• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Mar 3, 2017
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  1. Apr 1, 2017
    Middling with a few great exceptions, Ed Sheeran's downbeat 'Divide' is a collection of generic ballads with each song having one nuance to stand out. The best songs are when he experiments with different genres, or delves deep into the lyrics. Unfortunately, most of his songs are simply bland love songs.
  2. Mar 29, 2017
    Piece of garbage. As simple as that. It is so unbelievably bland and lacking in sincerity or really any sense of vitality. Sheeran's ego is more substantial than the music he makes.
  3. Mar 24, 2017
    This album is ok. There's only 4 or 5 truly great songs, the rest really are alright or they are just bad. Not a bad album but for sure not Grammy Worthy.
  4. Mar 22, 2017
    I really don't understand the hate for this album. IMO, this is much better than what most artists are putting out (Starboy...blech). Some of the songs sound repetitive/familiar, but his lyric-writing ability makes a good chunk of the album worth listening to. There's so much more to the album than just Shape of You (which was just made to get on the radio) and Castle on a Hill (which isI really don't understand the hate for this album. IMO, this is much better than what most artists are putting out (Starboy...blech). Some of the songs sound repetitive/familiar, but his lyric-writing ability makes a good chunk of the album worth listening to. There's so much more to the album than just Shape of You (which was just made to get on the radio) and Castle on a Hill (which is quite good). He shows his range by writing old tales of love in many songs and some fresher topics in What Do I Know and Eraser. Sure some of it is cliché, but singing about love always will be; at least it's something meaningful (again, blech, Starboy) Expand
  5. Mar 22, 2017
    THIS ALBUM IS UNLISTENBALE He simply made this album to become richer and more famous, and surely he will because it has easy songs and a lot of ballads, which he is known for. But it's really bad in terms of quality. Ed became obsessed with fame and money, and maybe that's the problem, because + and X were really good.
  6. Mar 22, 2017
    I do not understand all the bad reviews, and how they say it's generic... listen to the instrumentals, they are so much different from what he used to make, songs like Barcelona, Bibia Be Ye Ye, Nancy Mulligan, Galway Girl are more than just simple ballads, he travelled the world and incorporated the different cultures as his own intrumentals, he reached new heights instrumentally, verseI do not understand all the bad reviews, and how they say it's generic... listen to the instrumentals, they are so much different from what he used to make, songs like Barcelona, Bibia Be Ye Ye, Nancy Mulligan, Galway Girl are more than just simple ballads, he travelled the world and incorporated the different cultures as his own intrumentals, he reached new heights instrumentally, verse wise i can agree too that he needs something new, but he also went deep with songs like Supermarket Flowers and Nancy Mulligan talking about his family history, and then there's Castle on the Hill which you can't help but to start to remise on your old days... maybe i'm just too much of an ed sheeran fan not too listen to what others are listening, but this album his great Expand
  7. Mar 21, 2017
    Es un álbum demasiado genérico, la única canción que se salva es "Shape on you", las otras 11 canciones tiene un ritmo muy parecido y la letra cliché para cautivar un publico adolescente.
  8. Mar 21, 2017
    Agreed. Worst Album Of the year. Just like a horrible p**n movie which would turned you on just for few minute, then you just pissed off by all this f**king boring stuff without any kind of honesty.Then, you start blame yourself wasting your time for this s**t, this stuff sucks.
