by E

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. The Wire
    Dec 21, 2016
    Throughout, what’s so revelatory and gratifying is hearing Zedek pushed by others and pushing others in turn. [Dec 2016, p.58]
  2. Dec 19, 2016
    Each member’s lyrical proclivity, musical preference and sonic muscularity are given equal measure, a pagan triumvirate of penetrating, pointed liberation.
  3. Mojo
    Nov 22, 2016
    A debut both thrillingly volatile and touchingly melancholic. [Jan 2017, p.104]
  4. 80
    On the whole this is a richly inventive and enthralling eponymous long-player from a side-project with legs of its own.
  5. Nov 15, 2016
    The record called E, then, is not exactly what you’d expect from any of them, a volatile concoction of musical ideas and impulses that amplifies their distinctive gifts without sanding off any of the jutting edges.
  6. Dec 1, 2016
    The trio shows up, hits hard, and leaves after just over half an hour of music that’s simultaneously jittery and aggressive. Things look bleak, but E plays like they know that while there are no easy answers, you can always batter your way ahead.
  7. Nov 15, 2016
    With their debut album, E create urgent music for chaotic, uncertain times.
  8. Dec 2, 2016
    It’s always comforting to know that certain stylistic bents of rock never go out of style. That’s usually because someone puts a new spin on an old formula. That’s arguably the case with E.
  9. Nov 15, 2016
    On their self-titled debut, E focus on each member's strength, leaving listeners with an album that's at times more combative than it is collaborative.

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