• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Nov 18, 2022

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Nov 18, 2022
    BROCKHAMPTON have consistently been on an upward trajectory, improving upon each previous effort with the maturity and skill of much more seasoned artists. Ending this part of their story with grace and simplicity, The Family is not only a thank-you letter to fans but to the guys themselves -- a band of brothers who came, conquered, and clocked out while still on top.
  2. Nov 17, 2022
    ‘The Family’ is the perfect BROCKHAMPTON album. It has a flawless balance on energy fuelled moments with more melancholic ones, and the departure in sound from previous efforts makes for a compelling full listen.
  3. Nov 17, 2022
    The biggest lapse on The Family, unfortunately, is that it’s one-sided. We don’t get to hear from the other members about how they feel it all went wrong. We’re not given a collage, just one vivid picture from Abstract’s perspective.
  4. Nov 17, 2022
    A record that plays like an unwieldy and unravelling ode to all the twists and turns of Brockhampton’s journey.
  5. 80
    This pared down approach will likely disappoint some fans who hoped to hear final contributions from vocalists Champion, Joba, Merlyn Wood and Dom McLennon. But this is Abstract’s moment to write the final Brockhampton chapter, and it’s heavy on the confessions.
  6. Nov 22, 2022
    The record has a calculated fishbowl quality, chronicling the group’s rise and accelerated decline through the lens of a mercurial Svengali. It’s a victory lap with a slightly bitter aftertaste, like champagne left uncorked in a trashed hotel suite.
  7. Nov 18, 2022
    The Family is a brutally honest high-point to cap an amazing body of work.
  8. 80
    It sounds like The Family was BROCKHAMPTON’s most overtly challenging album to make, saturated with honesty even when it’s difficult. But there’s a sense that going out with intention freed them up creatively like never before.
  9. Nov 18, 2022
    The 17-track record is as hyperactive, heartfelt and honest as we’ve come to expect from the group.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
  1. Aug 12, 2023
    Everything comes to an end. I loved this album in spite of quite under production
  2. Nov 26, 2022
    This album consists mostly of unfinished, unpolished tracks. Not to mention the lack of input from anyone else in the band. Some tracks likeThis album consists mostly of unfinished, unpolished tracks. Not to mention the lack of input from anyone else in the band. Some tracks like "Big P&ssy*" and "The ending" had potential but get cut short. I don't understand why they had to make an entire album out of 1 mins long tracks.

    If you're going to listen to this album, do yourself a favour and skip any track that doesn't go pass the 2 mins mark. That's pretty much all that album has to offer.
    Full Review »
  3. Nov 24, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. boring asf!, even the good tracks sound choppy and unfinished Kevin's rapping gets boring over the record. The only thing that was fun about the LP! is the Ameer voice mail audio Full Review »