• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Nov 2, 2004
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 99 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 61 out of 99
  2. Negative: 18 out of 99

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  1. Chromosomeman2004
    Jan 20, 2005
    I believe that by producing this album APC did stick to their roots. I envision APC as a group of guys who have already faced their shadow and are now writing more about how to heal and transcend. For those who find this album to be less than desireable because it is so called different than the Mer De Noms or Thirteenth Step well you should realize that they are a progressive band. Of I believe that by producing this album APC did stick to their roots. I envision APC as a group of guys who have already faced their shadow and are now writing more about how to heal and transcend. For those who find this album to be less than desireable because it is so called different than the Mer De Noms or Thirteenth Step well you should realize that they are a progressive band. Of course it is going to be different in some respects. Yet, what lies behind the music; the comprehensive is still the same. It hasn't changed. Let go. Jason Expand
  2. DanC
    Mar 27, 2005
    Not a perfect album, but I personally am very grateful this was done, bringing the old back to todays youth, a youth so damn beat down by pop culture that we really needed a breathe of activisim. Thank God for this album. Personally I loved the Imagine cover although I though Gimme Gimme Gimme was poorly done. Passive is a great Rock tune and for those who don't know, original. loved Not a perfect album, but I personally am very grateful this was done, bringing the old back to todays youth, a youth so damn beat down by pop culture that we really needed a breathe of activisim. Thank God for this album. Personally I loved the Imagine cover although I though Gimme Gimme Gimme was poorly done. Passive is a great Rock tune and for those who don't know, original. loved it! Overall, I believe this is APC's most consistant album covers or no covers. I found their other albums to be good but inconsistant. My review is above and I can tell you this one is in the good pile of my collection Expand
  3. JordanF
    Feb 9, 2006
    I cant get enough of this album and dont understand what all the negative fuss is about. This album actualy got me to get their older albums, which I actualy dont like as much.
  4. darkangel
    Jan 9, 2005
    This was one of the best Albums of all time
  5. tanw
    Jan 8, 2007
    wicked album show you wat the world has come to loving the voice and super guitar riftes !!!!!!!!
  6. JonathanH
    Apr 26, 2007
    I must say, I enjoy this way more than 10,000 days by Tool, so since I overlooked this album kind of delibratley, I've gone back to it and definitley appreciate it - which is a good thing because i hate 10,000 days. I would of given it 10, but I'm not sure if some of the tracks work as well as they should, and I think should of sung in a quieter voice at times over the louder I must say, I enjoy this way more than 10,000 days by Tool, so since I overlooked this album kind of delibratley, I've gone back to it and definitley appreciate it - which is a good thing because i hate 10,000 days. I would of given it 10, but I'm not sure if some of the tracks work as well as they should, and I think should of sung in a quieter voice at times over the louder guitar and drum rythums, but thats all I have to complain about. As a TOOL and PERFECT CIRCLE fan - very pleased I rediscovered this. Expand
  7. CRootplayer5000
    Dec 9, 2004
    Just because the pace isn't quick enough for your taste is a shti reason to give an album a bad score. This album is useful in certain situations, such as driving in snow covered hills after a long day of boarding, or just before going to bed, etc..open your minds to various styles & interpretive music, losers.
  8. torir
    Jan 18, 2005
    I really don't understand all those supposed APC fans that hate this. I am thinking you either need to broaden your musical horizons, or stop pretending to have taste- AND stop reading Rolling Stone, whose reviews stopped having any credibility the moment they put the Olsen twins on the cover. This album is f'ing brilliant. I haven't stopped playing it since its first spin. I really don't understand all those supposed APC fans that hate this. I am thinking you either need to broaden your musical horizons, or stop pretending to have taste- AND stop reading Rolling Stone, whose reviews stopped having any credibility the moment they put the Olsen twins on the cover. This album is f'ing brilliant. I haven't stopped playing it since its first spin. OK, there is one or two tracks I don't care for. That's 2 out of 12!! The other ten are so incredible they simultaneously make me weep/wet. My favorites are tracks 2,3,4,5,7,10. The standout favorite is by far "Passive", but I also really respect their interpretations of John Lennon's Imagine, Elvis Costello's Peace, Love and Understanding, and even their Marvin Gaye and Devo covers. Lighten up people, or Go Back To Sleep. Expand
  9. AlanR
    Jul 28, 2005
    This album was released at a time when the world needed to hear what this album is saying and to get Bush out of office, although it is mainly all old material covered, they ingenuity of their covers make this album a good effort on APC's part, as most musicians know to sucessfully cover 1 song can be difficult, but an album full...? many wouldnt even think of it! I felt the lack of This album was released at a time when the world needed to hear what this album is saying and to get Bush out of office, although it is mainly all old material covered, they ingenuity of their covers make this album a good effort on APC's part, as most musicians know to sucessfully cover 1 song can be difficult, but an album full...? many wouldnt even think of it! I felt the lack of "real" instruments over electronic or electronicly manipulated instruments a bit of a dissapointment but the overall effect was good and APC must be congratulated on taking such a huge risk with this album. Hopefully another all original album will appear soon! Expand
