
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. 80
    It’s a record that showcases professionalism and musicianship, a sonic rhizome of musical references and genealogies.
  2. Oct 7, 2013
    Overall, Feel Good nails the delicate balance between experimentation and restraint, making the listener feel... great.
  3. Nov 1, 2013
    Feel Good certainly makes the disgruntled R&B fan happy with its experimentation and progressiveness.
  4. Oct 7, 2013
    Its stargazed, overly ambitious arrangements sometimes become so intricate that they deplete some of the fun. That said, multiple spins produce a mind-numbing experience that echoes the duo’s desired midnight, candlelight aura.
  5. Oct 7, 2013
    There's a proficiency at work on Feel Good that's undeniably impressive--it's an album full of musicians who can play and they approach this stuff with an endearing alacrity and a willingness to let Syd do more this time around that will pay dividends on future records. She's still got room to improve where lyrics are concerned.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. Nov 28, 2013
    This was the first album that i heard from The Internet. I heard about them after Nai Palm from Hiatus Kaiyote tweeted about them. I love thisThis was the first album that i heard from The Internet. I heard about them after Nai Palm from Hiatus Kaiyote tweeted about them. I love this album and it is one of my favorites for 2013. Their experimenting paid off for me because it resulted in unique sound and didn't have a cookie cutter R&B sound. I love their use of instruments and some tracks were medleys. This album reminded me of when i heard the first N.E.R.D. album. It is something new and fun. I recommend it. Full Review »
  2. Feb 23, 2014
    This is my first experience with The Internet and I have to say I am blown away. I've never heard anything like this album and I wouldThis is my first experience with The Internet and I have to say I am blown away. I've never heard anything like this album and I would classify it as a sweet mix of R&B, Lounge, Jazz, and Hip-Hop. It also has a very psychedelic and trippy feel to it, likely the reason they call the genre "Trip-Hop." I would absolutely recommend this album to anyone wanted something to get good vibes from and relax to. Full Review »