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Generally favorable reviews- based on 80 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 65 out of 80
  2. Negative: 3 out of 80
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  1. Aug 3, 2014
    I've got no issue with artists taking a step into darker, broodier territory. My favorite Beck album is Sea Change. However, this is probably my least favorite record from Damon since The Fall (Gorillaz). Coming from a big Blur and Gorillaz fan, I definitely respect the gesture and am happy that Damon is experimenting - something that lured me to Blur and Gorillaz in the first place. Now,I've got no issue with artists taking a step into darker, broodier territory. My favorite Beck album is Sea Change. However, this is probably my least favorite record from Damon since The Fall (Gorillaz). Coming from a big Blur and Gorillaz fan, I definitely respect the gesture and am happy that Damon is experimenting - something that lured me to Blur and Gorillaz in the first place. Now, don't get me wrong, I do like this record. Some songs I like quite a bit actually. The problem is the hit-or-miss quality to the songwriting. I find the production suits the style perfectly and the instrumental choices work well, however, the songwriting sometimes falls flat. If you enjoyed Damon's work previously, I implore you check this record out. Regardless if you enjoy it, you must appreciate the experimental and introspective nature of this shift. Expand
  2. Jul 2, 2015
    An amazing album from an amazing artist, everyday robots is inventive, has a ton of variety, and is an album that deserves a lot of mainstream attention
  3. Apr 29, 2014
    Absolutely mesmerizing debut by Damon Albarn. Complex and personal. Everyday Robots is sharp twist on the age old theme of Nature vs. Technology. For me, the key standout songs from the album are Hollow Ponds, Hostiles, Everyday Robots, and Lonely Press Play.

    One of the best albums to come out so far in the year, I can't wait to hear Damon play this album live. A must have for Blur or
    Absolutely mesmerizing debut by Damon Albarn. Complex and personal. Everyday Robots is sharp twist on the age old theme of Nature vs. Technology. For me, the key standout songs from the album are Hollow Ponds, Hostiles, Everyday Robots, and Lonely Press Play.

    One of the best albums to come out so far in the year, I can't wait to hear Damon play this album live. A must have for Blur or Gorillaz fans, and a fairly enjoyable listen even for those who aren't.
  4. May 14, 2014
    I absolutely dont see why this albums overall score is so dismal come on, just because its not "Happy" or "Feel good" jeez. For the music critics who gave this album a forty or lower, let me just say. Your taste sucks. And instead of ruining a good albums score why dont you go ruin Miley's new single. Or anyone else who sends out **** 24/7 for money. (People here are smarter than the Critics)
  5. Apr 30, 2014
    I am loving the album. Although I must say I was expecting a little bit more memorable tunes. The songs that come out the most are The Selfish Giant, You & Me and Photographs (You Are Taking Now).
  6. May 1, 2014
    damon is definitly the most creative musician of our generation. The album is a little repetitive, but still has memorable tunes (the selfish giant, everyday robots, you and me, heavy seas of love and my favorite "mr tembo).
  7. Apr 30, 2015
    "Everyday Robots" has a few standout gems but for the most part Albarn slowly ushers proceedings along. It's not bad and he's managed to keep the level of quality at a consistently decent level. Unfortunately I think we're entitled to expect a bit more than this for Albarns' first solo album after over 20 years in the music industry. It starts well with an intriguing loop driving the"Everyday Robots" has a few standout gems but for the most part Albarn slowly ushers proceedings along. It's not bad and he's managed to keep the level of quality at a consistently decent level. Unfortunately I think we're entitled to expect a bit more than this for Albarns' first solo album after over 20 years in the music industry. It starts well with an intriguing loop driving the brilliant, melancholic title track. "Hostiles" is one of the best tracks on the record, followed by the breezy "Lonely Press Play". "Mr Tembo" has a tropical feel and sees Albarn let loose a little. From this point on the material is stop start and is more difficult to engage with. Its never really boring but too often it fails to grab you in a meaningful way. Had Damon Albarn not had so many side projects over his incredibly prolific career up to now, his debut might have been an all time classic. Instead what we have is a very downbeat affair which is vaguely interesting to the casual listener. Expand
  8. Jun 11, 2015
    Damon Albarn is certainly one of the genius of contemporary music. Blur made nice brit-pop in the nineties, but Gorillaz have been an amazing project that mixed graphic design and mainstream music. This record, anyway, sounds really tired off, even if some tracks (Everyday Robots, The Selfish Giant, You & Me, Hollow Ponds, Photographs, The History of a Cheating Heart) have greatDamon Albarn is certainly one of the genius of contemporary music. Blur made nice brit-pop in the nineties, but Gorillaz have been an amazing project that mixed graphic design and mainstream music. This record, anyway, sounds really tired off, even if some tracks (Everyday Robots, The Selfish Giant, You & Me, Hollow Ponds, Photographs, The History of a Cheating Heart) have great melancholic melodies and the production is on point, being minimal and refined. Expand
  9. Jul 11, 2018
    This is a marvellous melancholic album from one of the greatest and most diverse artists out there. It’s mostly an anti-mainstream album; instead of upbeat tunes to make you feel good, it makes you think and maybe even sad, depending on how relatable the song is to you.
    My favourites are: Hostiles, Lonely Press Play, The Selfish Giant, You & Me, Hollow Ponds and Heavy Seas Of Love.
    This is a marvellous melancholic album from one of the greatest and most diverse artists out there. It’s mostly an anti-mainstream album; instead of upbeat tunes to make you feel good, it makes you think and maybe even sad, depending on how relatable the song is to you.
    My favourites are: Hostiles, Lonely Press Play, The Selfish Giant, You & Me, Hollow Ponds and Heavy Seas Of Love.

    And for anyone who dislikes the album, regardless of your opinion, make sure to lower your expectations a few. That way you’ll be less disappointed. (this is a slight reference to Bo Burnham, so don’t take this paragraph too seriously)

Generally favorable reviews - based on 37 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 37
  2. Negative: 0 out of 37
  1. Magnet
    May 19, 2014
    Albarn aficionados will, of course, lap it up, but for the rest of us, think of it more along the lines of a faintly beguiling curio in an otherwise fascinating career. [No. 109, p.52]
  2. The relationship between the music and Albarn’s voice deepens the album’s theme.
  3. May 5, 2014
    The result is an album that humanizes the machine and peels back a layer from Albarn's life while adding more to the music.