• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Jun 17, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
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  1. 91
    Deep Fantasy is an exceptionally produced collection--really, it’s probably the finest recording job you’ll hear on a rock album this year.
  2. 90
    With so many amazing tracks on tap, it's hard to single out which is deserving of repeated listens because they all are.
  3. Jun 16, 2014
    Boasting a bigger sound with better songwriting, Deep Fantasy pulls no punches, yet still emerges as White Lung's boldest and most accessible album to date.
  4. Jun 17, 2014
    This is principled music, not doctrine, and while inspired by its surroundings, it’s defined by its leader making bracing art.
  5. Magnet
    Jun 18, 2014
    Sorry earned White Lung an audience; on Deep Fantasy, the band commands it. [No. 110, p.61]
  6. Jun 17, 2014
    White Lung demand attention, engaging heart-to-heart conversations while simultaneously rioting.
  7. Jun 16, 2014
    So Deep Fantasy works as ten lithe, wiry punk ragers, ten howls into our personal nothingness. It works very well as that. But it's more.
  8. Jun 16, 2014
    Deep Fantasy is exhausting, cathartic and a little scary.
  9. Jun 12, 2014
    It's the group's ability to run the punk gamut that makes Deep Fantasy their most complete album yet.
  10. Jun 12, 2014
    hite Lung sound absolutely enormous on Deep Fantasy, and it's a testament to their stamina and technical abilities that they just do not let up on the pace.
  11. Alternative Press
    Jun 11, 2014
    It's 22 minutes of thoughtful, intricately expressed vexation like never before. [Jul 2014, p.103]
  12. Jun 11, 2014
    There is no slack, no flab and nothing that even comes close to pretension; the sharp sound and honesty come totally naturally.
  13. 80
    This is twenty seven minutes of searing punk rock, blistering guitars, brilliant singing, incredible drumming and there’s never a dull moment or weak point.
  14. Jun 17, 2014
    It’s rare that a record holds your attention from start to finish, but because Deep Fantasy is undiluted, its finest qualities are glowingly apparent.
  15. Under The Radar
    Sep 5, 2014
    This is an album with a firm grip on the general unfairness of reality, particularly women. [Sep/Oct 2014, p.107]
  16. Jun 23, 2014
    White Lung’s brutally efficient ways can feel a bit limited on Deep Fantasy, and it’s a fair enough to wonder how far White Lung can push itself into any new directions.
  17. Jun 16, 2014
    Her performances evoke all the anger and passion of the alt-punk heroes that inform White Lung's sound, but surpass many of them when it comes to control or the incredible clarity in her spitting, snarling delivery.
  18. 70
    As passion-packed as her visceral diatribes are, they suffer through being frustratingly free of dynamics.
  19. Jun 11, 2014
    At times, the songs bleed together almost to the point of indistinction, but crystal-clear production makes this thunderous album well worth seeking out, even for those who wouldn't be caught dead near a circle pit.
  20. Jun 17, 2014
    With 10 blazing tracks averaging about two minutes each, the Vancouver band’s distinct brand of melodic punk might be too much to take, were it not for Mish Way’s cool command of the mic.
  21. Jul 17, 2014
    Deep Fantasy falls short of its predecessor's Hellraiser hooks, but only by degrees of fuck-and-run whiplash.
  22. Q Magazine
    Jul 2, 2014
    Their heritage might be clear, but over 10 songs and 22 minutes, their grip on the present never lets up. [Aug 2014, p.115]
  23. Jul 15, 2014
    Less a statement on White Lung’s potential than its ability to rush through an album, through its attempts at relentlessness, Deep Fantasy underwhelms.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 28 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 28
  2. Negative: 2 out of 28
  1. Jul 7, 2014
    It has some good tracks like "Wrong Star", and "Down It Goes". The rest of this album isn't bad either, but i can't call it great. It's tooIt has some good tracks like "Wrong Star", and "Down It Goes". The rest of this album isn't bad either, but i can't call it great. It's too short and not remarkable enough. Full Review »
  2. May 7, 2016
    Listen to "Down It Goes" and "Face Down," at least. Amazing hardcore punk that doesn't come across as generic or derivative and is loud asListen to "Down It Goes" and "Face Down," at least. Amazing hardcore punk that doesn't come across as generic or derivative and is loud as heck! Some songs are even quite catchy, and most have a fairly feminist bent. Also - short is not a valid criticism. Full Review »