  9. Mar 20, 2017
    Before i begin reviewing this album, let it be known that this album was the one I was most anticipating, especially after listening to the 3 singles he had released before. When I first listened to this album, it was a poor experience. The intro to the album "Eraser" is the blandest intro I have ever heard. "Castle On A Hill" however was refreshing (since it was a previously heardBefore i begin reviewing this album, let it be known that this album was the one I was most anticipating, especially after listening to the 3 singles he had released before. When I first listened to this album, it was a poor experience. The intro to the album "Eraser" is the blandest intro I have ever heard. "Castle On A Hill" however was refreshing (since it was a previously heard single). Continuing along the album, all that was to be heard was a bland set of tracks, each switching between the same subject matter. After a close friend had suggested it was a great album, I re-listened to it. This time, not only did the music seem more bland, I realized that this album was very scattered. It was not at all cohesive. It was as if he shuffled each song name and randomly ordered them, defying the concept of an album. Ed Sheeran's fan base is clearly keeping him atop the Billboard 200, but in a few weeks, he'll have to respond for the poor project, and he will need to redeem himself. Expand
  10. Mar 20, 2017
    El nuevo album vino con grandes pretenciones de la mano de "Shape of You", una balada potente pero con sonidos nuevos y bastante comerciales e incluso bailables. Luego de escuchar el resto del disco me llevé una gran decepción, el disco contiene DOCE BALADAS, con sonidos repetidos, incluso similares a su anterior album "X". Es entendible lo de Sheeran, vino con un álbum que sabía que iba aEl nuevo album vino con grandes pretenciones de la mano de "Shape of You", una balada potente pero con sonidos nuevos y bastante comerciales e incluso bailables. Luego de escuchar el resto del disco me llevé una gran decepción, el disco contiene DOCE BALADAS, con sonidos repetidos, incluso similares a su anterior album "X". Es entendible lo de Sheeran, vino con un álbum que sabía que iba a cautivar al público teen, con letras genéricas acerca del lado A y B del amor, mas alguna anécdota de su vida y sus desamores, pero nada más. Expand
  11. Mar 20, 2017
    I'm a genuine fan of Ed Sheeran, but this album is far too tropey and clichéd for my liking. Eraser, Castle on the Hill, Dive, and Supermarket Flowers are the strongest songs here and the only real moments where he seems to emote. I was hoping he'd incorporate more of the influences of the countries he traveled to on his year off here, and he did that more so with the songs from theI'm a genuine fan of Ed Sheeran, but this album is far too tropey and clichéd for my liking. Eraser, Castle on the Hill, Dive, and Supermarket Flowers are the strongest songs here and the only real moments where he seems to emote. I was hoping he'd incorporate more of the influences of the countries he traveled to on his year off here, and he did that more so with the songs from the deluxe edition. Barcelona I could do without, but Bibia Be Ye Ye and Nancy Mulligan are honest, upbeat songs that would have lent themselves to a standard album that followed the aforementioned concept of focusing on his travels and reconnecting with himself. Save Myself is compelling as well since, for once, he takes a hard look at himself and knows he has to fix his own flaws before entering into a relationship with someone. Everything else here is either "poor me, this girl left me and her life is better and mine is still **** or "I've found someone new and my life is glorious now!" Ed should have picked a lane and stuck with it, and written better lyrics for the "someone new" songs. How Would You Feel is the only quality ballad here, all the others just sound the same. Ed can do better and has done better, and I'm hoping he'll do better again on his fourth album. But given the undeserved amount of cockiness he's displaying in his interviews for this album, I'm not sure that he will. Expand
  12. Mar 19, 2017
    This album in my opinion is his best yet. The songs individually are very strong on here which in no wonder why all of them hit the top 20 here in the UK. Highlights of this album are Eraser,Castle on the hill,Dive,Shape of you and Galway girl. Happier however does sound like a Sam Smith reject.
  13. Mar 19, 2017
    I like all songs in this album. Ed's voice is perfect and lyrics is good too. I understand that someone won't like it. I like all of his albums. Maybe it is generic, but I still like it because these lyrics are about life and that's important for me. He created them with love.
  14. Mar 15, 2017
    I've always been an advocate of Ed and his talent for composing, but this time ... unfortunately you have to be brutally honest.
