
Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 24
  2. Negative: 1 out of 24
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Where the [Cocteau] Twins tended toward soft-focus, the Delays are more rocking, thanks to a big-bottomed rhythm section. [21 May 2004, p.77]
  2. Uncut
    Ultimately, it's that out-of-time devotion--along with soaring choruses to put most contemporaries to shame--which makes this a debut record to cherish. [May 2004, p.104]
  3. Blender
    Delays have found a way to combine the sparkling harmonies of the Byrds with the glorious noise of My Bloody Valentine, and still sound as fresh and surprising as a London heat wave. [#27, p.134]
  4. The first British guitar band in a decade to lay a serious claim to the melodic guitar pop throne invented by the Byrds and the Hollies, and last occupied by the Stone Roses and the La's.
  5. Faded Seaside Glamour trades in the band's dreary English roots for radiating waves and rays of '60s California pop. It's a slick transition, an honest presentation soaked in Delays' crisp musicianship and the foursome's lush harmonies.
  6. 80
    It isn’t the place of a debut to straddle styles as diverse as harmony-drenched 60’s beat-soul, the shoegazing sound-paintings of the 80’s and relaxed futurism of now, yet this is their debut, and it covers all this and more.
  7. There is an element of beauty in Delays that is rare to find these days, and with such an accomplished debut they have an excellent shot at growing into something truly special.
  8. Despite occasional moments of album filler, Delays have still given us an album with at least three slices of timeless pop.
  9. You can't tell a word Greg Gilbert is saying... and you won't care; his soaring falsetto is that beautiful.
  10. Unfortunately, though, almost a third of the album is devoted to namby-pamby ballads which, stripped of the band’s trademark sugary hooks, sound truly wispy by proportion.
  11. If there's a clear problem with the album, it lies in the sugar-coated crystalline sheen that surrounds everything.
  12. Magnet
    Kind of like the Cocteau Twins if Don Ho produced their albums. [#64, p.86]
  13. It stands out from the pack thanks to lead vocalist Greg Gilbert.
  14. Though Faded Seaside Glamour proudly wears the jacket of its influences for all to see, the band stitch it up so well that you could never accuse it of being a knockoff.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 6 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. john
    Apr 25, 2005
    The best album I heard from a recent British band. Jeff buckley-esque vocals, 80s chimings guitars and strong songs. The album starts very The best album I heard from a recent British band. Jeff buckley-esque vocals, 80s chimings guitars and strong songs. The album starts very well but does go a little downhill towards the end. However its still a great debut which shows massive potential and are certainly a band to watch Full Review »
  2. TimE.
    Jan 13, 2005
    Album of the year, hands down. "Wanderlust" brings us back to the days when such talented bands as the Cocteau Twins graced us with there Album of the year, hands down. "Wanderlust" brings us back to the days when such talented bands as the Cocteau Twins graced us with there etheral textures. Forget Coldplay, this is the band that I've waited for all my life. Full Review »
  3. FS
    Jul 20, 2004
    Summer itself