• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Jun 5, 2020
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 72 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 72
  2. Negative: 39 out of 72
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  1. Jun 22, 2020
    Legendary! These guys are the future of British guitar bands and it's a damn same many people can't see that.
  2. Jun 14, 2020
    It's interesting to see all the 0 ratings from people who clearly have little or no understanding of the art of songwriting. Make no mistake, the others (with no hidden agenda) have all rated this album as a 10, and this means something. Even if the album polarises opinion in such a way, those who have been around long enough to see Q magazine give the first Stone Roses album 3 stars, willIt's interesting to see all the 0 ratings from people who clearly have little or no understanding of the art of songwriting. Make no mistake, the others (with no hidden agenda) have all rated this album as a 10, and this means something. Even if the album polarises opinion in such a way, those who have been around long enough to see Q magazine give the first Stone Roses album 3 stars, will know how good this is. A truly energising album littered with great tunes and clever lyrics. Certainly the best 'indie' record so far this year. Does it rekindle the spirit of Britpop, yes it does, but that's not exactly a bad thing, at a time when we all need something to be happy about! I only review albums that I think are genuinely noteworthy and this certainly is. Expand
  3. Jun 13, 2020
    Album of the year! One of the greatest debuts of the last i dont know years. No fillers. Only superb tunes n singles.
  4. Jun 13, 2020
    Everything that's right with indie music today. A genuinely great debut album.
  5. Jun 17, 2020
    Unfortunately, the user score on this album appears to have been destroyed by a swarm of Lady Gaga fans as a result of the competition this album put up against Chromatica in the UK charts. I get that there is probably little crossover of fans of Gaga and Sports Team. So for those who are of a more indie mindset than mindless pop, this is a great album. It has the energy that has needed toUnfortunately, the user score on this album appears to have been destroyed by a swarm of Lady Gaga fans as a result of the competition this album put up against Chromatica in the UK charts. I get that there is probably little crossover of fans of Gaga and Sports Team. So for those who are of a more indie mindset than mindless pop, this is a great album. It has the energy that has needed to return to indie rock for the past decade, when the genre seemed to be consigned to the dustbin of history as a result of the saturation of the market in the late-00s with 'landfill indie.' It also has that The Hives-esque swagger that engages fans and keeps them interested. It has much more nuance than an IDLES album while still having the wit. Fantastic debut, can't wait to hear more.

    P.S. I would like the metacritic moderators to seriously review the user score of this album. The majority of the reviews and ratings appear to have been written by new accounts established purely with the intent of downgrading this album for no reason other than the band challenging Lady Gaga for No.1 Album (as shown by some accounts having 2 reviews; one 0 rating for this and one 10 rating for Chromatica).
  6. Jun 13, 2020
    An excellent album. Their talent at songwriting really shines in this release.
  7. Jun 13, 2020
    Some people out here have given them bad reviews due to them "shading" their artist. I think in this scenario we should just focus on music, not the drama or charts. The album was cool, fresh and really indie. Everyone should give it a try, I personally liked it. Great job!

    And no, it wasn't shade, it was an obvious joke. I doubt they hate her or she hates them.
  8. Jun 13, 2020
    Incredible debut album from a band that will grow to be a very popular indie guitar band. Unfortunate that some Lady Gaga fans have given the album a low score out of spite. Apparently mentioning who you're in a chart battle with classes as attacking them or using them to gain exposure. Really strong debut from them
  9. Jun 5, 2020
    In an indie music scene which finally feels like it has some energy, originality and excitement about it for the first time in a long time, Sports Team are one of the most exciting of the bunch. Their live shows have the feeling of a cult secret that is about to explode (somewhat akin to the early days of the Libertines) with energy and enthusiasm and a genuine connection between the bandIn an indie music scene which finally feels like it has some energy, originality and excitement about it for the first time in a long time, Sports Team are one of the most exciting of the bunch. Their live shows have the feeling of a cult secret that is about to explode (somewhat akin to the early days of the Libertines) with energy and enthusiasm and a genuine connection between the band and their fans. Deep Down Happy is the culmination of Sports Team’s journey from a young, raw, energetic band performing in venues seemingly too big for them (but sold them out anyway) to a band that has matured and now feel like a band ready for more mainstream success. Old favourites, Camel Crew and Kutcher are joined by future indie anthems Fishing and Here It Comes Again. The cathartic Here’s the Thing is another stand out track on an album unashamedly fun, sarcastic and irreverent, but also makes some poignant insights into British life. Expand
  10. Jun 14, 2020
    One of the most refreshing indie albums in a long time. It dutifully captures a punk/post-punk sound and choses subject matter that is not only quintessentially British adds a label of humour to the album. A perfect debut
  11. Dec 11, 2020
    Great album, favourite of 2020. Punk rock with a nudge and a wink, great fun
  12. Oct 4, 2020
    ( 76/100 )

