
Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
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  1. 30
    They’re aiming for a rockier sound--Walking The Wire has a guitar solo that could conceivably be influenced by U2 if you stick your head under a pillow before hitting play – but, as one listen to opener I Don’t Know Why amply demonstrates, it just comes off like Michael Bolton dad-dancing to Justin Timberlake at a family wedding. Pop deserves better. Rock deserves better. We all deserve better.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 467 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 87 out of 467
  1. Jun 23, 2017
    While this album didn't come across as impressive on the first listen, the songs grew on me over time. Got addicted in the end.

    Great job,
    While this album didn't come across as impressive on the first listen, the songs grew on me over time. Got addicted in the end.

    Great job, and could see that there is a more polished/refined sound this time round. Indeed, less has translated to more. Really really loved "Rise Up", "I Don't Know Why", "Thunder", "Believer"...

    I get why people are not very satisfied with the album. They see that it appears to be boring. But I mean, it's really up to your own tastes and preferences. It just happens that I enjoy their music.

    For those first-time listeners, I wouldn't suggest judging this band solely on armchair critics, but to give it a listen yourself. And don't just listen to it once, like a fleeting memory in a faraway land. Listen to it a few times, then you can judge it appropriately for yourself. I remember dismissing and stopping a song once when I heard the opening rift, but it turned out to be a wonderful song in disguise after I listened.
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  2. Jun 26, 2017
    EVOLVE - Imagine Dragons
    1. I Don't Know Why 3.25/5: Heavy electro-pop synth track with a gloomy sci-fi intro which leads to a funky chorus
    EVOLVE - Imagine Dragons
    1. I Don't Know Why 3.25/5: Heavy electro-pop synth track with a gloomy sci-fi intro which leads to a funky chorus
    2. Whatever It Takes 4.25/5: Rap verses, explosive chorus, solid bassline, we take whatever the dragons take.
    3. Believer 4.5/5: layered by anthemic drum beats and loop acoustic guitar riffs, Evolve lead single has led us to a world where Night Visions and Smoke + Mirrors collide - dark and uplifting vibes; no doubt one of the best ID single which became their first top 15 hit in 3 years
    4. Walking The Wire 4.5/5: Is this Night Visions? Wow those prominent drums and damn hot vocal are back, as the song goes "We take what comes."
    5. Rise Up 3.75/5: Dan's incredibly powerful vocal has made this track a great highlight of the album, notably the "screaming" chorus, with ID signature drums has again brought back reminiscence of old-school dragons from the pre-Night Visions era; also the acapella bridge is impressive, yet unnecessary and inappropriate with the song's overall tune
    6. I'll Make It Up To You 4/5: the album's tone starts to alter at this moment to a poppier sound, but this is still a great The 1975-ish track with 80s-style synth pop accompanied with a light guitar outro, especially a fade-away ending that throws back fans to the 80s dance soft-rock era
    7. Yesterday 4/5: probably funniest song ever heard from the Dragons, joyful melody along piano riffs and clean electric guitar riffs as frontman Dan Reynolds delightedly scream at the chorus climax, "No tomorrow without a yesterday/ Here's to my future/ Goodbye to yesterday."
    8. Mouth Of The River 4/5: damn catchy chorus, powerful bassline and light guitar flicks deeply influenced from rock stars The Killers
    9. Thunder 3.5/5: catchy melody, featuring high-pitched chipmunk vocal in the pre-chorus, yet missing the actual thunder
    10. Start Over 2.75/5: did I just heard The Chainsmokers at the song intro? musically and lyrically bland dominated by electronic background music, definitely not a song one would expect from the Las Vegas quartets
    11. Dancing In The Dark 2.5/5: Again monotonous electro-pop sound and gospel verse, sorry but not a good ending for an album like this
    Recommended: Believer, Walking The Wire, Rise Up, Yesterday, Mouth Of The River
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  3. Jun 23, 2017
    Even tho, I wasn't a fan of "Smoke + Mirrors" I was excited to see what they bring next and you can´t deny the wide range of genres they playEven tho, I wasn't a fan of "Smoke + Mirrors" I was excited to see what they bring next and you can´t deny the wide range of genres they play on this, fairly short, Album; from Alt.Rock to Synth Pop and EDM to experimental Electronica, its well arranged in that regard. The Album starts with an EDM and Synth-Pop influenced Intro which fades nicely into the next tracks who are all quite strong and remember on "Night Visions"; with "Rise Up" as one of my personal favorites on the Album, ending the admittedly strong first half of the Album. Then the fall, the 2nd half felt completely flat. The Instrumentals, as well as the vocals, which were really powerful in the first half, felt really blend and mediocre. Most of these tracks just seem directionless and uninspired and let me to believe that they run out of ideas to fast, especially on the Album closer "Dancing In the Dark" which sounds like a Chainsmoker song with Dan Reynolds as feature.

    Best Songs: Whatever It Takes, Believer, Rise Up, Thunder
    Worst Songs: Yesterday, Dancing In The Dark, Start Over
    Maybe it will some day grow a little bit more on me like the single "Thunder" did, but as it stands right now I can only give a score of 6. I was just expecting more from the Album even though its first half was good.
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