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Fear in Bliss Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: The second full-length release for the Oklahoma indie band led by Cameron Neal was produced by Thom Monahan.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Mojo
    Apr 23, 2014
    Cameron Neal earths this plangent guitar-rock with his anxious cris de coeur and admits to a teen Smiths crush, which helps explain the metropolitan jitters and Marr-like cadences that feed into Fear In Bliss. [May 2014, p.91]
  2. Apr 14, 2014
    There is no tweed/banjo suffocation here, and the hands-aloft brand of folk that Horse Thief have stumbled upon only strengthens the power of what are finely-honed pieces of intelligent songwriting.
  3. 75
    The songwriting is there, as are great performances. But with a band like Horse Thief, the difference between in studio and on stage is a distraction that’s as unfortunate as it is glaring.
  4. Apr 14, 2014
    Horse Thief will inevitably hit the jackpot, and Fear In Bliss is a mighty step in that direction.
  5. Uncut
    Apr 14, 2014
    It;s an easy, unchallenging ride, but a satisfying one. [May 2014, p.76]
  6. Apr 14, 2014
    Fear in Bliss is a lovingly crafted and well-written album by a young band coming into its own.
  7. Q Magazine
    Apr 23, 2014
    In places it lacks the character to make Horse Thief truly stand out, but this first outing is a fine enough place to start. [May 2014, p.111]

See all 8 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of
  2. Mixed: 0 out of
  3. Negative: 0 out of