
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Jan 26, 2015
    Gone are the raucous “Whiskey River”-style jams, but in its place are an albums worth of lazy afternoon porch songs that you can’t help but love.
  2. 80
    A casual but captivating album.
  3. Dec 8, 2014
    Given that Nelson had built a remarkable career out of mostly doing just what he feels like, this album, charming as it is, isn't as revealing as it might have been coming from other major country artists, though for Willie's die-hard fans, it's a must and it is a sweet reminder of how much Bobbie Nelson has brought to Willie's music over the years.
  4. Jan 26, 2015
    Mostly this is the unadorned sound of Willie and Bobbie essaying surprises from the Great American Songbook.
  5. Mojo
    Feb 2, 2015
    In total, a pleasant, charm-filled release but no great addition to the Nelson canon. [Feb 2015, p.95]
  6. Jan 7, 2015
    The laidback intimacy of the recording reaps especially rich rewards on the heartbreaking Sad Songs And Waltzes, further enhanced by Mickey Raphael’s harmonica. It’s the sibling bond that’s strongest, though: a whole history of great American music coursing through the Nelson blood.
  7. 60
    Indulgent perhaps, but Nelson’s worn, almost conversational vocals remain arresting.
  8. Dec 8, 2014
    An unfortunate monotony sets in with the slow tempos, but Nelson’s acoustic guitar provides some life on Django Reinhardt’s “Nuages.” This appears to be a special album for Willie; whether it will be so for his fans is open to debate.

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