
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. May 8, 2015
    Fated draws you in, and encapsulates a range of euphoric sounds, leaving you much lighter on the other side.
  2. Jun 17, 2015
    If you are in the right mindset, Fated is a rewarding listen.
  3. May 6, 2015
    Fated is an overwhelmingly pleasant listen. It is decidedly un-dazzling.
  4. May 4, 2015
    Fated is limited in scope, frustratingly laconic, and--as befits a journeyman--somewhat derivative, but it's never boring.
  5. May 4, 2015
    The album flows easier than Drift and Home, yet it somehow comes off as comparatively fragmentary, with 15 tracks playing out in just over half an hour.
  6. May 4, 2015
    You might only remember the songs with words, but the rest of the album puts those moments in context.
  7. Jun 3, 2015
    Something special about music is often lost in the space of the recording studio- namely the spontaneity of an artist problem-solving under limited circumstances.
  8. May 4, 2015
    Though it’s a bit flat dynamically, Chung has a fluid, strong control of the vibe.

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