• Record Label: E Works
  • Release Date: Jan 28, 2022

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. 90
    If you’re new to Everett’s talents, Extreme Witchcraft is a fine place to start, before working back through a catalog that has no weak entries. But this stands out as a highlight by his lyrical dexterity and the visionary Parish/Everett production partnership.
  2. Jan 31, 2022
    Extreme Witchcraft isn't a big basket of musical sunshine, but it's been a while since Eels have made an album with this sort of muddled joy, and it's a welcome development from one of pop's major misfits.
  3. 80
    We’ve been here before, but we’re back and it’s great.
  4. Jan 26, 2022
    This is a record scored through, unmistakably, with a desire to have some fun.
  5. Mojo
    Jan 25, 2022
    Part happy break-up LP, part honest look in the mirror, Extreme Witchcraft works magic. [Feb 2022, p.82]
  6. Jan 27, 2022
    A work of impish maturity, ‘Extreme Witchcraft’ is Eels at their most playful, with the band’s carefree wizardry still delivering thrills, even after all these years. While not ranking with their absolute best work, in terms of breakneck guitar-led songwriting it more than delivers.
  7. Jan 25, 2022
    Extreme Witchcraft proves Everett is willing to let it all hang out sonically, delivering enjoyable results.
  8. Uncut
    Jan 25, 2022
    Extreme Witchcraft snaps and snarls more than usual, but wit, tunes and third-degree self-awareness continue to serve the post-grunge Randy Newman well. [Feb 2022, p.28]
  9. Jan 31, 2022
    For those that grew to love EELS from their early beginnings in the late ’90s through the early 2000s, you’ll understand the shortcomings here. Fortunately, a sub-par EELS is still better than most but even a couple of the better tunes on Extreme Witchcraft such as “Good Night On Earth” and “Stumbling Bee” sound like re-hashed songs from a previous EELS record.
  10. 60
    Rather than a fresh blast of wizardry, ‘Extreme Witchcraft’ is more of a feet-finder for our times.
  11. Jan 25, 2022
    The songs on Extreme Witchcraft that don’t work simply blend into the background. ... Moments that do work—and there are a handful—combine Everett’s peerless gift for melody and pacing. ... Ultimately, however, there isn’t much in the way of subtext here.
  12. Feb 1, 2022
    As a study of a man starting to slowly regain his feet after a major relationship break-up during a pandemic, Extreme Witchcraft has plenty to say. As a collection of Eels songs though, it unfortunately falls some way short of the band’s best work.
  13. Jan 31, 2022
    There are some more subdued moments (the quiet standout Stumbling Bee) but on the whole Extreme Witchcraft is a frustratingly stodgy affair.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Jan 31, 2022
    The best Eels album since Souljacker (also produced by John Parish) and Blinking Lights…
  2. Jan 31, 2022
    I agree with the other reviewer - I'm a huge fan of Souljacker, feeling it's one of the great records of the early 200os. This is right upI agree with the other reviewer - I'm a huge fan of Souljacker, feeling it's one of the great records of the early 200os. This is right up there. Crunchy guitars, sonically dense - a great late night record. Full Review »