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Feeling Mortal Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: Don Was produced the first album of new music from the actor/singer in four years.
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Top Track

Stairway to the Bottom
Well you've started again With the wife of a friend On another night you hope you won't recall And the wine that you're drinkin' Doesn't keep you... See the rest of the song lyrics
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Feb 12, 2013
    Having led such a big life, Kristofferson serves us a small but welcome comfort in the great unknown.
  2. Jan 29, 2013
    These 10 tracks prove that while Kris Kristofferson may finally be coming to terms with what it's like to be old, there will always be a young spirit running rampant somewhere within his soul.
  3. Dec 10, 2012
    In sentiment and execution, Feeling Mortal is more Hank than Dylan, yet there's a subtle poetry in the way the lyric flits between life and death, dreams and wakefulness.
  4. Feb 5, 2013
    Kristofferson’s voice, which is front and center and unvarnished, is something to behold here: craggy but beautiful and forged with wisdom that comes to a lion in winter.
  5. Jan 28, 2013
    Mr. Kristofferson's voice wavers, indicating general pitch areas rather than specific notes, and he doesn't use it artfully to stress images or ideas as he rolls through the words. Some of those lyrics, though, can be dense and strong, working inside and outside the styles and structures of his best years.
  6. Jan 30, 2013
    Based on the soul-satisfying evidence of Feeling Mortal, one can only hope there are many more.
  7. Q Magazine
    Dec 10, 2012
    producer Don Was has tried to capture a country legend in his veteran state, but he's missing all the tricks. [Jan 2013, p.106]

See all 11 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of
  2. Mixed: 0 out of
  3. Negative: 0 out of