    This album seems composed for a mediocre Boys Band. Which makes me think that many songs originally were for the sixth album of One Direcion before they announced their "break" cofcofBreakUpcofcof
    Seriously, and so dares to talk about Adele or Lady Gaga,
    I've always been an advocate of Ed and his talent for composing, but this time ... unfortunately you have to be brutally honest.
    This album seems composed for a mediocre Boys Band. Which makes me think that many songs originally were for the sixth album of One Direcion before they announced their "break" cofcofBreakUpcofcof
    Seriously, and so dares to talk about Adele or Lady Gaga, especially this last one of the most complete artists in the industry.

    Only two or three cancones save the album (their singles) the rest in mediocre.
  15. Mar 15, 2017
    Why does this have such negative reviews!?!? I mean yes, Divide is a monotonous album, but still it's Ed's style, what were you expecting? I still like his lyrics and voice.
  16. Mar 15, 2017
    First of all this albums is garbage. No redeeming factor whatsoever. Same old cheesy horrendous ballads and a couple of catchy but tragic songs. Why this album is so populat is BEYOND ME. I don't get the appeal. It's full of overdone cliche songs. Someone delete this from the history of music
  17. Mar 14, 2017
    Honestly so generic and plagiarized from so many different songs esp. Sia. Can't believe how trash this album is. Yuck. Had trouble listening to even the first song.
  18. Mar 14, 2017
    Divide is a solid album.
    Many people/reviewers are complaining that it "feels bland". They find the song unoriginal.
    I have the dissagree with them. I'm going to review every song: 1.Eraser: One of those classic rap ed sheeran songs, a nice refrain, excellent rapping and in this case really cool background guitar music. 9/10 2.Castle on the Hill: This song does remind me of his older
    Divide is a solid album.
    Many people/reviewers are complaining that it "feels bland". They find the song unoriginal.
    I have the dissagree with them. I'm going to review every song:
    1.Eraser: One of those classic rap ed sheeran songs, a nice refrain, excellent rapping and in this case really cool background guitar music. 9/10
    2.Castle on the Hill: This song does remind me of his older ones, it is pretty good, catcy, original but sometimes the lyrics are a step back. 8/10
    3. Dive: Dive is awesome, it is powerfull, direct and the electric guitar in the background is just awesome. 9/10
    4. Shape of You: This is the most catchy song on the whole album, very nice melody, but you don't want to listen to it too often because then it gets slighty irritating. 8/10
    5. Perfect: Perfect is a romance ballad, it's pretty good but the lyrics are sometimes just too much, and it isn't that original. 7/10
    6. Galway Girl: The mix of Irish melody's and rap maybe sounds weird but hell this is a good one. Galway girl is amazing, you really going to like this song. 9/10
    7. Happier: Happier is one of the more emotional/sad song, it builds up pretty good, couplets are well written but sometimes the refrain feels a little bit too similat to Sam Smith. But still a 8/10
    8. New man: You know Ed does those catchy type of melodies like in Don't, Runaway and Touch and Go, he does it again, mixes it up a little and it sounds neat. The lyrics are funny, everything about this song is catchy. But the bridge is something I don't like that much. Doesn't really fit. 8/10
    9. Hearts Don't Break Around Here: A nice slow, romantic song from Ed, reminds you of older underdog songs from him. Pretty good. 8/10
    10. What Do I Know: This song is catchy, and just makes you happy, the lyrics on the other hand are sometimes like in the Refrain: "love and unstanding positivity" are a little annoying but after a while you don't mind it anymore. 9/10
    11. How would you feel: Very original guitar/piano work, pretty good, nice "John Mayer-ish" solo. The lyrics are sometimes a little annoying. 8/10
    12. Supermarket Flowers: This song is about his Grandma who passed away, it's very emotional, sad. I don't really have a complain about this song I just think it's great.
    Thanks Ed for this album, and thanks to everybody reading this!
  19. Mar 14, 2017
    Ed's new album is incredible! Although the tracks deluxes are medium, the other songs show the power of sheeran with the words, whereas the singles until then are hymns to the ears!
