
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Q Magazine
    Aug 25, 2015
    Eyes Wide, Tongue Tied is a leap forward. [Oct 2015, p.108]
  2. Jon Fratelli proves a cleverly withering lyricist. Nearly all the songs treat lovers as thieves, imposters or liars.
  3. Aug 28, 2015
    Even if it lives up to the bewilderment in its title now and then, Eyes Wide, Tongue Tied is the kind of playful, unpredictable set a band can make once it reaches its fourth album.
  4. Aug 20, 2015
    The album stutters when influences are writ too large--Stevie Wonder on Dogtown and Razorlight on Desperate Boy--and it all runs out of steam towards the end. Still, as the anthemic, U2-like piano ballad Slow demonstrates quite ably, they’re in no mood to be written off.
  5. Mojo
    Aug 17, 2015
    While the boisterousness that made 2006 single Chelsea Dagger so welcome on the terraces of Stamford Bridge is successfully repurposed on Baby Don't You Lie To Me! and Too Much Wine, and Thief motors like Lady Madonna on Stevie's Higher Ground, other fruits of this reunion with producer Tony Hoffer--see the mellotron-mangled Rosanna--soon sour. [Sep 2015, p.94]
  6. 60
    Eyes Wide Tongue Tied is more testament to subtlety and getting the basics right.
  7. Uncut
    Aug 27, 2015
    Few of these chugging bar-room stompers register as earworms, even after repeated listens. [Oct 2015, p.76]
  8. Aug 24, 2015
    This sense of rejuvenation is somewhat stunted by the inclusion of some Fratellis standards. The results range from the exhilarating 'Baby Don't You Lie To Me!' to the tediously dull plod of 'Rosanna'.
  9. Aug 19, 2015
    On occasion, it’s actually borderline thrilling but those moments are too few and far between.
  10. 50
    [The Fratellis] still lack an identity beyond the decent Glaswegian doggedness that has got them this far.
  11. 40
    There are occasional moments of unalloyed pleasure on this, but frankly not near enough to persuade one that The Fratellis reunion was worthwhile.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 20 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 20
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 20
  3. Negative: 1 out of 20
  1. Aug 13, 2021
    This album definitely marks the band's shift in sound, and while they've haven't grasped it quite like they will have by their next album,This album definitely marks the band's shift in sound, and while they've haven't grasped it quite like they will have by their next album, there are several stellar tracks that hit a bullseye. Thief would be incredible to hear in a stadium what with the amazing build up before the chorus ("No one ever told her that the world was under her skin *Ahh!*"). The chorus of Rosanna is impossible not to sing along to. Dogtown is probably my favorite Fratellis song out of their entire discography. I don't know what they put in it that made it so addicting but I think I could listen to it on loop for hours without ever getting tired of it. Full Review »
  2. Sep 11, 2015
    After repeated listens to give a fair review of this album, i'm pleased to say it's great. Despite a couple of filler tunes, i feel theAfter repeated listens to give a fair review of this album, i'm pleased to say it's great. Despite a couple of filler tunes, i feel the experimental aproach has worked. Wether it lives up to Costello Music is subjective so don't let unfair reviews spoil your judgment, have a listen and make up your own mind. Full Review »
  3. Aug 31, 2015
    I'm sure I'm not the only fan of The Fratellis who got a small sense of whiplash after listening to Here We Stand, the follow up album toI'm sure I'm not the only fan of The Fratellis who got a small sense of whiplash after listening to Here We Stand, the follow up album to they're hit debut Costello Music. The playful and at times goofy lyricism being quickly spilled over bright and ferocious guitar, bubbling drums, and methodical bass, in some sort of jazz-garage-indie-punk fusion style, complete with catchy and bombastic bar crawl chorus's, had given way to more straight forward verse/chorus/verse tunes that had been stripped of much of the grandeur that made the slightly silly/slightly cynical fratellis so endearing to us. It wasn't a bad album by any means but anyone who had fallen in love with Costello Music couldn't shake that something was definitely incorrect about the follow up.
    Then the band split and for those who don't know Jon went on to co-create Codeine Velvet Club with the lovely Lou Hickey(this album is wonderful) and after time released his own solo record that while not terrible still felt somewhat lifeless and as if he was trying to capture a formula instead of making art. Then finally came the big return of The Fratellis with their third album We Need Medicine. It was a snore fest. I apologize to anyone who dug this album but there is not one surprise on it, there was not one moment of uniqueness or originality and all the songs sounded more or less the same. To me. You're opinion may differ.
    I had given up at this point; the fratellis I once loved were gone and gone forever. That is until Eyes Wide, Tongue tied. Now let me start by saying this album is not Costello Music; however, it is maybe the best possible outcome for a band that isn't making Costello music's anymore. Had this album been the follow up rather than Here We Stand I do believe the fans would have stuck around longer. It's not quite as good, but it is, at least, deliciously Fratellis.
    Straight from the opening plodding piano chords of Me and the Devil something immediately felt correct that this sound was coming from this band and that relief persists throughout the majority of the production. And truly that's the magic word here, the production is razor sharp. There are songs such as Baby don't you lie to me, and Desperate Guy, that i could imagine being boring album filler, instead majestically stand on their own and can be enjoyed in their own right despite being some of the weaker tracks on the album(the latter more so than the former). The track Thief is the closest this album toes towards classic Fratellis feeling reminiscent of 'Creeping up the backstairs' in its pace and rhythm. My personal favorite Rosanna, is a fun a playful trip from start to finish and even the acoustic version available on deluxe album(which I highly highly recommend) is lively and keeps the spirit present in the original track.
    Really this is what makes this album stand out in the Fratellis line up, especially when compared to We Need Medicine; Spirit, and personality. Each song on this album, even the weaker ones, still feel like they were cared for. That effort and brain power was put into everything here. Whereas We Need Medicine felt like each song was written and performed in the same afternoon.
    If I have any complaints about this album it's that the tightness of the song composition does not allow any room for the instruments to breath. The drums are very very basic which is a real shame because we all know what talent Mince has, and similarly Baz's bass skills are reduced to mostly background fuzz or at best providing a simple line to prop up the rhythm so the rest of the song can do its thing.
    This is not the big return for classic fratellis that I think we're all waiting for, but to me this is a wonderful step in the best of directions and for the first time since that original debut I'm very excited to see what they've got coming up next for us.
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