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Universal acclaim- based on 58 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 54 out of 58
  2. Negative: 1 out of 58

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  1. DanN
    Jun 17, 2007
    A classic in any sense of the word. 'I Taught Myself How To Grow Old' is Adams at his all time best. This is an amazingly consistent CD. Song after song of Ryan at his best. Album of the year so far.
  2. andyB
    Jul 8, 2007
    He's the Mozart of alt-country: superb even when he's 'only' going through the motions.
  3. IrahK.
    Aug 20, 2007
    Reminiscent of his earlier music on "Demolition" Very enjoyable!
  4. MikeB
    Jun 1, 2007
    The golden boy is back
  5. MatthewP
    Jun 24, 2007
    The best songwriter on the planet is back with another album of the year effort. He's written so many varied albums its hard to call it his best, cos every one is brilliant in everyway. Even Rock N Roll is better than anything the Editors, Kaiser Chiefs, Kasabian etc can muster. He is truly a genuis!! Goodnight Rose is easily one of his best songs in years along with everbody knows The best songwriter on the planet is back with another album of the year effort. He's written so many varied albums its hard to call it his best, cos every one is brilliant in everyway. Even Rock N Roll is better than anything the Editors, Kaiser Chiefs, Kasabian etc can muster. He is truly a genuis!! Goodnight Rose is easily one of his best songs in years along with everbody knows and rip off. Overall its simple; Amazing!!! Again!!! Expand
  6. MattP
    Jun 24, 2007
    Sheer Genius!! All his best work pilled into 40 minutes!! As good as Gold and Heartbreaker!
  7. EmilieS
    Jun 26, 2007
    Wonderful at first listen, with lyrics that will continue to resonate with each play. "The Sun Also Sets" and "I Taught Myself How to Grow Old," are both Ryan Adams at his finest.
  8. JakeL
    Jun 5, 2007
    Masterpiece. For anyone who likes good music!
  9. joem
    Jul 23, 2007
    best CD in awhile. Nice going Ryan!
  10. ShariZ.
    Jul 4, 2007
    I love Ryan Adams!! He is a great song writer-I just can't get enough of him and his music! This CD is one of my fav's next to "Gold"!
  11. robertk
    Jul 5, 2007
    This guy is soooo talented...this album is a delight from start to contenders, his ballads go straight to the heart....AWESOME and then some!
  12. StevenT
    Jun 11, 2007
    Heartbreaker part II
  13. MarkW
    Jun 11, 2007
    This album as it ALL, from senitive ballads to balls out 70's inspired DUMB ASS ROCK. Well done Mr Adams!
  14. Cables
    Jun 12, 2007
    I guess this is his comeback album. Personally, I never thought he went anywhere.
  15. JohnW
    Jun 14, 2007
    I havent heard it all but how could this genious go wrong??? and Rolling Stone's review is shit another 3.5 stars??? they need to just shut rolling stone down im tired of them seriously!
  16. ChuckG
    Jun 16, 2007
    I think it can be safely said that our boy is on a streak. This one pulls together all of the great elements of the three 2005 albums plus some whiskeytown nods to boot. I am amazed when people slag Ryan for consistency. If he has been anything, it has been consistent since the realease of Rock and Roll. Kudos Mr. Adams!
  17. MikeC
    Jun 20, 2007
    This album doesn't have any of the instantaneous hits that some of his earlier one did (i.e. Stars Go Blue, Come Pick Me Up, La Cienega, etc.), but it is more sincere and, therefore, substantive. Granted, it is a tad melancholy and country (he could have used another Halloween Head-type track to balance the mood) but Adams does melancholy country with the best of them. If you're This album doesn't have any of the instantaneous hits that some of his earlier one did (i.e. Stars Go Blue, Come Pick Me Up, La Cienega, etc.), but it is more sincere and, therefore, substantive. Granted, it is a tad melancholy and country (he could have used another Halloween Head-type track to balance the mood) but Adams does melancholy country with the best of them. If you're a Ryan Adams fan, you'll like this album (it might even end up being your favorite). Expand
  18. TeenageKicks
    Jun 25, 2007
    This is a solid if unspectacular record... maybe 4-5 songs are pod-worthy. It may echo past glories but doesn't come close to matching them. I still believe he's got another great one (or two) left in him.