  20. Mar 13, 2017
    This website is a joke. Bunch of Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Katy Perry, etc gay ass fans giving low notes thinking their faves make good music and because hate him, Gaga fans cause they think he shaded her but he didn't.
    So they dislike comments which aren't what they wanna hear. SMH!
    The truth isn't always what you want btw.
  21. Mar 12, 2017
    Álbum PÉSSIMO, super genérico, letras horríveis, esse cara tem que ter muita coragem pra se achar a rainha do chuveiro com um trabalho horrível desses.
  22. Mar 12, 2017
    In all the songs is the same basic and boring rhythm. It's the worst album I've ever heard. Maybe the only song that does not look like the others is Shape Of You, but from there on out they all look the same.
  23. Mar 12, 2017
    Chato, entediante e clichê. Antes eu não entendia o sucesso todo do Ed, mas reconhecia a qualidade de suas musicas (mesmo não sendo nada autênticas). Já nesse álbum nada se destaca; é genérico ao máximo.
  24. Mar 12, 2017
    Extremely generic and bland. The basic pop music needed to rule the charts without actually having any impact. The soundings of a sad work with blazing numbers!
  25. Mar 12, 2017
    Worst album of Ed. Do you consider that your best album? You're crazy man, you shouldn't give shades to other artists, it is ridiculous, I am not kidding.
  26. Mar 12, 2017
    Unoriginal and stupid music he's honestly the most overrated male artist of recent times...he is the male Taylor Swift equivalent. Just mediocre, boring and overhyped drivel
  27. Mar 11, 2017
    Boring album There's no innovation at all, the songs look the same. Ed this album is really bad. Only Perfect is good. In quality left a lot to be desired.
  28. Mar 11, 2017
    This is one of the most annoying albums i have ever heard.
    Ed Sheeran basically became one of the most unoriginal artist of this generation, by making songs only for the radio, throwing his chance of growing as an artist in trash.
  29. Mar 11, 2017
    I loved his previous albums but this one seems like he's trying to get a quick hit to appeal to the masses.I feel like he's lost all of his artistic integrity.So disappointed.
  30. Mar 11, 2017
    The worst album I ever heard
    He believes he makes art and this its just another generic album without soul
    In this moment of the history we need real musicians and Ed sheeran is not one of them
  31. Mar 11, 2017
    What can I say? Ed lost me as a fan after this truly bad album. Disappointed! How can you be true to yourself as an artist and have integrity when your entire goal in life is not to create groundbreaking and amazing music but simply to sell a lot, top charts, try to appeal to the people and compete with Adele like he mentioned in a number of interviews lately. I would just say to anyoneWhat can I say? Ed lost me as a fan after this truly bad album. Disappointed! How can you be true to yourself as an artist and have integrity when your entire goal in life is not to create groundbreaking and amazing music but simply to sell a lot, top charts, try to appeal to the people and compete with Adele like he mentioned in a number of interviews lately. I would just say to anyone reading, this album is a waste of your money and time. There are way better albums out there that get ignored by the general public for reasons beyond my comprehension and this album just makes it clear how popularity and commercial success have nothing to do with quality and artistry. Expand
  32. Mar 11, 2017
    The most overrated, generic and bland album of the generation. The only thing more insulting than how condescending the lyrics are particularly to women, is the lack of imagination that went into them and the lack of effort that went into the whole production value.
    Reached the level where he thinks he can release the same thing again and again with a slight change and hope it won't be
    The most overrated, generic and bland album of the generation. The only thing more insulting than how condescending the lyrics are particularly to women, is the lack of imagination that went into them and the lack of effort that went into the whole production value.
    Reached the level where he thinks he can release the same thing again and again with a slight change and hope it won't be noticed.
    Glad the user score has realised this.
