• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Feb 26, 2008
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 124 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 81 out of 124
  2. Negative: 29 out of 124

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  1. ThomasB.
    May 9, 2008
    D'you ever notice that the compliment robots, always out in sheer force for major label pieces of junk like this album, always give albums a 10 and always do first name last initial? Terrible album.
  2. RickD.
    Mar 8, 2008
    Discipline is a blur of unremarkable music where multi-tracked whispering takes the place of actual singing. Her vocals have always been filtered, but with each successive album, less and less of the Janet everyone fell in love with is present. And it's hard to sing along to inaudible lyrics, which was probably the intent with lead single "Feedback" where Janet claims that she's Discipline is a blur of unremarkable music where multi-tracked whispering takes the place of actual singing. Her vocals have always been filtered, but with each successive album, less and less of the Janet everyone fell in love with is present. And it's hard to sing along to inaudible lyrics, which was probably the intent with lead single "Feedback" where Janet claims that she's "heavy like a first day period." That's disgusting. And does Missy Elliot's rap about the size of a man's penis and the possibility of a threesome actually make this a better record? No, it just makes it smutty. Janet used to be a role model, but she's no longer concerned with a fan-base that has obviously matured and wish that she would as well. Sales of her past two records are evidence of that. And even though Discipline debuted at number one, it sold less in its first week than the last two. The fans have spoken. Expand
  3. djmccord
    Mar 5, 2008
    An improvement over the last 2 or 3 albums, but not as fresh and inspired as the Janet of the 80's or 90's.
  4. JackunN.
    Feb 26, 2008
    Aging diva trying to cope up with Beyonce, Rihanna and Ciara. Technically well-produced unfortunately overshadow by tacky lyrics and concept.
  5. CalK.
    Feb 28, 2008
    Suck city.
  6. BobbyH.
    Mar 15, 2008
    Another disappointment. A few half-decent tracks do not a hit album make. Her voice doesn't even sound imposing anymore, the lyrics are run-of-the-mill, and Janet overall seems disinterested and fatigued. Not to mention, she looks terrible on the cover. Don't buy this, please stop supporting this abomination. Her legacy lasted through 'All For You' but her reign is Another disappointment. A few half-decent tracks do not a hit album make. Her voice doesn't even sound imposing anymore, the lyrics are run-of-the-mill, and Janet overall seems disinterested and fatigued. Not to mention, she looks terrible on the cover. Don't buy this, please stop supporting this abomination. Her legacy lasted through 'All For You' but her reign is long over. The album deserves a three but I gave it a 0 to help keep the overall score from getting skewed by the diehard fans. Expand
  7. JOcAM
    Mar 29, 2008
  8. Jun 15, 2019
    She should get disciplined on how to not deteriorate her voice. This record is horrible. She was starting to get some mental issues here since her Super Bow nipple-baring perfomance. Although her carreer was long moribund, it helped sink faster like a poop flushed down a toilet. This is what I feel everytime I hear her "voice". It's like voldemort whispering sweet lullabies to give meShe should get disciplined on how to not deteriorate her voice. This record is horrible. She was starting to get some mental issues here since her Super Bow nipple-baring perfomance. Although her carreer was long moribund, it helped sink faster like a poop flushed down a toilet. This is what I feel everytime I hear her "voice". It's like voldemort whispering sweet lullabies to give me diarrhea. This Zero represents the orifice this LP came out from. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
  1. Despite a couple of promising tracks the music generally befits the absurd lyrics.... Dupri, Ne-Yo, Rodney Jerkins, The-Dream, and StarGate often drown out Jackson's breathy vocals with soulless beats.
  2. Just lie back and enjoy the sensations as pure aural autoeroticism.
  3. At 22 tracks, Discipline is anything but disciplined, but it's also Janet's most cohesive album in a while.