  10. S.Toncray
    Nov 3, 2004
    Certainly fitting for this era in our history, eMOTIVe strikes a cord now, though its lasting effects are somewhat questionable. For the most part, the album succeeds magnificently in stirring emotions and creating some interestingly innovative covers of a wide variety of older songs. Especially potent is the Lennon cover of Imagine, with its optimistic lyrics seemingly smothered in the Certainly fitting for this era in our history, eMOTIVe strikes a cord now, though its lasting effects are somewhat questionable. For the most part, the album succeeds magnificently in stirring emotions and creating some interestingly innovative covers of a wide variety of older songs. Especially potent is the Lennon cover of Imagine, with its optimistic lyrics seemingly smothered in the dark, bleak realism of practical disillusion. A change in tone made all the difference, and this album hits hard emotionally, especially in these turbulent times. The remix of Pet, Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums is not to be missed, while Passive is a nice addition to the mix. Unwelcome, however, is the lackluster Depeche Mode cover, People are People. A minor flaw, but likely APC's weakest track yet. Nonetheless, this is a great album that expands the definition of cover song into eccentric, meticulous new territory. Interesting, if a bit flawed, and worthy of praise for its high ambitions and originality. Expand
  11. PC
    Nov 5, 2004
    Pretty good, not as good as Mer De Norms or 13th Step.
  12. Andi
    Nov 8, 2004
    maynard is a genius. he truly has an angelic voice. that alone can make any song amazing.
  13. JasonR
    Dec 20, 2004
    This album rocks!!! Anyone who thinks different is sadly mistaken....
  14. XavierF
    Jan 10, 2005
    A very different track that this band has gone down and an impressive one. The band takes its responsibility to the world seriously as rolemodels and talks about what matters. Brilliant covers make this a must have for anyone's collection. Don't think of this album as typical Perfect Circle and you won't be disappointed.
  15. JakeH
    Feb 14, 2005
    It's time we realized that APC is not Maynard's side project. I love seeing the band moving away from under his wing and starting to emerge on their own, creating their own sound and truly becoming distinctive. Of course, it helps that the songs they are playing are amazing in their own right, but it's great to see a band that can put their own spin on a track instead of It's time we realized that APC is not Maynard's side project. I love seeing the band moving away from under his wing and starting to emerge on their own, creating their own sound and truly becoming distinctive. Of course, it helps that the songs they are playing are amazing in their own right, but it's great to see a band that can put their own spin on a track instead of mimicing. I hope that this can be a good stepping stone for the other, greatly talented members of APC to strike out on their own upon Maynard's return to Tool. Bravo, guys! Even if it was a contract breaker it's a darn good one. Expand
  16. Patrick
    Mar 13, 2005
    Paz is back which saved everything. It is great
  17. NickR
    Nov 12, 2004
    It's a classic cover album masterpiece put together by this amazing group.
  18. ellisb
    Nov 16, 2004
  19. Kajman
    Nov 3, 2004
    Atmospheric, deep songs.
  20. CJ
    Nov 3, 2004
  21. DanS
    Nov 4, 2004
    At first I was kind of, meh..., after the first listen. Now with another four years of hell on the way, (not to mention the supremes for a generation,) the tone seemed to dig in deeper than it did at first. I can smell and feel the doom that they seemed to predict so acutely. The whole album is generally hit and a few misses, but it is obvious this is a "venting" album and not to be seen At first I was kind of, meh..., after the first listen. Now with another four years of hell on the way, (not to mention the supremes for a generation,) the tone seemed to dig in deeper than it did at first. I can smell and feel the doom that they seemed to predict so acutely. The whole album is generally hit and a few misses, but it is obvious this is a "venting" album and not to be seen as a direction for their future releases. Man, did they get the "coming darkness surrounding the core of hope" feel right though. World, please forgive us our trespasses and blindness in our hour of sharp division. Expand
  22. sanfordb
    Nov 6, 2004
    this is the best album of the year. not surprisingly, a perfect circle have delivered another perfect album. some of the covers are a bit jarring at first (especially the ones which feature billy howerdel on lead vocals instead of maynard), but by the third or fourth listen, they seem like essential parts of the album. the best song on the album is passive which makes the loss of tapeworm this is the best album of the year. not surprisingly, a perfect circle have delivered another perfect album. some of the covers are a bit jarring at first (especially the ones which feature billy howerdel on lead vocals instead of maynard), but by the third or fourth listen, they seem like essential parts of the album. the best song on the album is passive which makes the loss of tapeworm that much more tragic. i highly recommend this album. Expand
  23. MelissaW
    Nov 9, 2004
    This album is beautiful, symbolic, innovative, striking, imaginative, ingenious, original, artistic, exquisite, and inspired!
