• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Feb 26, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
  1. Despite a couple of promising tracks the music generally befits the absurd lyrics.... Dupri, Ne-Yo, Rodney Jerkins, The-Dream, and StarGate often drown out Jackson's breathy vocals with soulless beats.
  2. Just lie back and enjoy the sensations as pure aural autoeroticism.
  3. At 22 tracks, Discipline is anything but disciplined, but it's also Janet's most cohesive album in a while.
  4. Discipline tries to service both Tyler Perry-loving moms and their gone-wild progeny, sacrificing Jackson's own vision in the process.
  5. The likes of 'Never Letchu Go' (a sweet, glistening ballad), 'Luv' (carrying a brisk, feel-good clap-and-bounce), 'Rollercoaster' (suitably jittery and giddy), and 'Can't B Good' are as innocent, universal, and inviting as anything else in Janet's past.
  6. On Discipline, Janet sounds part nympho, part aging diva trying to keep up with her would be replacements. It works on some songs, but fails miserably on most.
  7. Jackson's decision to recycle the nympho routine one more time is just boring.
  8. Discipline is the most cohesive deep-groove album from La Jackson since "Control."
  9. When juxtaposed with the album's bubble-gum bounce, the creepy parts just seem creepier.
  10. Jackson wouldn’t want us to call it a comeback, but it sure sounds like one.
  11. 'Can't B Good' is completely lovely; the rest are unmemorable.
  12. Still, if not perfect, there's plenty to like on Discipline, and while none of it is exactly vintage Janet, there's enough here to keep the Jackson name on pop's A-list for a little while longer.
  13. Seriously, Ms Jackson, I invite you around for high tea and you turn up leather clad, groaning, and hollering about touching yourself. Mrs Wilberforce didn’t know where to look and the vicar was most upset.
  14. Discipline, is nowhere near the high point of her career, but it is better than its predecessor.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 124 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 81 out of 124
  2. Negative: 29 out of 124
  1. BittersweetJ.
    Sep 17, 2008
    Janet Jackson tries to have a great album like "Control", but she just arrived to the toes of "Control"!! This album has good songs like Janet Jackson tries to have a great album like "Control", but she just arrived to the toes of "Control"!! This album has good songs like "Feedback", but moaning and masturbating is not so good for an artist. Full Review »
  2. Lisa
    Mar 3, 2008
    Don't get me wrong, i do love Janet , I've been a fan of hers for 10 years and have all but one of her albums but with the Don't get me wrong, i do love Janet , I've been a fan of hers for 10 years and have all but one of her albums but with the exception of so much betta i don't like this album - she needs to stop using sex to sell her records and use her talent. i will keep it because its Janet but if anyone wants a Janet album go and buy control or rhythm nation. Full Review »
  3. Jul 2, 2022
    Up N' Down, all over the place. Discipline is great with the first five tracks, then starts to fall down the All For You sort-of road and sheUp N' Down, all over the place. Discipline is great with the first five tracks, then starts to fall down the All For You sort-of road and she starts singing breathy, soft, sometimes annoying vocals that almost make the songs unenjoyable. Despite some not-so-good songs, Discipline delivers some of 2008's finest dance tracks with "Feedback" and "LUV", but it can be easy to see which songs Janet did not put her heart and soul in. Full Review »