  33. Mar 10, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ed Sheeran sells trite innocence by the pound. He uses bland wisdom and unimaginative music to ponder the basic good and bad in people around him, without once looking inward. Expand
  34. Mar 10, 2017
  35. Mar 10, 2017
    He simply made this album to become richer and more famous, and surely he will because it has easy songs and a lot of ballads, which he is known for. But it's really bad in terms of quality. Ed became obsessed with fame and money, and maybe that's the problem, because + and X were really good.
  36. Mar 7, 2017
    Divide is somewhat better than I expected it to be (not an Ed Sheeran fan, tbh), but it's still just a fairly average album. His strongest skill is certainly his lyrics, and there are some good ones here, but when it comes to the music his stuff is just really bland. There's nothing very adventurous or surprising here, it's just the same cutesy songs with his signature rap singing. IDivide is somewhat better than I expected it to be (not an Ed Sheeran fan, tbh), but it's still just a fairly average album. His strongest skill is certainly his lyrics, and there are some good ones here, but when it comes to the music his stuff is just really bland. There's nothing very adventurous or surprising here, it's just the same cutesy songs with his signature rap singing. I honestly have no idea how this guy is so popular. His music sounds so dated. Expand
  37. Mar 6, 2017
    A Good record. Nothing overly special but enough to enjoy. Sheeran can sing well. Decent production. Not much to say but it is overall satisfying enough.
  38. Mar 6, 2017
    I'm a big fan of Sheeran and loved X so I was going into this with high expectations, and for the most part they were met. While I'm not a huge fan of the ballads on this album (Dive, Perfect, How Would You Feel), I loved some of the other sounds he threw on here, particularly Barcelona and Castle on the Hill. Eraser feels like it could have been on X, while Bibia Ye Ye is clearlyI'm a big fan of Sheeran and loved X so I was going into this with high expectations, and for the most part they were met. While I'm not a huge fan of the ballads on this album (Dive, Perfect, How Would You Feel), I loved some of the other sounds he threw on here, particularly Barcelona and Castle on the Hill. Eraser feels like it could have been on X, while Bibia Ye Ye is clearly something new. The album feels a little all over the place—though I think that's the point of the "divide" theme. It will be interesting to see if this album stays in my listening rotation as long as X did. Expand
  39. Mar 6, 2017
    I am a genuine fan of Ed Sheeran and going to see his concert in April. His second album was simply stunning. I was really looking forward to this album, I even got up a few hours early on Friday 3rd March to listen to it.... such a disappointment. I love the song Castle on the Hill and love how honest Eraser is but I think most of the album is so average. Some of the songs sound like wereI am a genuine fan of Ed Sheeran and going to see his concert in April. His second album was simply stunning. I was really looking forward to this album, I even got up a few hours early on Friday 3rd March to listen to it.... such a disappointment. I love the song Castle on the Hill and love how honest Eraser is but I think most of the album is so average. Some of the songs sound like were written for a kids movie and others for a boy band. Expand
  40. Mar 5, 2017
    Rated it 7 out of 10. It has some of the best songs Ed has made on his whole career at the moment and his diversity is shown here. He entered the Irish influence in the mainstream industry and exposed it. Took some risks and it did surprisingly well. The album is great but x still stands out.

    Loving it though! :) Hear it now!
  41. Mar 5, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Relying on being catchy and his appeal to fans, Ed Sheeran keeps his everyman nice guy image to create a record of tacky and shallow love ballads like "Happier" that could be done with a little more depth, folk inspired songs to target his demographic like in "Galway Girl", a failed attempt to make a doo wop song like in "Perfect", tawdry world music mixing in "Bibia Be Ye Ye" and a cheap dancehall song like "Shape Of You'" to complete his generic and basic project. Having different styles in an album doesn't make it good. It must be executed properly. Making music for fans doesn't immediately make an album good either.

    Sure, it will be a commercial success, hell it may even take some popularity awards like the GRAMMYs, but this is a huge disappointment after + and X.
