
Generally favorable reviews - based on 37 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 37
  2. Negative: 0 out of 37
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  1. Magnet
    May 19, 2014
    Albarn aficionados will, of course, lap it up, but for the rest of us, think of it more along the lines of a faintly beguiling curio in an otherwise fascinating career. [No. 109, p.52]
  2. The relationship between the music and Albarn’s voice deepens the album’s theme.
  3. May 5, 2014
    The result is an album that humanizes the machine and peels back a layer from Albarn's life while adding more to the music.
  4. 70
    The album unravels its charms slowly and deliberately and after it’s over you’ll be beckoned back to soak in more of its sublime, beguiling mystique.
  5. Apr 30, 2014
    Albarn has just unveiled quite arguably the best album of his career--solo or otherwise--with Everyday Robots.
  6. 85
    Modern life might still be rubbish, but it is rarely shown to be so beguilingly beautiful.
  7. Apr 29, 2014
    Clearly influenced by Brian Eno (who appears on two tracks), it is an ambient snoozefest marred by listless mood pieces.
  8. Apr 29, 2014
    For an artist who has capably proved he can do pretty much anything, Everyday Robots is perfectly modest in its ambitions. But it's still full of winning surprises--even if they aren't as worthy as a pub band sit-in.
  9. Apr 29, 2014
    Ultimately, Everyday Robots just sounds like another great album from one of pop music’s most fearless sonic chameleons.
  10. Apr 29, 2014
    It’s a pretty enough record, but not one that makes any sort of impression, breaks any ground, or leaves listeners wanting more.
  11. Apr 29, 2014
    Everyday Robots, unfolds as a sleepy, melancholy culmination of all Albarn’s work so far. And if sweat still isn’t showing, a little distress is.
  12. Apr 29, 2014
    Everyday Robots signals a sea change in Albarn's oeuvre because it is, ostensibly at least, a work that tackles its creator's origins with something close to sincerity. I say close to, because there are plenty of moments here when the familiar orientalism returns to produce slightly nauseating results.
  13. Apr 29, 2014
    This is serious music. Albarn has stated that this is his most personal record and he ain't kidding.
  14. Apr 28, 2014
    The album's attempts at shaking up the down-tempo, down-hearted mood fall short.
  15. Apr 28, 2014
    Musically, there's an intelligence that extends way beyond the churning indie anthems of Albarn's youth.
  16. Apr 28, 2014
    Albarn’s still very good at writing songs. And with this introspective statement, he’s not showing any sign of growing stale.
  17. Apr 28, 2014
    Everyday Robots is a graceful and beguiling album from an artist that continues to explore, mature and surprise us with each release. Not bad for a debut album.
  18. 80
    Albarn pulls you close and whispers the codes of his life into your ear. Switch settings to ‘decipher’.
  19. 50
    Lurching drum-machine beats, gentle piano chords, and somber string arrangements form the musical groundwork upon which Albarn sighs about the encroaching dominance of technology. If you’re the kind of person who shares this worldview, you may find Everyday Robots an often lovely demonstration of post-millennium tension. If not, the album’s monotony can fast become punishing.
  20. Apr 28, 2014
    Upon repeated listens, the sorrowful undertow of Everyday Robots becomes a comfort, a balm for moments of alienation; it's the kind of record that when you're lonely, you press play.
  21. Apr 28, 2014
    Robots is decidedly lowercase music, more a piece of his puzzle than a picture on its own.
  22. Apr 28, 2014
    It’s a “grower” if there ever was one. And when it finally blooms in your ears, you’ll find yourself thinking “ah, so this is why I’ve been following this guy for all these years.”
  23. Apr 28, 2014
    There's nothing inherently wrong with bemoaning cultural change (it's a better thematic analogue for personal detachment than the isolation of being rich and famous, at least), but Everyday Robots employs a scolding tone that doesn't help sugarcoat its cranky message.
  24. An intimate, introspective album that takes tentative steps to reveal the soul behind the star.
  25. Apr 25, 2014
    In a mood of nostalgia, Albarn is looking back at his life as it unspools over some of his most subtle, beautiful and melancholy melodies, rendered in a slightly hung-over, low-fi tone, occasionally pepped up by samples from producer Richard Russell.
