
Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13
  1. 70
    This album, as seemingly different as each song is, runs pretty smoothly.
  2. It's not vintage and it doesn't finally deliver what the hype of "Psyence Fiction" promised, but given enough time it's an album you could learn to love.
  3. End Titles...Stories for Film wears the signs of its creation poorly, unlike the quite-good odds'n'sods collection "More Stories," which despite its high quality was released only in Australia.
  4. Alternative Press
    Although it could easily pass as B-sides from 2007's "War Stories," it's actually a sprawling, atmospheric effort with enough interesting tangents to appeal to even jaded "Never, Never Land" fans. [Oct 2008, p.170]
  5. Under The Radar
    End Titles varies in style even more so than a "regular" UNKLE album. Despite this, there are signposts that mark it as a definite UNKLE creation. [Fall 2008, p.89]
  6. Unfortunately there are too many moments where the pace flags, however, and Lavelle, while not exactly running out of ideas, falls back on the familiar ones.
  7. UNKLE are good at gothic bombast and when they pile on the strings they produce densely atmospheric pieces such as 'Cut Me Loose.'
  8. Mojo
    Only a fraction of the songs here reach a truly memerizing apex. [Sep 2008, p.110]
  9. Despite boasting another stellar line-up of guest vocalists, James Lavelle’s dance-rock project once again fails to convince.
  10. End Titles rewards just about any amount of listening investment equally, and it completely lacks sharp edges.
  11. Somewhere between Ennio Morricone, Talk Talk and late-period Massive Attack, it is atmospheric, if relentlessly bleak, with the exception of cult director Abel Ferrara's imitation of Bob Dylan on 'Open Up Your Eyes'.
  12. Uncut
    A mish-mash of tracks from or intended for film soundtracks, is mearly more of the same with added strings. [Sep 2008, p.109]
  13. Besides these somewhat untraditional, lackluster guest spots--odd that the one thing that used to hold Lavelle above water is now the most notable problem--is the fact that End Titles...Stories for Film has absolutely no flow to it, something Lavelle more or less acknowledges in the liner notes.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. AaronC
    Sep 6, 2008
    Atmospheric, but not particularly memorable or exciting.
  2. JimmyH.
    Sep 5, 2008
    Just moving. War Stories with more ambiance.