  19. raffyM.
    Jun 28, 2007
    fucking awesome... good strait through.. it never falls off.
  20. FrancisR.
    Jun 28, 2007
    I love this album... his best by far
  21. JeffR.
    Jun 29, 2007
    Very solid cd, similar to "Demolition" in that it feels like 13 b-sides of other albums. A lot of "Cold Roses"-sounding tracks with the occaisional "Rock N Roll" and "Heartbreaker" tracks here and there. All in all, I haven't been more excited for an album in a long time, but what I'm really looking forward to is the Ryan Adams boxset due out this Christmas (hopefully)!
  22. MattD.
    Jul 10, 2007
    Mellow but not predictable, this is one of Adams's most consistently pleasing CDs. It's like he unleashed his inner country star, Ryan Adams style.
  23. JonathanB.
    Jul 1, 2007
    I've listened to "Easy Tiger" about 10 times now since its release, and it's definitely a grower -- not brash genius, nothing to make you say, "Oh my God, what was that?!" but simply, and thankfully, a sturdy country-rock album that may even, in its own gentle way, be something of a classic. The lyrics are thoughtful and mature (I wish that I could fold myself away, like a card I've listened to "Easy Tiger" about 10 times now since its release, and it's definitely a grower -- not brash genius, nothing to make you say, "Oh my God, what was that?!" but simply, and thankfully, a sturdy country-rock album that may even, in its own gentle way, be something of a classic. The lyrics are thoughtful and mature (I wish that I could fold myself away, like a card table... a concertina, or a murphy bed....") Like some classic Neil Young or Gram Parsons album the first thing I want to do when I put it on is pull out my guitar and play along. Expand
  24. PaulS.
    Jul 6, 2007
    Seriously, if this was Ryan Adams' first album, the critics would hail it as eclectic and a break from the typical pop album. A piece that moves from contemporary bluegrass to post-grunge edge, to straight forward singer-songwriter bliss. Personally, I am admittedly biased towards Adams' work, but all past albums aside, the man has created something worth of widespread acclaim.
  25. WadeT.
    Aug 13, 2007
    Easy Tiger sees Ryan Adams at his most comfortable and confident. Gone are the wild streaks attempting artistic glory and instead Adams on Easy Tiger is content simply to release a bunch of good alt-country. The problem is that the record lacks any cohesion or underlying purpose therefore suffers from the very simplicity that Adams appears to be going fo. As a result the collection Easy Tiger sees Ryan Adams at his most comfortable and confident. Gone are the wild streaks attempting artistic glory and instead Adams on Easy Tiger is content simply to release a bunch of good alt-country. The problem is that the record lacks any cohesion or underlying purpose therefore suffers from the very simplicity that Adams appears to be going fo. As a result the collection doesn't offer up thing as spine tingling as his Wonderwall cover on Love is Hell or Meadowlake Street on Cold Roses. Everything on Easy Tiger is nice, too nice to be great. Expand
  26. JR
    Aug 31, 2007
    "Easy Tiger" is an exceptional album; Ryan Adams has reached a new level as an artist. Every song on the album is brilliantly crafted, every emotional note expressed musically or lyrically is pitch perfect. As great as so much of his prior work has been, much of it seems affected, as if he wanted to prove the breadth of his musical range and the inexhaustibility of his lyrical "Easy Tiger" is an exceptional album; Ryan Adams has reached a new level as an artist. Every song on the album is brilliantly crafted, every emotional note expressed musically or lyrically is pitch perfect. As great as so much of his prior work has been, much of it seems affected, as if he wanted to prove the breadth of his musical range and the inexhaustibility of his lyrical imagination. On this album, he does what great musical artists do - he recedes behind songs that transport the listener to a different place. The critics have not been so kind, but read their reviews - they have all written the same review, and it is the same review they have written for all of his previous records. One might make the same criticism of these critics that they make of Adams - they seem to believe that their every thought, however poorly informed, is worthy of speaking, writing, and sharing with the world. Expand
  27. ChrisF.
    Oct 24, 2007
    Love the guy but this one's going to collect some dust. I've listened a good 10X and there's nothing jumping out at me. Suffers in comparison to his back catalogue.
