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Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: This is the second full-length release for London producer Jack Latham as Jam City.
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  • Record Label: Night Slugs
  • Genre(s): Electronic, Ambient, Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Electronic, Experimental Electronic
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Top Track

Hold Your Best friend He's low Hold Your Your best friend She's low She's low You sigh under a bright pink sky Spit at another Foxtons sign You... See the rest of the song lyrics
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Mar 24, 2015
    It’s strange and disorientating, idiosyncratic and frequently astonishing, a modern-day psychedelia that owes almost nothing to that genre’s hackneyed conventions and never forgets to temper the sublimity with darkness.
  2. Uncut
    Mar 24, 2015
    It's exasperating at first, but the rewards are there for the dedicate dreamer. [Apr 2015, p.77]
  3. Mar 27, 2015
    Here, he makes his own form of dream pop, one that is inspired by stark realities yet filled with hope for a brighter future.
  4. Mar 24, 2015
    Jam City’s message is a positive one. The actual music Dream a Garden is offering, separate from all the pomp of its press releases and strained interviews, are beautiful requiems for our lost sense of love toward shallow brand loyalty; they return to our inclinations for warmth, solidarity, and friendship.
  5. Mar 27, 2015
    It's an optimistic, romantic and frequently lovely record.
  6. The Wire
    Mar 25, 2015
    Dream A Garden only starts to sound radical when it breaks the bounds of its songforms and an eerie melancholy steals in. [Mar 2015, p.48]
  7. Mar 25, 2015
    Latham's plaintive voice sounds like it's emanating from some romantically ruinous daydream. The effect suits the mood but makes his lyrics difficult to decipher, which is frustrating given his pointed message.

See all 11 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 1
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 1
  3. Negative: 0 out of 1
  1. Jul 9, 2015
    Jack Latham's sophomore album stands out as the most unique sound of 2015. The various floating melodies that weave in and out of every songJack Latham's sophomore album stands out as the most unique sound of 2015. The various floating melodies that weave in and out of every song place the listeners in a literal dream. The construction and tempo of all the songs are deliberate and clean, giving Mr. Latham a lot of room to test all sorts of sounds and mix them together.
    Thus far, Dream a Garden by Jam City is the most unique and rare album of 2015 and quite possibly since Kanye West's 808's & Heartbreak.