  26. Apr 25, 2014
    Like most things, it’s worth the wait.
  27. Apr 24, 2014
    Everyday Robots is a lovely record, and in its lack of duds or whimsical twattery it’s probably one of most consistent things Albarn has ever put his name to. That doesn't make it the best, though: it doesn't take risks--not by Albarn’s standards, anyway--and in the most literal sense it's not all that exciting.
  28. Apr 24, 2014
    By and large, this is a downbeat record, one suggesting maybe Albarn recently had a listen to ‘Mr Robinson’s Quango’ and decided never to do ‘whimsical’ again. Still, there’s a couple of more upbeat numbers that work in neat counterpoint.
  29. Apr 24, 2014
    Though deftly orchestrated, Everyday Robots feels deflated and aimless, and the nature-versus-technology theme frequently results in clichés.
  30. Apr 24, 2014
    The music is good enough that a lack of revelation doesn't really seem to matter while Everyday Robots is playing. Whoever Damon Albarn is, he's extremely good at what he does.
  31. Mojo
    Apr 23, 2014
    Subtly psychedelic, intuitively clever and constantly challenging, Everyday Robots underlines that Albarn is an artist of originality and depth, a master of the haunting, insidious melody and--perhaps this needs no reiteration--a gifted, inventive musician. [May 2014, p.84]
  32. Q Magazine
    Apr 23, 2014
    Everyday Roberts is a wonderful record. [May 2014, p.104]
  33. 80
    ["Mr Tembo" is] a rare moment of extrovert cheer on an intimate, introspective album that takes tentative steps to reveal the soul behind the star.
  34. Uncut
    Apr 22, 2014
    Everyday Robots is a less ebullient, more intimate and reflective affair, as befits the tentative revelation of a man's soul. [May 2014, p.63]
  35. Apr 22, 2014
    It doesn’t burn out so much as creep up and these songs offer yet another new guise for a remarkable talent.
  36. Apr 22, 2014
    It’ll take some time to get to grips with, and requires input--this isn’t a passive album--but you reap what you sow, and if you take enough time with Everyday Robots, you’ll be rewarded with a dazzling LP that’ll lodge itself in your mind from now until your last breath.
  37. Apr 22, 2014
    The results can often recall Seventies Eno at his most meditative and Village Green-era Ray Davies at his most world-sick more than Gorillaz's bounce or Blur's guitar buzz.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 80 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 65 out of 80
  2. Negative: 3 out of 80
  1. May 14, 2014
    I absolutely dont see why this albums overall score is so dismal come on, just because its not "Happy" or "Feel good" jeez. For the musicI absolutely dont see why this albums overall score is so dismal come on, just because its not "Happy" or "Feel good" jeez. For the music critics who gave this album a forty or lower, let me just say. Your taste sucks. And instead of ruining a good albums score why dont you go ruin Miley's new single. Or anyone else who sends out **** 24/7 for money. (People here are smarter than the Critics) Full Review »
  2. Apr 30, 2014
    I am loving the album. Although I must say I was expecting a little bit more memorable tunes. The songs that come out the most are The SelfishI am loving the album. Although I must say I was expecting a little bit more memorable tunes. The songs that come out the most are The Selfish Giant, You & Me and Photographs (You Are Taking Now). Full Review »
  3. Apr 29, 2014
    Absolutely mesmerizing debut by Damon Albarn. Complex and personal. Everyday Robots is sharp twist on the age old theme of Nature vs.Absolutely mesmerizing debut by Damon Albarn. Complex and personal. Everyday Robots is sharp twist on the age old theme of Nature vs. Technology. For me, the key standout songs from the album are Hollow Ponds, Hostiles, Everyday Robots, and Lonely Press Play.

    One of the best albums to come out so far in the year, I can't wait to hear Damon play this album live. A must have for Blur or Gorillaz fans, and a fairly enjoyable listen even for those who aren't.
    Full Review »