
Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. At his worst, Lewis can be a wise-ass scold. At his best he's a vulnerable master of the humorously ineffable and a tribute to the humanism of a SUNY education and the Lower East Side.
  2. All of these are very good tunes, but it's the heartfelt content at the album's thematic core that makes 'Em Are I not just Lewis' most consistent album, but also his most truly affecting and easily his most successful outing to date.
  3. The uptempo tracks are invigorating with their harder guitars and drums, and Lewis' humor abounds, but his slower, softer, acoustic songs are the standouts.
  4. If perhaps before Lewis's music had a tendency to be swamped by small-print, here the songs know when to step back, to give way to a catchy chorus or a hummable riff.
  5. It's to Lewis's credit that he can credibly convey the romantic notion of hopping on a Greyhound while also moaning about the leg room.
  6. On the evidence of 'Em Are I, he should buck up: he sounds like an artist really coming into his own--vast suppurating wound where his heart used to be or not.
  7. On this one, there are wonky backup vocals, trashy-sounding drums, disgustingly distorted guitar solos, vaguely off-key horns. You get the sense that Lewis, also a talented comic-book maker, does whatever the hell he wants, and it totally works.
  8. Mojo
    The result is a brilliant modern singer-songwriter record, full of wit and musical variations. [May 2009, p.100]
  9. Now 'Em Are I, arriving in the wake of connubial catastrophe, comes chock-full o' rat-clever rhymes and tinny triple entendres that could've been titled Systematic Death (of the Heart).
  10. Lewis' strengths are primarily lyrical. The musical arrangements, though good enough not to distract, tend to disappear into the songs.
  11. 'Em Are I is an abandoned puppy of an album that you can't help but take to heart.
  12. Jeffrey Lewis has stepped in to chronicle the detritus of the human condition for his amicable fifth full-length album.
  13. He offers soem new aspects, as well, most notably the refined production techniques, which give the album a warmer, more polished feel.
  14. 70
    He also lightens his fifth album with sweet, sincere interludes.
  15. For the most part, however, 'Em Are I sees Lewis's idiosyncratic appeal not just present and correct, but polished by well-placed hooks and memorable melodies.
  16. So 'Em Are I is a frontloaded album. But anyone who ever bought a Sebadoh record despite really liking only Lou Barlow's songs should still consider checking it out.

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