
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. The singer spends most of Evolve dithering on elastic, airy, funk-jazz excursions that convey few opinions or emotions, not to mention hooks.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 9 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 2 out of 9
  1. Jan 25, 2012
    This album was a continuation of where Revelling/Reckoning left off. Probably won't be a favorite at first listen, but it turned out to be aThis album was a continuation of where Revelling/Reckoning left off. Probably won't be a favorite at first listen, but it turned out to be a great album over time. The standout track on the album is Serpentine; never has Ani ever showed so much emotion in one song, ever. You can hear her whimpering at the end of the song. This is such a climatic themed album! Full Review »
  2. NShockey
    Apr 25, 2003
    Great album. Not really Ani's best, but it's a change and all of the other critics probably will change their mind on this one in Great album. Not really Ani's best, but it's a change and all of the other critics probably will change their mind on this one in the next few years, but then it'll be too late. Ani has to be listened to more than one for anyone to like it! I like every single song on the album fr its different reason, and none of them should stand alone and be redicule. Ani has done it again! Full Review »
  3. StheB
    Apr 16, 2003
    This was a phenomenal CD. Not the place one would start an Ani collection but a brilliant record anyway. The song "Slide" speaks like early This was a phenomenal CD. Not the place one would start an Ani collection but a brilliant record anyway. The song "Slide" speaks like early Ani with lyrics like, "When I look at you I squint, You are that beautiful." and the guitar arrangement is just more mature than in the past. Then there is "Evolve" which if you really hear, explains everything about where she is and where she wants to go. I hate to keep naming songs but I HAVE to mention "Serpentine", the 10 minute solo arrangement that has to be heard to be understood. That I think is my favorite song overall. She speaks back and fprth from subjects of love ("I get f*cked up when I'm alone"), to the state of music biz ("Hip-Hop is tied up in a back room with a logo in it's mouth/cause the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house!"). The song is rightly named. There are songs I could do without (Icarus, Second Intermission) but the CD as whole is brilliant! The body of work unmatchable. Full Review »