  42. Mar 5, 2017
    the album is great and is in my opinion the best album of the year. the lyrics in the songs are beautiful. the production is really good and it includes different vibes and tunes we never heard from Ed before.
  43. Mar 4, 2017
    The worst album from Ed Sheeran, + and × are better than this **** all songs sound similar, a cheap thrills copy on the album, the album needs attention that's why he talked about Gaga, Katy, and try to put Adele and Taylor to the top of everything
    Nothing iconic in the album
  44. Mar 4, 2017
    The album is kinda disappointing, has some bops like New Man and Perfect but is totally forgettable; that Barcelona song is awful, looks like at some point the worst Shakira and Piqué are going to show up and Catalonia becomes Panama. Benny Blanco did an amazing album producing though.
  45. Mar 4, 2017
    Awful album. It seems fame has gone to his head and I have already returned the album and got a refund. Never again will I buy another record of his. Ever. The problem with him, is that he is too arrogant and arrogance is the worst human trait. Secondly the album itself is nothing original. He's just catering to the popular audience now. Avoid this album unless you want to hassle for aAwful album. It seems fame has gone to his head and I have already returned the album and got a refund. Never again will I buy another record of his. Ever. The problem with him, is that he is too arrogant and arrogance is the worst human trait. Secondly the album itself is nothing original. He's just catering to the popular audience now. Avoid this album unless you want to hassle for a refund. The. End. Collapse
  46. Mar 4, 2017
    It's a shame this album ended up being another love ballad collection. There are three songs in the whole album which give an actual message, but the rest are just boring love songs made for depressed kids that just lost a two day relationship. It's a shame Ed Sheeran has fallen into the realm of mainstream music, but I guess that's what fame does to very talented musicians these days.It's a shame this album ended up being another love ballad collection. There are three songs in the whole album which give an actual message, but the rest are just boring love songs made for depressed kids that just lost a two day relationship. It's a shame Ed Sheeran has fallen into the realm of mainstream music, but I guess that's what fame does to very talented musicians these days. Most of the songs also sound very much the same, as I found it a struggle trying to identify them at times. The three songs that are actually pretty good are eraser, castle on the hill and supermarket flowers, but the rest are unfortunately very poor, especially compared to his older music. Expand
  47. Mar 4, 2017
    This is his best album thus far. Lots of great songs. People giving it bad notes don't recognize Ed's amazing talent. I hope it wins lots and lots of Grammys.
  48. Mar 4, 2017
    Ed Sheeran did an album for the fans, not the critics, and seeing in the point the view of a fan, the album is very successful. Divide will be at the top of the charts in the next 2 years and Ed may change his direction at the next
    record, but this one is really good.
  49. Mar 4, 2017
    Too Generic. Except ''Shape of You'' whole album kind of sounds the same. Lacks vastness. Stands no where near ''STARBOY'' by The Weeknd or ''Sweet.Sexy.Savage.'' by Kehlani.
  50. Mar 4, 2017
    Good album. Beautiful lyrics, excellent production, the only bad track of this album is Shape Of You. Ed is proving that he is one of the best mainstream songwriters in the game right now.
  51. Mar 4, 2017
    Divide is such an inspiring album. Perfect is a really potential ballad and songs like Shape of you make the album catchy. There were a couple of boring tracks that's why I gave the album a 9 but generally it was great.
  52. Mar 3, 2017
    Divide soa como algo a brusco, capaz de trazer duvidas e certezas, assim e um bom Álbum. Dive , Perfect ,Galway Girl, são os ponto alto do disco, não podendo deixar de fora a balada How Would You Feel (Paean).
  53. Mar 3, 2017
    Sheeran's cheesiest album to date. The ballads have a lot of potential but failed lyrically. The pop sounds felt cluttered and all over the place. All songs sound familiar.