    Esta nueva banda de UK estrena "Deep Down Happy", su álbum debut que deja algo que desear. Definitivamente hay mucho en desenfreno en este constante discurso musical. Mientras que Rob Knaggs es uno de los elementos más fuertes de la banda por sus poemas cuya narrativa es interesante y melancólicamente juvenil, Alex Rice divide mucho la opinión. La agilidad vocal con la que
    ( 76/100 )

    Esta nueva banda de UK estrena "Deep Down Happy", su álbum debut que deja algo que desear. Definitivamente hay mucho en desenfreno en este constante discurso musical. Mientras que Rob Knaggs es uno de los elementos más fuertes de la banda por sus poemas cuya narrativa es interesante y melancólicamente juvenil, Alex Rice divide mucho la opinión. La agilidad vocal con la que Rice grita y recita le da mucho poder a la voz general de la banda, pero esta no es precisamente atractiva o agradable de escuchar. El álbum está producido por Burke Reid y Dave McCracken quienes no ayudan a la banda a proponer nada nuevo o interesante. Dejándose llevar por las influencias culturales del genero que inspiran a la banda, la estructura musical tiene fuerza, pero escupe demasiado y no ancla al público; la estrujan, rompen, perturban y terminan con un producto confuso, cansado y poco comprometedor.
    This new band from the UK release "Deep Down Happy", their kind of mediocre debut album. There is definitively a lot of wildness in this constant musical speech. While Rob Knaggs is one of the strongest elements of the band for his interesting and gloomily young lyrics, Alex Rice divides the opinion. The vocal agility with which Rice sings and recites gives a lot of power to the general voice of the band but is not precisely attractive or likable to hear. The album is produced by Burke Reid and Dave McCracken who do not help the band to propose something new or interesting. Getting carried away by the cultural influences of the genera that inspire the band, the musical structure has strength, but spits too much and doesn't anchor the public; they squeeze, break and disturb it only to end up with a confusing, tiring, and little engaging product.
  13. Sep 24, 2022
    I don't get the negative reviews at all, that is rather something personal/political, and not about the music.
    Deep Down Happy is an energetic, fresh indie record, which the scene very much needed. Other than that, they are amazing live.
    Oh and by the way: they are not a boy band. Their drummer is literally a woman.
  14. 0f0
    Jun 29, 2020
    One of best slacker/college/indie-rock album of 2020 (with Kiwi Jr., Disq and RBCF). Period.
  15. Jul 8, 2020
    It's about time another decent indie band hit the scene and here they are. Some instantly loveable tunes here and what already sound like, a few classics. On rotation in car most days. It's unbelievable that there's so many negative comments about this album, as its essentially a decent indie record. Anyone with the slightest of musical taste would know this. Who are these people?
  16. Mar 31, 2021
    I love this album, it’s one of my favourite debuts. I understand why some people might not love it, but none of these 0s are deserved at all

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Jun 25, 2020
    The album's length is just about right, going by in an efficient 36 minutes but feeling satisfying at the end, and while fans are bound to pick favorites, there's not a real dud in the bunch.
  2. Jun 22, 2020
    Pleasingly, their debut album suggests there’s enough musical substance to back up their fighting talk.
  3. Jun 16, 2020
    These songs feel immediately familiar and timeless—you could have sworn you heard these melodies on so-and-so’s album from 15 or 25 years ago, but it never feels contrived despite obvious comparisons throughout.