of these band member/s, and would suggest perhaps getting them some type of mental health checkup. This is music with a purpose, and the message seems to be directed at someone in particular. Steer clear of this album if you care about maintaining any type of a peaceful lifestyle. Nothing but raw anger cranked up to crystal meth level of intensity. Just ouch!! Expand
  9. May 16, 2021
    I think that this four out of ten reflects their ability to produce average music and especially on 'Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces'. If lyrics and messages may sound authentic to some people at first sight the rest quickly appears to be predictable and over-thought. Songs may be full of emotions in their core message but Morgan's voice and singing totally leave to be desired. HisI think that this four out of ten reflects their ability to produce average music and especially on 'Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces'. If lyrics and messages may sound authentic to some people at first sight the rest quickly appears to be predictable and over-thought. Songs may be full of emotions in their core message but Morgan's voice and singing totally leave to be desired. His delivery in overall is not far from being terrible. On top of that, his idea of capitalizing on his brother's suicide is more than questionable. I won't even write about people comparing him to Cobain.

    Melodies are flat and boring and the repetitive structures of the songs let no room for beauty, expermientation and inspiration. Too few moments leave us with the feeling of hovering with the band before it returns to its originally uninspired impulses. The 'Bonus Track version' only contains more of their reprise of 'Careless Whisper'. If the two tracks put one after the other offer a decent eight-minute song, it also says a lot about their desire to make more money with less effort.

Generally unfavorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 5
  2. Negative: 3 out of 5
  1. Morgan simply lets his rage rock, infusing the album with the same kind of active/ alt-rock straddling approach that's vaulted Seether's previous releases to gold status.
  2. With hardly a distraction or ballad in sight, it is their most direct and focused record yet, and quite possibly their most consistent.
  3. On this South African band's third album, the guitar tones are a teeth-grinding, digitized-sounding nightmare, and a series of I'm-singing-through-a-cell-phone vocal filters can't disguise how played out Morgan's style is.