  28. RyanB
    Jun 13, 2007
    Right?!?!? What is the point of bashing perfect song-writing for people who feel what he puts out? Critics - go flog yourselves. THis man is simply brilliant, 'Heartbreaker' to the first few tracks I have heard from this one...and everything between has been GOLD. Unique, creative - and unlike most big talents, he gives us new tunes CONSTANTLY...endless flow of creativity.
  29. BradR
    Jun 22, 2007
    Not taking chances like his last 6 albums, but remarkably consistent, fun, and moving. Stellar vocal performances, and "goodnight rose" is a classic.
  30. craigm
    Jun 25, 2007
    The critics are calling this a comeback album, but The man never left! Its not perfect, but its great just like every album he's made. Easy Tiger is a little more streamlined, slick, and middle of the road than any of his other albums but the tunes are there and there isnt a dud among them. It sounds like He's trying to finally sell some records and I dont blame him. He's The critics are calling this a comeback album, but The man never left! Its not perfect, but its great just like every album he's made. Easy Tiger is a little more streamlined, slick, and middle of the road than any of his other albums but the tunes are there and there isnt a dud among them. It sounds like He's trying to finally sell some records and I dont blame him. He's earned it at this point . God bless him lets hope he finally strikes GOLD Expand
  31. KileyM
    Jun 25, 2007
    Not his best... weirdly underdeveloped. Some songs don't sound complete ("Two") , and in some cases, rushed ("These Girls", "Halloween Head") although his voice sounds better than it ever has. From the cover art to the feel of the CD, it seems to me that the label had more say over this than Ryan did. Don't blame them for attempting to generate some kind of hit from this guy... Not his best... weirdly underdeveloped. Some songs don't sound complete ("Two") , and in some cases, rushed ("These Girls", "Halloween Head") although his voice sounds better than it ever has. From the cover art to the feel of the CD, it seems to me that the label had more say over this than Ryan did. Don't blame them for attempting to generate some kind of hit from this guy... I could see "Rip Off" being played in the background of a show like 'Greys Anatomy'... but to me this album's a bit too pedestrian for old fans, and a bit too all over the map to really draw anyone else in. Expand
  32. JasonA
    Jun 25, 2007
    At first I wasn't sure about this album. I'm a huge R.A fan but the tracks just didn't stick at first. However, this album really grew on me. This really would be a good starting point for any casual fan. It has a little bit of everything that Ryan has to offer. In my opinion the stand out tracks are; Everybody Knows, The Sun Also Sets, Two, Oh God Whatever Etc, and the At first I wasn't sure about this album. I'm a huge R.A fan but the tracks just didn't stick at first. However, this album really grew on me. This really would be a good starting point for any casual fan. It has a little bit of everything that Ryan has to offer. In my opinion the stand out tracks are; Everybody Knows, The Sun Also Sets, Two, Oh God Whatever Etc, and the ridiculous but fun Halloweenhead. My favorite album of his has still got to be Cold Roses. Expand
  33. FrancisR
    Jun 25, 2007
    The best Ryan has done so far
  34. ZoeM
    Jun 27, 2007
    A good solid effort and much better than anything he's put out since Gold. Folks who liked Cold Roses and his Whiskeytown sound both find things to like. But while Heartbreaker and Gold were sometimes self-indulgent, they were also sometimes godawesome brilliant. There are flashes of that here, but no track is blindingly great. HIs voice always makes my knees buckle, though, so A good solid effort and much better than anything he's put out since Gold. Folks who liked Cold Roses and his Whiskeytown sound both find things to like. But while Heartbreaker and Gold were sometimes self-indulgent, they were also sometimes godawesome brilliant. There are flashes of that here, but no track is blindingly great. HIs voice always makes my knees buckle, though, so I'll still recommend it highly. Expand
  35. ScottY.
    Sep 14, 2007
    Not quite as good as Cold Roses but still worth buying.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
  1. A return to form in every way.
  2. Filter
    Our hero of Whiskeytown has returned. [#25, p.89]
  3. Alternative Press
    Adams often finds himself revisiting his past glories on Easy Tiger. [Jul 2007, p.178]