  24. Robby"exit"
    Nov 9, 2004
    Thoughtfully constructed, and with cover songs respectfully reconstructed, in a time where America apparently needs to be reconstructed. "Annilhation" sets a "behind our backs" tone to alienate the listener on purpose. "Imagine" brings you back to your own memory, the familiar, the opposite of alien. This new perception is red, angry, terrorized, hurt, and wounded - it is possible that it Thoughtfully constructed, and with cover songs respectfully reconstructed, in a time where America apparently needs to be reconstructed. "Annilhation" sets a "behind our backs" tone to alienate the listener on purpose. "Imagine" brings you back to your own memory, the familiar, the opposite of alien. This new perception is red, angry, terrorized, hurt, and wounded - it is possible that it is fatal. With George Bush being reelected, this is the state of the nation. A Perfect Circle is not telling us what we already know, they are sending us far from the familiar to prepare us for the obvious impending reconstruction of America. Not to mention that George W. Bush, Maynard, and America are all born under the solar influence of CANCER: the moody, alienating, protective, motherly, sensitive, deep, expressive sign. Expand
  25. VA
    Dec 27, 2004
    I know that some of the songs don't sound like the originals (well, fine, none of 'em do), but think about it people, that's the point. When one covers some of the most respected (and controversial) songs, it would be sacriligious to remake them exactly the same. I disagree about APC straying from its roots. In essence, they're good because of Keenan's underlying I know that some of the songs don't sound like the originals (well, fine, none of 'em do), but think about it people, that's the point. When one covers some of the most respected (and controversial) songs, it would be sacriligious to remake them exactly the same. I disagree about APC straying from its roots. In essence, they're good because of Keenan's underlying messages. The music behind his words tell the rest. Expand
  26. johnqp
    Jan 17, 2005
    In the past, musicians have often mimiced the original. Attempted in some way to emulate the original. A.P.C. on the other hand has focused on the message and the poignancy of the song, embedded in a sea of dynamics akin to the concept albums of yesteryear. Bands these days throw 11 songs on a disc and call it and album. Meanwhile leaving the listener feeling as though they had just watch In the past, musicians have often mimiced the original. Attempted in some way to emulate the original. A.P.C. on the other hand has focused on the message and the poignancy of the song, embedded in a sea of dynamics akin to the concept albums of yesteryear. Bands these days throw 11 songs on a disc and call it and album. Meanwhile leaving the listener feeling as though they had just watch 60 minutes of commercials and still not willing to buy the product. (sunday morning tv with a hangover) No, I have to give props to A.P.C. for delivering a magnetic and fully enjoyable disc. Expand
  27. Kevin
    Feb 24, 2005
    Very good album. Lot's of cool sounds and a nice take on the old tracks. Definetly worth getting if you are an APC fan.
  28. NetoG
    May 29, 2006
    Great sounding and politicized songs.
  29. AaronM
    Nov 12, 2004
    I listened to this cd twice through before making my judgement on it, the first time i only liked the lennon cover the second time, i loved the cd, and is the only disc i have been listening to for the past 3 days
  30. HamudZ
    Nov 13, 2004
    This is simply a GREAT recording. Even if you aren't a fan of APC, you'll have to give the band big credit for having the BALLS to create covers of classic tunes like "What's Going On" and "Imagine"...but making these tunes truly different from the originals. Kudus to APC for this effort!
