• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Jul 22, 2008
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 84 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 72 out of 84
  2. Negative: 7 out of 84

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  1. NaoG.
    Jul 26, 2008
  2. Tiago
    Oct 19, 2008
    Lets see what they are going to do with the third record. coz this one is not strong as de first.
  3. Oct 3, 2010
    'Air Painter' sums up this album for me, it has great interesting verses and a completely lame chorus. The album is average and very skippable for most tracks, even tracks that sound interesting at first such as 'Reggae All Night' lack depth and are revealed to just be re-hashes of ideas already out there.
    The reason why I give this a 6 and not a 3 is because 'Beautiful Song' is just
    'Air Painter' sums up this album for me, it has great interesting verses and a completely lame chorus. The album is average and very skippable for most tracks, even tracks that sound interesting at first such as 'Reggae All Night' lack depth and are revealed to just be re-hashes of ideas already out there.
    The reason why I give this a 6 and not a 3 is because 'Beautiful Song' is just fantastic. I cannot find a fault in it, its too short but I wouldnt change it for a thing, and I can listen to it again and again. 'Believe Achieve' is good as well if you can put up with the breathy believe-achieve at the start

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. For the most part, Donkey flounders in a sterile morass. It may well bring CSS to a larger audience, one that doesn't consider subversiveness an impediment, but that doesn't make it any less disappointing.
  2. Their joyous hooks ensure Donkey is as fun as its predecessor.
  3. Often, Donkey sounds like someone has tracked down the anonymous session musicians who spent the 1970s knocking out polite covers of chart hits for budget-priced Top of the Pops compilation albums and got them to have a stab at replicating CSS's sound.