  54. Mar 3, 2017
    With the initial singles released (Castle on the Hill, Shape of You), I had high expectations for this album. I wasn't expecting to love every song, bu I was expecting Album of the Year kind of quality. I was wrong. This album is really flawed. I don't want to say it's bad, but it's bad. It's not bad in the sense that the songs are just terrible, but in the sense that Ed failed to executeWith the initial singles released (Castle on the Hill, Shape of You), I had high expectations for this album. I wasn't expecting to love every song, bu I was expecting Album of the Year kind of quality. I was wrong. This album is really flawed. I don't want to say it's bad, but it's bad. It's not bad in the sense that the songs are just terrible, but in the sense that Ed failed to execute properly on the vision he had for this album. Listening to the entire thing, I could grasp the kind of overall sound he was aiming for, but he failed to both create compelling songs to achieve that vision, and/or to create songs that are sonically cohesive. You might hear glimpses of genius (in Eraser or Bibia Be Ye Ye or Barcelona for instance) but that feeling is drowned by the realisation that the song doesn't fit or that it's potential was not fully explored.

    Overall, a very lacklustre album that has spots of potential that sadly never gets realised, and also sorely lacks focus.
  55. Mar 3, 2017
    This record starts off strong with two songs about interesting and deep topics, then takes an immediate nosedive into the world of generic and rehashed love ballads, none of which are very interesting until Sheeran touches on the loss of his grandmother in the album's closing track.
  56. Mar 3, 2017
    Good album, with different vibes and tunes. The Irish, Hispanic and African vibes mixed with rap, folk, pop-rock, dancehalll/tropical house and pop are amazing. Well done, Ed.
  57. Mar 3, 2017
    It is quite a step away from what his previous albums have been like but at the same time he has gone back to his the types of songs he did previous year like 'Eraser' having that very British rapping that had on songs like 'Don't and 'You Know Me, But I Don't Know You'.

    You can tell that this album is very cultured due to the production of songs on this album like 'Galway Girl' and
    It is quite a step away from what his previous albums have been like but at the same time he has gone back to his the types of songs he did previous year like 'Eraser' having that very British rapping that had on songs like 'Don't and 'You Know Me, But I Don't Know You'.

    You can tell that this album is very cultured due to the production of songs on this album like 'Galway Girl' and 'Nancy Mulligan' which is very Irish since he collaborated with Irish trad/folk group, Beoga and 'Barcelona' a very uptempo track about the city itself and being free in it.

    Judging by some songs on the album it is clear that this is quite an emotional album with songs like 'Dive' and 'Save Myself' translating Sheeran's raw emotion to not be led on by someone in 'Dive' and not being taken for granted by other people and look after yourself.

    Overall, this album is really good, with standout tracks that you relate to like 'Save Myself' and 'What Do I Know?' the good old dance song like 'Shape of You', 'Barcelona' and 'Galway Girl'.

    Favourite Songs: 'Galway Girl', 'What Do I Know?', 'Dive', 'Save Myself', 'Shape Of You','Nancy Mulligan'
    Worst Songs: 'How Would You Feel (Paean)', 'Supermarket Flowers', Hearts Don't Break Around Here'
  58. Mar 3, 2017
    Tragic. Generic. Boring. That's all I can say about this awful album. I can't actually believe I wasted my time listening to this. I was expecting more of Ed Sheeran.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 17
  2. Negative: 2 out of 17
  1. Mar 16, 2017
    At best, we have a middling collection of songs that are going to sound great in a packed arena. At worst, it’s a pretty significant step back from X, and once the initial novelty of its release wears off, it’s unlikely to enjoy the popular acclaim or the longevity of its predecessor.
  2. Q Magazine
    Mar 14, 2017
    Listening to this third LP, you wonder if some of the good ones slipped through the cracks. [May 2017, p.102]
  3. Mar 10, 2017
    As calculating as Sheeran can seem here, he understands there’s a fine line between universal and generic, which is why he gives his songs the idiosyncratic touches they need to stand out.