  31. BrandonR
    Nov 14, 2004
    eMOTIVe is an album of a dynamic translation from a previous generation to a modern date; led by the minds of Billy Howerdel and Maynard James Keenan. The album was choreographed in a manner of building the listener up to a high and then to a low in order to evoke an emotion. All but two songs on eMOTIVe were re-engineered (a.k.a.: a cover). Each cover on the album seemed to have the eMOTIVe is an album of a dynamic translation from a previous generation to a modern date; led by the minds of Billy Howerdel and Maynard James Keenan. The album was choreographed in a manner of building the listener up to a high and then to a low in order to evoke an emotion. All but two songs on eMOTIVe were re-engineered (a.k.a.: a cover). Each cover on the album seemed to have the feeling of been broken down to its core components, re-fabricated then fine tuned into a product of self-subjective vulnerability perusable to an image that only A Perfect Circle could have produced. All said eMOTIVe struck me to be controversial ONLY due to the times we live in today. This album is vary positive in nature but only to address issues such as war, greed, ignorance, peace, and love. I personally felt this album to be a wise choice and a wise selection by A.P.C. to venture into past relevant emotions and revamp them to todays troubling times. (ex: the drum line dubbed almost symbolize the division and confusion in the nation today on the song ?Let?s Have a War?) I believe that A Perfect Circle achieved in making a masterpiece that the listener will walk away with some kind of emotion and opinion. I give eMOTIVe a 5 out of 5. ? what?s so funny about peace love and understanding? -- Expand
  32. AnthonyA
    Nov 25, 2004
    I didn't like it as much as the previous releases, however, it's still a listenable album. Passive is a great song, showing that the group has the potential of still making kickass songs on their own. I understand the reasoning for the cd and a few of the remakes are done well. APC, I get the message... a good one at a time we need it. However, I don't get the low rating I didn't like it as much as the previous releases, however, it's still a listenable album. Passive is a great song, showing that the group has the potential of still making kickass songs on their own. I understand the reasoning for the cd and a few of the remakes are done well. APC, I get the message... a good one at a time we need it. However, I don't get the low rating from the major magazine and music reviews. The user rating is much more realistic. It's us the fans that should determine a records review. Expand
  33. AdrianM
    Dec 11, 2004
    I was alarmed to see APC making a political album. Especially one with 'Imagine' on it. I was pretty cynical, until the reviews came in. This CD gets labeled either pretentious or 'not original'. That's the whole idea. The album is actually several statements as a whole more than a few OK cover songs. Obviously, one statement is, 'We're fucked because I was alarmed to see APC making a political album. Especially one with 'Imagine' on it. I was pretty cynical, until the reviews came in. This CD gets labeled either pretentious or 'not original'. That's the whole idea. The album is actually several statements as a whole more than a few OK cover songs. Obviously, one statement is, 'We're fucked because bad people are in power'. Everyone expected that one from the cover, after all. The most important statement is, 'Look, nothing's changed since these songs were written, and that's plain old wrong.' To counter this, APC have completely, completely redone these songs. Don't expect to recognize ONE of them, besides 'Imagine', and even that's a far shot. YOU WANT TO BUY THIS CD IF: a) you are a patient listener b) you are either apolitical or liberally inclined c) you enjoy APC but are not hyper-concerned about the band staying 'TRUE TO ITS ROOTS'. You DO NOT WANT TO BUY THIS CD IF: a) you did not enjoy Nine Inch Nails' THE FAGILE, which people have similary griped about for being too 'out there' b) you are touchy about the songs covered 'living up to the original' c) you like Good Charlotte and such (this is some VERY alternative rock, not Hoobastank) d) you are of a maturity level of 12 or under I recommend it, yeah. Not as good as Thirteenth Step, better than the obnoxiously thin-sounding Mer Des Noms, and less gothy than both. Worth a buy until Queens Of The Stone Age, Radiohead, and NIN release upcoming albums. Expand
  34. Sep 23, 2010
    The grim darkness of Tool meets the melodic direction of more mainstream rock, and the result is some of the most dramatic and chilling music you will ever hear. Special mention goes to "Imagine", the band's re-imagining of John Lennon's magnum opus. Odds are that you will never listen to the song the same way again.
  35. Sep 25, 2010
    found myself listening to passive, counting bodies, imagine, and annihilation was a badass intro. people are people was alright, lets have a war sounds like something from puscifer. and the rest were kinda just whatever to me. i have alot of understanding, and respect what these guys do, and it was a good album for the times. i would have to say though that it was the worst of the 3found myself listening to passive, counting bodies, imagine, and annihilation was a badass intro. people are people was alright, lets have a war sounds like something from puscifer. and the rest were kinda just whatever to me. i have alot of understanding, and respect what these guys do, and it was a good album for the times. i would have to say though that it was the worst of the 3 albums. i would highly recommend mer de noms, and thirteenth step though as mind blowers! Expand
  36. Oct 5, 2014
    A Perfect Circle has 2 original songs on this album and the others are covers. The originals are amazing and the covers are perfect. A Perfect Circle made all of the covers their own and they succeeded.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. Uncut
    Unexpectedly impressive. [Dec 2004, p.138]
  2. Emotive falls flat and fails to raise the bar set so high by the quality of their previous two releases.
  3. Mojo
    One of the most bizarre covers albums ever. [Dec 2004, p.102]